
PowRoku is a nifty little PowerShell module to help automate your Roku(s).
It is built atop the [Roku External Control Protocol](https://developer.roku.com/docs/developer-program/debugging/external-control-api.md).
You can use PowRoku to control Roku devices and Roku TVs.
Assuming you have a Roku TV, and it's on, use this to try it out:
Find-Roku # Find your Rokus
Find-Roku | Get-Roku -App # Get all of the Apps on each Roku
Find-Roku | Get-Roku -ActiveApp # Get the Active App on each Roku
Find-Roku | Stop-Roku # Turn your Roku TV off (only works for Rokus which support PowerOff)
# Turn up the volume
Send-Roku -Method POST -Data '' -Command Keypress/VolumeUp
Find-Roku |
    Get-Roku -App |
    Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Netflix' } |
Start-Roku -MacAddress $myRokuMac # Send a Wake-on-Lan to your Roku's MACAddress