.SYNOPSIS The localized resource strings in English (en-US) for the resource DSC_PostgreSqlScript. #> ConvertFrom-StringData @' CheckingIfDatabaseIsPresent = Checking status of {0} database. ListingDatabases = Listing Databases with command 'psql.exe -lqt'. FoundDatabase = Found {0} database. CreatingDatabase = Creating database with command 'CREATE DATABASE {0}'. DeletingDatabase = Deleting database with command 'DROP DATABASE {0}'. ExpectedPresentButAbsent = Expected database to be Present but is Absent. ExpectedAbsentButPresent = Expected database to be Absent but is Present. TestReturn = Test-TargetResource returned {0}. PsqlNotFound = Command line executable psql.exe not found at location {0}. Please ensure commandline option was installed from the PostgreSQL EDB installer. '@ |