$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' . "$here\$sut" Describe "Position-ExplorerWindow" -Tag 'Unit' { Context 'Powershell versions' { It 'Runs only on Powershell <= v5' { $paths = @( 'foo' 'bar' ) $errorAction = 'Stop' if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) { { Position-ExplorerWindow -Paths $paths 3>$null 6>$null -ErrorAction $errorAction } | Should -Throw }else { { Position-ExplorerWindow -Paths $paths 3>$null 6>$null -ErrorAction $errorAction } | Should -Not -Throw } } } Context 'Parameters' { function Get-PowershellVersion { 5 } function Get-WindowPositions {} function Add-Type { $true } It 'Ignores non-existing paths with a warning' { $params = @{ ModeEasy = $true Paths = @( 'c:/foo' ) } Mock Test-Path { $false } Mock Add-Type {} $warnings = Position-ExplorerWindow @params 3>&1 2>$null $warnings | Should -Match "Path .* does not exist. Ignoring path." } It 'Validate that number of windows <= of rows * columns' { $params = @{ Paths = 'c:/foo', 'c:/bar' Rows = 1 Cols = 1 } Mock Test-Path { $false } { Position-ExplorerWindow @params 3>&1 -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw 'Increase the number of rows and columns.' } } Context 'Behavior' { function Get-PowershellVersion { 5 } function Get-WindowPositions {} function Get-AllScreens { # [pscustomobject]@{ # Primary = @{ # WorkingArea = @{ # Width = 1920 # Height = 1080 # } # } # } } function Position-ResizeWindow {} It 'Errors without required assemblies' { $params = @{ ModeEasy = $true Paths = @( 'c:/foo' ) } Mock Test-Path { $true } Mock Add-Type { $false } { Position-ExplorerWindow @params -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw 'Failed to load assembly: System.Windows.Forms' } It 'Warns if main monitor resolution is not detected' { $params = @{ ModeEasy = $true Paths = @( 'c:/foo' ) } Mock Add-Type { $true } Mock Get-AllScreens {} $warnings = Position-ExplorerWindow @params -ErrorAction Stop 2>$null 3>&1 6>$null $warnings | Should -Match "Unable to auto-detect main monitor's resolution." } It "Detects the main monitor's resolution" { $params = @{ ModeEasy = $true Paths = @( 'c:/foo' ) } Mock Add-Type { $true } Mock Get-AllScreens {} Position-ExplorerWindow @params -ErrorAction Stop 2>$null 3>$null 6>$null Assert-MockCalled Get-AllScreens -Times 1 } It 'Determine window positions' { $params = @{ ModeEasy = $true Paths = @( 'c:/foo' ) } Mock Add-Type { $true } Mock Get-AllScreens {} Mock Get-WindowPositions {} Position-ExplorerWindow @params -ErrorAction Stop 2>$null 3>$null 6>$null Assert-MockCalled Get-WindowPositions -Times 1 } It 'Starts explorer process' { $params = @{ ModeEasy = $true Paths = @( 'c:/foo' ) } Mock Add-Type { $true } Mock Get-AllScreens {} Mock Get-WindowPositions { $windowPosition = @{ Path = 'c:/foo' Width = 1920 Height = 1080 Top = 0 Left = 0 } $windowPosition } Mock Start-Process { # Parent process [pscustomobject]@{ Id = 123 } } Mock Get-Process {} Position-ExplorerWindow @params -ErrorAction Stop 2>$null 3>$null 6>$null Assert-MockCalled Start-Process -Times 1 } It 'Waits for child explorer process' { $params = @{ ModeEasy = $true Paths = @( 'c:/foo' ) } Mock Add-Type { $true } Mock Get-AllScreens {} Mock Get-WindowPositions { $windowPosition = @{ Path = 'c:/foo' Width = 1920 Height = 1080 Top = 0 Left = 0 } $windowPosition } Mock Start-Process { # Parent process [pscustomobject]@{ Id = 123 } } Mock Get-Process { [pscustomobject]@{ Id = 123 } } Mock Compare-Object {} Mock Start-Sleep {} Position-ExplorerWindow @params -ErrorAction Stop 2>$null 3>$null 6>$null Assert-MockCalled Get-Process -Times 100 Assert-MockCalled Compare-Object -Times 100 Assert-MockCalled Start-Sleep -Times 100 } It 'Finds child explorer process and resizes window' { $params = @{ ModeEasy = $true Paths = @( 'c:/foo' ) } Mock Add-Type { $true } Mock Get-AllScreens {} Mock Get-WindowPositions { $windowPosition = @{ Path = 'c:/foo' Width = 1920 Height = 1080 Top = 0 Left = 0 } $windowPosition } Mock Start-Process { # Parent process [pscustomobject]@{ Id = 123 } } Mock Get-Process { [pscustomobject]@{ Id = 123 } } Mock Compare-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Id = 123 SideIndicator = '=>' } } Mock Start-Sleep {} Mock Position-ResizeWindow {} Position-ExplorerWindow @params -ErrorAction Stop 2>$null 3>$null 6>$null Assert-MockCalled Compare-Object -Times 1 Assert-MockCalled Start-Sleep -Times 1 Assert-MockCalled Position-ResizeWindow -Times 1 } } } |