$Private = Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot\Private\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Dot source the files Foreach ($import in @($Private)) { Try { . $import.fullname } Catch { Write-Error "Failed to import function $($import.fullname): $_" } } Clear-Host @" ----------------------------- Welcome to use Poshbot.VMware ----------------------------- This plugin connects VI servers by read a store. The store is a path which includes VI servers with Credentials. The store path setting will write into PoshBot config file. So, First, we need to set the store path. "@ $PoshBotConfigFile = 'c:\poshbot\config.psd1' $Store = 'c:\poshbot' $defult = $PoshBotConfigFile $PoshBotConfigFile = Read-Host -Prompt "Input your poshbot configuration file:($PoshBotConfigFile)" if ($PoshBotConfigFile -eq $null -or $PoshBotConfigFile -eq '') { $PoshBotConfigFile = $defult } $defult = $Store $Store = Read-Host -Prompt "Input your VI Server list store path:($Store)" if ($Store -eq $null -or $Store -eq '') { $Store = $defult } Set-VIServerConfigStore -PoshBotConfigFile $PoshBotConfigFile -Store $Store -Verbose Pause $menu = @" ------------------------------------- Now, you could setup VI server store. ------------------------------------- 1. List VI Servers 2. Store new VI Server 3. Remove VI Server 4. Enable VI Server 5. Disable VI Server 0. Exit "@ Clear-Host $menu while (($choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Input 0-6") -ne '0') { switch ($choice) { '1' { Clear-Host Get-VIServerConfig $Store -IncludeDisabled | Format-Table -AutoSize Pause break; } '2' { New-VIServerConfig $Store -Verbose Pause break; } '3' { Clear-Host Get-VIServerConfig $Store -IncludeDisabled | Format-Table -AutoSize $Id = Read-Host -Prompt "Input Id" Get-VIServerConfig c:\poshbot -IncludeDisabled | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $Id } | Remove-VIServerConfig -Verbose Pause break; } '4' { Clear-Host Get-VIServerConfig $Store -IncludeDisabled | Format-Table -AutoSize $Id = Read-Host -Prompt "Input Id" Get-VIServerConfig c:\poshbot -IncludeDisabled | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $Id} | Enable-VIServerConfig -Verbose Pause break; } '5' { Clear-Host Get-VIServerConfig $Store | Format-Table -AutoSize $Id = Read-Host -Prompt "Input Id" Get-VIServerConfig c:\poshbot -IncludeDisabled | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $Id} | Disable-VIServerConfig -Verbose Pause break; } } Clear-Host $menu } @" You Could run this script again if needed (as following): PS C:\> $(Split-Path (Get-Module Poshbot.VMware -ListAvailable).path -Parent)\Set-VIServer.ps1 "@ |