
Function Get-EncryptedPSK {
        Generates the 32 byte encrypted hex string wpa_supplicant uses to connect to wifi
        Generates the 32 byte encrypted hex string wpa_supplicant uses to connect to wifi
    .PARAMETER Credential
        A credential object containing the SSID and PSK used to connect to wifi
        $EncryptedPSK = Get-EncryptedPSK -Credential $Credential

    param (
        $WifiCredential = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter your Network SSID in the username field and passphrase as the password"
    $NetCred = $WifiCredential.GetNetworkCredential()
    $Salt = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($WifiCredential.UserName)
    $rfc = [System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes]::New($NetCred.Password,$Salt,4096)
    Write-Output (Convert-ByteArrayToHexString -ByteArray $rfc.GetBytes(32) -Delimiter "").ToLower()

Function Get-IsPowerOfTwo {
        Verifies input is a power of two and returns true or false
        Verifies input is a power of two and returns true or false
        Number to check against
        Get-IsPowerOfTwo -Num 23

    param (
    return ($Num -ne 0) -and (($Num -band ($Num - 1)) -eq 0);

Function Get-PhysicalDrive {
        Returns the physical drive path of the DiskAccess object
        Returns the physical drive path of the DiskAccess object
    .PARAMETER DriveLetter
        Volume to get physical path to
        $PhysicalDrive = Get-PhysicalDrive -DriveLetter "D:"

    #Map to physical drive

    $LogicalDisk = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object DeviceID -eq $DriveLetter
    $Log2Part = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition | Where-Object Dependent -eq $LogicalDisk.__Path
    $phys = Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition | Where-Object Dependent -eq $Log2Part.Antecedent
    $DiskDrive = Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive | Where-Object __Path -eq $phys.Antecedent
    Write-Verbose "Physical drive path is $($DiskDrive.DeviceID)"
    if($DiskDrive) {
        return $DiskDrive
    }else {
        Write-Error "Drive map unsuccessful"
        return $null

Function Get-DiskHandle {
        Opens the physical disk and returns the handle
        Opens the physical disk and returns the handle
    .PARAMETER DiskAccess
        DiskAccess object to target
        $PhysicalHandle = Get-DiskHandle -DiskAccess $DiskAccess

    $physicalHandle = $DiskAccess.Open($PhysicalDrive)
    Write-Verbose "Physical handle is $physicalHandle"
    if ($physicalHandle -eq -1)
        Write-Error "Failed to open physical drive"
        return $false
    }else {
        return $true

Function Convert-ByteArrayToHexString {
        Returns a hex representation of a System.Byte[] array as one or more strings. Hex format can be changed.
        Returns a hex representation of a System.Byte[] array as one or more strings. Hex format can be changed.
    .PARAMETER ByteArray
        System.Byte[] array of bytes to put into the file. If you pipe this array in, you must pipe the [Ref] to the array.
        Also accepts a single Byte object instead of Byte[].
    .PARAMETER Width
        Number of hex characters per line of output.
    .PARAMETER Delimiter
        How each pair of hex characters (each byte of input) will be delimited from the next pair in the output. The default
        looks like "0x41,0xFF,0xB9" but you could specify "\x" if you want the output like "\x41\xFF\xB9" instead. You do
        not have to worry about an extra comma, semicolon, colon or tab appearing before each line of output. The default
        value is ",0x".
    .Parameter Prepend
        An optional string you can prepend to each line of hex output, perhaps like '$x += ' to paste into another
        script, hence the single quotes.
    .PARAMETER AddQuotes
        A switch which will enclose each line in double-quotes.
        [Byte[]] $x = 0x41,0x42,0x43,0x44
        Convert-ByteArrayToHexString $x

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
    [System.Byte[]] $ByteArray,
    [Int] $Width = 10,
    [String] $Delimiter = ",0x",
    [String] $Prepend = "",
    [Switch] $AddQuotes
    if ($Width -lt 1)
        $Width = 1
    if ($ByteArray.Length -eq 0)
        Write-Error "ByteArray length cannot be zero."
    $FirstDelimiter = $Delimiter -Replace "^[\,\:\t]",""
    $From = 0
    $To = $Width - 1
    $Output = ""
        $String = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($ByteArray[$From..$To])
        $String = $FirstDelimiter + ($String -replace "\-",$Delimiter)
        if ($AddQuotes)
            $String = '"' + $String + '"'
        if ($Prepend -ne "")
            $String = $Prepend + $String
        $Output += $String
        $From += $Width
        $To += $Width
    } While ($From -lt $ByteArray.Length)
    Write-Output $Output

Function Format-DriveLetter {
        Returns uppercase driveletter with colon
        Returns uppercase driveletter with colon
    .PARAMETER DriveLetter
        The string input to be validated
        $DriveLetter = Format-DriveLetter -DriveLetter "e"
        # Stores 'E:' in the variable DriveLetter

    $DriveLetter = $DriveLetter.ToUpper()
    switch($DriveLetter.Length) {
        1 {
            $DriveLetter += ":"
        2 {
        default {
            $DriveLetter = "$($DriveLetter.Substring(0,1)):"
    return $DriveLetter

Function Get-DiskAccess {
        Returns a Win32DiskAccess object if validations pass
        Returns a Win32DiskAccess object if validations pass
    .PARAMETER DriveLetter
        Volume of mounted drive to access
        $_diskAccess = Get-DiskAccess -DriveLetter "D:"
        # Attempts to lock and open access to D: and return the access object to $_diskAccess

    $_diskAccess = New-Object -TypeName "Posh.DiskWriter.Win32DiskAccess"
    #Lock logical drive
    $success = $_diskAccess.LockDrive($DriveLetter);
    Write-Verbose "Drive lock is $success"
    if (!$success)
        Write-Error "Failed to lock drive"
        return $null
    return $_diskAccess

Function Enable-PiWifi {
        Enables wifi on the next boot of your Pi
        Creates a 'wpa_supplicant.conf' file on the specified boot volume with desired settings to connect to wifi
    .PARAMETER KeyMgmt
        eg WPA-PSK
    .PARAMETER WifiCredential
        Credential object with the Username set to the WIFI SSID and the password set to the PSK
    .PARAMETER CountryCode
        eg US
        Drive letter of boot volume
        Switch parameter for storing your PSK as encrypted text or plain text
        Enable-PiWifi -PSK $PSK -SSID $SSID -Path "D:"
        # Creates a 'wpa_supplicant.conf' file with default settings where possible on the boot volume mounted to D:

    param (
        [string]$KeyMgmt = "WPA-PSK",
        [string]$CountryCode = "US",
        $WifiCredential = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter your Network SSID in the username field and passphrase as the password"
        $PSK = Get-EncryptedPSK -WifiCredential $WifiCredential
    } else {
        $PSK = $WifiCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
    $SSID = $WifiCredential.UserName
    $Output = @"
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

    $Output.Replace("`r`n","`n") | Out-File "$Path\wpa_supplicant.conf" -Encoding ascii

Function Write-PiImage {
        Writes an image file to an SD card
        Writes an image file to an SD card
    .PARAMETER DriveLetter
        Drive letter of mounted SD card
    .PARAMETER FileName
        Path to image file
        Write-PiImage -DriveLetter "D:" -FileName "C:\Images\stretch.img"
        # Writes the image file located at C:\Images\stretch.img to the SD card mounted to D:

    param (
    try { [Posh.DiskWriter.Win32DiskAccess] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot\classes\Win32DiskAccess.cs" }
    $Completed = $false
    $dtStart = (Get-Date)
    if((Test-Path $FileName) -eq $false)
        Write-Error "$FileName doesn't exist"
        return $Completed
    $DriveLetter = Format-DriveLetter $DriveLetter

    #Validate we're not targeting the system drive and the drive we're targeting is empty
    if($DriveLetter -eq $ENV:SystemDrive) {
        Write-Error "System Drive cannot be used as source"
        return $Completed
    } elseif ((Get-ChildItem $DriveLetter).Count -gt 0) {
        Write-Error "Target volume is not empty. Use diskpart to clean and reformat the target partition to FAT32."
        return $Completed
    } else {
        $DiskAccess = Get-DiskAccess -DriveLetter $DriveLetter

    #Validate disk access is operational
    if($DiskAccess) {
        #Get drive size and open the physical drive
        $PhysicalDrive = Get-PhysicalDrive -DriveLetter $DriveLetter
            $physicalHandle = Get-DiskHandle -DiskAccess $DiskAccess -PhysicalDrive $PhysicalDrive.DeviceID
    }else {
        return $Completed

    if($physicalHandle) {
        try {
            [console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $true
            $maxBufferSize = 1048576
            $buffer = [System.Array]::CreateInstance([Byte],$maxBufferSize)
            [long]$offset = 0;
            $fileLength = ([System.Io.FileInfo]::new($fileName)).Length
            $basefs = [System.Io.FileStream]::new($fileName, [System.Io.FileMode]::Open,[System.Io.FileAccess]::Read)
            $bufferOffset = 0;
            $BinanaryReader = [System.IO.BinaryReader]::new($basefs)
            while ($offset -lt $fileLength -and !$IsCancelling)
                #Check for Ctrl-C and break if found
                if ([console]::KeyAvailable) {
                    $key = [system.console]::readkey($true)
                    if (($key.modifiers -band [consolemodifiers]"control") -and ($key.key -eq "C")) {
                        $IsCancelling = $true

                [int]$readBytes = 0
                    $readBytes = $BinanaryReader.Read($buffer, $bufferOffset, $buffer.Length - $bufferOffset)
                    $bufferOffset += $readBytes
                } while ($bufferOffset -lt $maxBufferSize -and $readBytes -ne 0)

                [int]$wroteBytes = 0
                $bytesToWrite = $bufferOffset;
                $trailingBytes = 0;

                #Assume that the underlying physical drive will at least accept powers of two!
                if(Get-IsPowerOfTwo $bufferOffset)
                    #Find highest bit (32-bit max)
                    $highBit = 31;
                    for (; (($bufferOffset -band (1 -shl $highBit)) -eq 0) -and $highBit -ge 0; $highBit--){}

                    #Work out trailing bytes after last power of two
                    $lastPowerOf2 = 1 -shl $highBit;

                    $bytesToWrite = $lastPowerOf2;
                    $trailingBytes = $bufferOffset - $lastPowerOf2;

                if ($DiskAccess.Write($buffer, $bytesToWrite, [ref]$wroteBytes) -lt 0)
                    Write-Error "Null disk handle"
                    return $Completed

                if ($wroteBytes -ne $bytesToWrite)
                    Write-Error "Error writing data to drive - past EOF?"
                    return $Completed

                #Move trailing bytes up - Todo: Suboptimal
                if ($trailingBytes -gt 0)
                    $Buffer.BlockCopy($buffer, $bufferOffset - $trailingBytes, $buffer, 0, $trailingBytes);
                    $bufferOffset = $trailingBytes;
                    $bufferOffset = 0;
                $offset += $wroteBytes;

                $percentDone = [int](100 * $offset / $fileLength);
                $tsElapsed = (Get-Date) - $dtStart
                $bytesPerSec = $offset / $tsElapsed.TotalSeconds;
                Write-Progress -Activity "Writing to Disk" -Status "Writing at $bytesPerSec" -PercentComplete $percentDone
            if(-not $IsCancelling) {
                $Completed = $true
                $tstotalTime = (Get-Date) - $dtStart
                Write-Verbose "All Done - Wrote $offset bytes. Elapsed time $($tstotalTime.ToString("dd\.hh\:mm\:ss"))"
            } else {
                Write-Output "Imaging was terminated early. Please clean and reformat the target volume before trying again."
        } catch {
        }finally {
            [console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $false
    return $Completed

Function Backup-PiImage {
        Reads mounted SD card and saves contents to an img file
        Reads mounted SD card and saves contents to an img file
    .PARAMETER DriveLetter
        Drive letter of source SD card
    .PARAMETER FileName
        Full file path of img file to create
        Backup-PiImage -DriveLetter "D:" -FileName "C:\Images\backup2018.img"
        # Creates a backup image of the SD card mounted to drive D: at C:\Images\backup2018.img

    try { [Posh.DiskWriter.Win32DiskAccess] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot\classes\Win32DiskAccess.cs" }
    $Completed = $false;
    $IsCancelling = $false
    $dtstart = Get-Date
    $maxBufferSize = 1048576
    $DriveLetter = Format-DriveLetter $DriveLetter
    #Validate we're not targeting the system drive
    if($DriveLetter -eq $ENV:SystemDrive) {
        Write-Error "System Drive cannot be targeted"
        return $Completed
    } else {
        $DiskAccess = Get-DiskAccess -DriveLetter $DriveLetter

    if($DiskAccess) {
        #Get drive size and open the physical drive
        $PhysicalDrive = Get-PhysicalDrive -DriveLetter $DriveLetter
            $readSize = $PhysicalDrive.Size
            $physicalHandle = Get-DiskHandle -DiskAccess $DiskAccess -PhysicalDrive $PhysicalDrive.DeviceID
    }else {
        return $Completed

    if($readSize -and $physicalHandle) {
        try {
            #Capture CTRL-C as input so we can free up disk locks
            [console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $true
            #Start doing the read
            $buffer =  [System.Array]::CreateInstance([Byte],$maxBufferSize)
            $offset = 0
            $fs = [System.Io.FileStream]::new($FileName, [System.Io.FileMode]::Create,[System.Io.FileAccess]::Write)
            while ($offset -lt $readSize -and !$IsCancelling)
                #Check for CTRL-C and break if found
                if ([console]::KeyAvailable) {
                    $key = [system.console]::readkey($true)
                    if (($key.modifiers -band [consolemodifiers]"control") -and ($key.key -eq "C")) {
                        $IsCancelling = $true
                #NOTE: If we provide a buffer that extends past the end of the physical device ReadFile() doesn't
                #seem to do a partial read. Deal with this by reading the remaining bytes at the end of the
                #drive if necessary
                if(($readSize - $offset) -lt $buffer.Length) {
                    $readMaxLength = $readSize - $offset
                } else {
                    $readMaxLength = $buffer.Length
                [int]$readBytes = 0;
                if ($DiskAccess.Read($buffer, $readMaxLength, [ref]$readBytes) -lt 0)
                    Write-Error "Error reading data from drive"
                    return $Completed;
                if ($readBytes -eq 0)
                    Write-Error "Error reading data from drive - past EOF?"
                    return $Completed

                $fs.Write($buffer, 0, $readBytes)
                $offset += $readBytes

                $percentDone = (100*$offset/$readSize)
                $tsElapsed = (Get-Date) - $dtStart
                $bytesPerSec = $offset/$tsElapsed.TotalSeconds
                Write-Progress -Activity "Writing to disk" -Status "In Progress $bytesPerSec" -PercentComplete $percentDone
            $tstotalTime = (Get-Date) -$dtStart
        } catch {
        } finally {
            [console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $false
    }else {
    if (-not $IsCancelling)
        $Completed = $true
        Write-Verbose "All Done - Read $offset bytes. Elapsed time $($tstotalTime.ToString("dd\.hh\:mm\:ss"))"
        Write-Verbose "Cancelled";
        Remove-Item $FileName -Force
    return $Completed

Function Enable-PiSSH {
        Enables SSH remoting on next boot of your Pi
        Creates an empty file named 'ssh' in the specified path. Placing this file in the boot volume of your Rasperry Pi
        will enable SSH remoting on next boot
        Drive letter of target boot volume
        Enable-PiSSH -Path "D:"
        # Creates an empty file named 'ssh' on the boot volume mounted to D:

    New-Item -Path "$Path\" -Name ssh -ItemType File