function Set-PSWSUSSyncSchedule { <# .SYNOPSIS Determines whether the WSUS server synchronizes the updates and sets the number of server-to-server synchronizations a day. .PARAMETER SynchronizeAutomatically Determines whether the WSUS server synchronizes the updates automatically. $True if the WSUS server automatically synchronizes the updates at the specified time. $False if synchronization is invoked manually. .PARAMETER SynchronizeAutomaticallyTimeOfDay Sets the time of day when the WSUS server automatically synchronizes the updates. Time of day when the WSUS server automatically synchronizes the updates. Specify the value as a time span since midnight. Express the time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The smallest allowable unit of time is a second; fractions of a second will be truncated. The time span cannot be greater than or equal to 24 hours or set to a negative time value. .PARAMETER NumberOfSynchronizationsPerDay Sets the number of server-to-server synchronizations a day. The number of server-to-server synchronizations a day (between 1 and 24). .EXAMPLE Set-PSWSUSSyncSchedule -SynchronizeAutomatically $false Description ----------- Synchronization is invoked manually .EXAMPLE [System.TimeSpan]$TimeSnap = New-TimeSpan -Hours 18 Set-PSWSUSSyncSchedule -SynchronizeAutomatically $true -SynchronizeAutomaticallyTimeOfDay $TimeSnap -NumberOfSynchronizationsPerDay 2 Description ----------- Automatically synchronizes. Start at 18 PM. Sync 2 times per day. .EXAMPLE [System.TimeSpan]$TimeSnap = New-TimeSpan -Hours 4 -Minutes 30 Set-PSWSUSSyncSchedule -SynchronizeAutomatically $true -SynchronizeAutomaticallyTimeOfDay $TimeSnap -NumberOfSynchronizationsPerDay 3 Description ----------- Automatically synchronizes. Start at 4:30 AM. Sync 3 times per day. .INPUTS System.TimeSpan, Boolean, Integer .NOTES Name: Set-PSWSUSSyncSchedule Author: Dubinsky Evgeny DateCreated: 1DEC2013 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0,Mandatory=$true)] [Boolean]$SynchronizeAutomatically, [System.TimeSpan]$SynchronizeAutomaticallyTimeOfDay, [ValidateRange(1, 24)][int] $NumberOfSynchronizationsPerDay ) Begin { if($wsus) { $subscription = $wsus.GetSubscription() }#endif else { Write-Warning "Use Connect-PoshWSUSServer for establish connection with your Windows Update Server" Break } } Process { if ($SynchronizeAutomatically) { $subscription.SynchronizeAutomatically = $SynchronizeAutomatically if ($PSBoundParameters['SynchronizeAutomaticallyTimeOfDay']) { # -------------------------------------------------- # # SynchronizeAutomaticallyTimeOfDay Property # WSUS stores dates and times in Coordinated Universal Time, # so convert the local time to Coordinated Universal Time. # # -------------------------------------------------- # [System.DateTime]$localSyncHour = [System.DateTime]::Today + $SynchronizeAutomaticallyTimeOfDay $subscription.SynchronizeAutomaticallyTimeOfDay = $localSyncHour.ToUniversalTime().TimeOfDay }#endif if ($PSBoundParameters['NumberOfSynchronizationsPerDay']) { $subscription.NumberOfSynchronizationsPerDay = $NumberOfSynchronizationsPerDay }#endif }#endif else { $subscription.SynchronizeAutomatically = $false }#endElse }#endProcess End { $subscription.Save() } } |