
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework,PresentationCore,WindowsBase

Class PoshWPFBinding {
    hidden [string]$Pointer
    PoshWPFBinding($Pointer, $Value) {
        $this.Pointer = $Pointer
        $this.Value = $Value
    UpdateValue($NewValue) {
        $this.Value = $NewValue
        $Global:PoshWPFHashTable.Bindings[$this.Pointer][0] = $NewValue

Function New-WPFWindow {
        Creates new WPF window in background thread
        Creates new WPF window in background thread to allow you to keep using the PowerShell console
        .PARAMETER xaml
        XAML of window
        New-WPFWindow -XAML $XAML
            .Author Ryan Ephgrave

                   HelpMessage="XAML code of UI")]
                   HelpMessage="Name of window")]
    $FormattedXAML = Format-WPFXAML -xaml $xaml
    $Hash = ''
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WindowName)) {
        $Global:PoshWPFHashTable = [HashTable]::Synchronized(@{})
        $Hash = $Global:PoshWPFHashTable
    else {
        New-Variable -Name "PoshWPFHashTable_$WindowName" -Value ([HashTable]::Synchronized(@{})) -Scope 'Global'
        $Hash = (Get-Variable -Name "PoshWPFHashTable_$WindowName" -Scope 'Global').Value
    $Hash.ErrorList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    try {
        $Hash['ErrorTimer'] = New-Object Timers.Timer
        $ErrorAction = {
            $VariableNames = (Get-Variable -Name 'PoshWPFHashTable*' -Scope 'Global').Name
            Foreach($Name in $VariableNames) {
                $Hash = Get-Variable -Name $Name -Scope 'Global'
                If($Hash.ErrorList.Count -ne 0) {
                    $ErrorObj = $Hash.ErrorList[0]
                    Write-Host $ErrorObj
        $Hash['ErrorTimer'].Interval = 500
        $null = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $Hash['ErrorTimer'] -EventName Elapsed -SourceIdentifier 'Timer' -Action $ErrorAction -ErrorAction 'Stop'
    catch {  }
    $Hash.Host = $Host
    $Hash.xaml = $FormattedXAML
    $Hash.Actions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    $Hash.ActionsMutex = New-Object System.Threading.Mutex($false, 'ActionsMutex')
    $Hash.WindowShown = $false
    $Hash.WaitEvent = $true
    $Hash.ScriptDirectory = $PSScriptRoot
    $Runspace = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace()
    $Runspace.ApartmentState = 'STA'
    $Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"
    $Runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable('PoshWPFHashTable', $Hash)
    $PS = [PowerShell]::Create()
    $PS.Runspace = $Runspace
    $null = $PS.AddScript({
        $ScriptDirectory = $PoshWPFHashTable.ScriptDirectory
        . "$ScriptDirectory\PoshWPF-UI-Code.ps1"
        [xml]$xaml = $PoshWPFHashTable.xaml
        Show-WPFWindow -xaml $xaml
    $Hash.Handle = $PS.BeginInvoke()
    $Hash.Runspace = $Runspace
    $Hash.PowerShell = $PS
    while(!$Hash.WindowShown) {
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10

    $null = New-WPFEvent -ControlName 'Window' -EventName 'Closing' -Action {

        $null = $Hash.PowerShell.EndInvoke($Hash.Handle)
        $null = $Hash.PowerShell.Dispose()
        $null = $Hash.Runspace.Close()
        $null = $Hash.Runspace.Dispose()
        $Hash.WaitEvent = $false

Function Format-WPFXAML {
        Removes Visual Studio specific XAML properties
        Removes the properties Visual Studio adds to XAML which causes crashing outside of VS
        .PARAMETER xaml
        XAMl of the window
        Format-WPFXAML -XAML $xaml
        .Author: Ryan Ephgrave

    if($xaml.Window) {
        $Attributes = $xaml.Window.Attributes
        $AttributesToRemove = @()
        foreach($Attribute in $Attributes) {
            Switch($Attribute.LocalName) {
                'Class' {
                    $AttributesToRemove += @($Attribute.Name)
                'Local' {
                    $AttributesToRemove += @($Attribute.Name)
                'Ignorable' {
                    $AttributesToRemove += @($Attribute.Name)
        foreach($Attribute in $AttributesToRemove){
    else {
        Throw 'No window object!'

Function Invoke-WPFAction {
        Runs an action in the UI thread
        Runs a scriptblock in the UI thread
        .PARAMETER Action
        Scriptblock to run in the UI thread
        Invoke-WPFAction -Action $Scriptblock
        .Author: Ryan Ephgrave

    $Hash = ''
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WindowName)) {
        $Hash = $Global:PoshWPFHashTable
    else {
        $Hash = (Get-Variable -Name "PoshWPFHashTable_$WindowName" -Scope 'Global').Value
    $Hash.Action = $Action
    while($Hash.Action -ne $null) {
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10
    if($Hash['ActionError']) {
        $ErrorObj = $Hash['ActionError']
        $Hash['ActionError'] = $null
        throw $ErrorObj

Function Get-WPFControl {
        Returns a hash of properties of the WPF control
        Returns a hash because if you try to interact with the objects in the HashTable you'll get errors
        .PARAMETER ControlName
        Name of WPF control
        .PARAMETER PropertyName
        Name of the property you want
        Get-WPFControl -ControlName 'Window' -PropertyName 'Title'
        Only returns Title from Window
        Get-WPFControl -ControlName 'Window'
        Returns all properties from Window
        .Author: Ryan Ephgrave

    $Hash = ''
    $strWindowName = 'PoshWPFHashTable'
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WindowName)) {
        $Hash = $Global:PoshWPFHashTable
    else {
        $Hash = (Get-Variable -Name "PoshWPFHashTable_$WindowName" -Scope 'Global').Value
        $strWindowName = $strWindowName + "_$WindowName"
    if($ControlName -ne 'Window') { $ControlName = "Window_$($ControlName)" }
    $strAction = @"
        `$Control = `$Global:WindowControls['$ControlName']
        `$Global:$($strWindowName).GetControlObject = @{}
        `$ControlNames = (`$Control | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name
        foreach(`$Name in `$ControlNames) {
            `$Global:$($strWindowName).GetControlObject[`$Name] = `$Control."`$Name"

    $action = [ScriptBlock]::Create($strAction)
    Invoke-WPFAction -Action $action -WindowName $WindowName
    if($Hash.GetControlObject.count -ne 0) {
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PropertyName)) {
        else {
            $Obj = $Hash.GetControlObject
        $Hash.GetControlObject = $null

Function Set-WPFControl {
        Updates a property on a WPF control
        Will update the property by running Invoke-WPFAction
        .PARAMETER ControlName
        Name of the control
        .PARAMETER PropertyName
        Name of the property
        .PARAMETER Value
        Object with the new value
        Set-WPFControl -ControlName 'Window' -PropertyName 'Title' -Value 'My new title!'
        .Author: Ryan Ephgrave

    $Hash = ''
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WindowName)) {
        $Hash = $Global:PoshWPFHashTable
    else {
        $Hash = (Get-Variable -Name "PoshWPFHashTable_$WindowName" -Scope 'Global').Value
    if($ControlName -ne 'Window') { $ControlName = "Window_$ControlName" }
    $Guid = (New-Guid).Guid
    $Hash[$guid] = $Value
    $strScriptBlock = "`$WindowControls['$($ControlName)'].$($PropertyName) = `$PoshWPFHashTable['$guid'];" + `
                      "`$null = `$PoshWPFHashTable.Remove('$guid')"
    $ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($strScriptBlock)
    Invoke-WPFAction -Action $ScriptBlock -WindowName $WindowName

Function New-WPFEvent {
        Creates an event to run in the main thread when a UI action is run in the UI thread
        Creates an event to run in the main thread when a UI action is run in the UI thread
        .PARAMETER ControlName
        Name of the control
        .PARAMETER EventName
        Name of the event on the control
        .PARAMETER Action
        Action to run
        New-WPFEvent -ControlName 'Button' -EventName 'Click' -Action { Write-Host 'Button clicked!' }
        .Author: Ryan Ephgrave

    $Hash = ''
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WindowName)) {
        $Hash = $Global:PoshWPFHashTable
    else {
        $Hash = (Get-Variable -Name "PoshWPFHashTable_$WindowName" -Scope 'Global').Value
    if($ControlName -ne 'Window') { $ControlName = "Window_$ControlName" }
    $GUID = (New-Guid).Guid
    $strEventAction = "`$Global:WindowControls['$ControlName'].Add_$($EventName)({`$Global:PoshWPFHashTable.Host.Runspace.Events.GenerateEvent('$GUID',`$Global:WindowControls['$ControlName'],`$null,'')})"
    $EventAction = [scriptblock]::Create($strEventAction)
    Invoke-WPFAction -Action $EventAction -WindowName $WindowName
    $null = Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier $Guid -Action $Action

Function Start-WPFSleep {
        Waits for action to be done
        When running the UI in a separate thread, you may want to pause the main thread
        until an action is done in the UI. This is very necessary if you run the script
        without the -NoExit switch. The PowerShell session will simply close!
        .Author: Ryan Ephgrave

    $Hash = ''
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WindowName)) {
        $Hash = $Global:PoshWPFHashTable
    else {
        $Hash = (Get-Variable -Name "PoshWPFHashTable_$WindowName" -Scope 'Global').Value
        Wait-Event -Timeout 2

Function New-WPFBinding {
        [string]$Mode = 'TwoWay',
    $Hash = ''
    $strWindowName = 'PoshWPFHashTable'
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WindowName)) {
        $Hash = $Global:PoshWPFHashTable
    else {
        $Hash = (Get-Variable -Name "PoshWPFHashTable_$WindowName" -Scope 'Global').Value
        $strWindowName = $strWindowName + "_$WindowName"
    If($ControlName -ne 'Window') { $ControlName = "Window_$ControlName" }
    if($null -eq $Hash['Bindings']) {
        $Hash['Bindings'] = @{}
    $BindingName = "$($ControlName)_$PropertyName"
    $Hash.Bindings[$BindingName] = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection[Object]
$strBinding = @"
    `$ControlType = (`$WindowControls['$ControlName'].GetType()).UnderlyingSystemType
    `$Binding = New-Object System.Windows.Data.Binding
    `$Binding.Path = '[0]'
    `$Binding.Mode = [System.Windows.Data.BindingMode]::$($Mode)
    `$null = `$Global:$($strWindowName).Bindings['$BindingName'].Add(`$WindowControls['$ControlName'].$PropertyName)
    `$Binding.Source = `$Global:$($strWindowName).Bindings['$BindingName']
    `$null = [System.Windows.Data.BindingOperations]::SetBinding(`$WindowControls['$ControlName'],`$ControlType::$($PropertyName)Property,`$Binding)

    $BindingAction = [ScriptBlock]::Create($strBinding)
    Invoke-WPFAction -Action $BindingAction
    [PoshWPFBinding]::New($BindingName, $Hash.Bindings[$BindingName][0])