param () Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # Initialization code is BELOW the function definitions. #TODO: Load private functions. $privateScriptFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot/private/*.ps1) foreach ($file in $privateScriptFiles) { . $file.FullName } # Load public functions. $publicScriptFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot/public/*.ps1) foreach ($file in $publicScriptFiles) { . $file.FullName } #region Internal variables New-Variable -Option Constant -Name CustomObjectTypeName -Value PoshSemanticVersion Write-Debug "CustomObjectTypeName: $CustomObjectTypeName" New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name NormalVersionElementPattern -Value $( '(0|[1-9]\d*)' ) Write-Debug "NormalVersionElementPattern: $NormalVersionElementPattern" New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name NormalVersionPattern -Value $( $NormalVersionElementPattern + '(\.' + $NormalVersionElementPattern + '){2}' ) Write-Debug "NormalVersionPattern: $NormalVersionPattern" New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name PreReleaseIdentifierPattern -Value $( '(0|(\d*[A-Z-]+|[1-9A-Z-])[\dA-Z-]*)' ) Write-Debug "PreReleaseIdentifierPattern: $PreReleaseIdentifierPattern" New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name PreReleasePattern -Value $( $PreReleaseIdentifierPattern + '(\.' + $PreReleaseIdentifierPattern + ')*' ) Write-Debug "PreReleasePattern: $PreReleasePattern" New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name BuildIdentifierPattern -Value $( '[\dA-Z-]+' ) Write-Debug "BuildIdentifierPattern: $BuildIdentifierPattern" New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name BuildPattern -Value $( $BuildIdentifierPattern + '(\.' + $BuildIdentifierPattern + ')*' ) Write-Debug "BuildPattern: $BuildPattern" New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name SemanticVersionPattern -Value $( $NormalVersionPattern + '(\-' + $PreReleasePattern + ')?' + '(\+' + $BuildPattern + ')?' ) Write-Debug "`$SemanticVersionPattern: $SemanticVersionPattern" New-Variable -Option Constant -Name NamedSemanticVersionPattern -Value $( '(?<major>' + $NormalVersionElementPattern + ')' + '\.(?<minor>' + $NormalVersionElementPattern + ')' + '\.(?<patch>' + $NormalVersionElementPattern + ')' + '(-(?<prerelease>' + $PreReleasePattern + '))?' + '(\+(?<build>' + $BuildPattern + '))?' ) Write-Debug "`$NamedSemanticVersionPattern: $NamedSemanticVersionPattern" [hashtable] $messages = data { ConvertFrom-StringData @' ValidSemanticVersion="{0}" is a valid Semantic Version. InvalidSemanticVersion="{0}" is not a valid Semantic Version. InvalidSemanticVersionRecommendedAction=Verify the value meets the Semantic Version specification. InvalidNormalVersion=A normal version number MUST take the form X.Y.Z where X, Y, and Z are non-negative integers, and MUST NOT contain leading zeroes. X is the major version, Y is the minor version, and Z is the patch version. InvalidNormalVersionRecommendedAction=Verify the input string begins with three non-negative integers without leading zeros. InvalidNormalVersionElementCount=A normal version must have exactly 3 elements. The input normal version "{0}" has {1} element(s). InvalidNormalVersionElementCountRecommendedAction=Verify the input string has a normal version with 3 elements. NormalVersionElementIsEmpty={0} version element must not be empty. NormalVersionElementIsEmptyRecommendedAction=Verify the {0} version element is a non-negative integer value without leading zeros. CannotConvertNormalVersionElementToInt={0} version must be a non-negative integer and must not contain leading zeros. CannotConvertNormalVersionElementToIntRecommendedAction=Verify the {0} version element is a non-negative integer value without leading zeros. InvalidMetadataLabel={0} label is not valid. InvalidMetadataLabelRecommendedAction=Verify the {0} label is in the correct format. MetadataIdentifierIsEmpty={0} identifier at index {1} MUST not be empty. MetadataIdentifierIsEmptyRecommendedAction=Verify the {0} label has no empty identifiers. InvalidPreReleaseIdentifier=Pre-release indentifier at index {0} MUST comprise only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen [0-9A-Za-z-]. Identifiers MUST NOT be empty. Numeric identifiers MUST NOT include leading zeroes. InvalidPreReleaseIdentifierRecommendedAction=Verify the pre-release label comprises only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen and numeric indicators do not contain leading zeros. InvalidBuildIdentifier=Build indentifier at index {0} MUST comprise only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen [0-9A-Za-z-]. Identifiers MUST NOT be empty. InvalidBuildIdentifierRecommendedAction=Verify the build label comprises only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen. FileNotFoundError=The specified file was not found. PreReleaseLabelName=pre-release BuildLabelName=build ObjectNotOfType=Input object type must be of type "{0}". InvalidReleaseLevel=Invalid release level: "{0}". '@ } [hashtable] $localizedMessages = @{} #endregion Internal variables Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable localizedMessages -Filename messages -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue foreach ($key in $localizedMessages.Keys) { $messages[$key] = $localizedMessages[$key] } [System.Globalization.CultureInfo] $Script:cultureInfo = Get-Culture [System.Globalization.TextInfo] $Script:textInfo = $cultureInfo.TextInfo Remove-Variable privateScriptFiles, publicScriptFiles, file, localizedMessages, key |