
function Test-SemanticVersion {
        Tests if a string is a valid Semantic Version.
        The Test-SemanticVersion function verifies that a supplied string meets the Semantic Version 2.0 specification.
        If an invalid Semantic Version string is supplied to Test-SemanticVersion and the Verbose switch is used, the
        verbose output stream will include additional details that may help when troubleshooting an invalid version.
        Test-SemanticVersion '1.2.3-alpha.1+build.456'
        This example shows the result if the provided string is a valid Semantic Version.
        Test-SemanticVersion '1.2.3-alpha.01+build.456'
        This example shows the result if the provided string is not a valid Semantic Version.
            Any object you pipe to this function will be converted to a string and tested for validity.

    param (
        # The Semantic Version string to validate.
        [Alias('Version', 'v')]

    process {
        foreach ($item in $InputObject) {
            [string] $version = $item -as [string]

            $debugHash = Debug-SemanticVersion -InputObject $item -ParameterName InputObject
            Write-Verbose -Message ($debugHash.Message + ' ' + $debugHash.RecommendedAction)

            $version -match ('^' + $SemanticVersionPattern + '$')

Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-SemanticVersion -Alias tsemver