.SYNOPSIS PoshSemanticVersion module. #> param () Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # Initialization code is BELOW the function definitions. #region Internal functions function Debug-SemanticVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Finds problems with a Semantic Version string and recommends solutions. .DESCRIPTION The Debug-SemanticVersion function finds problems with a Semantic Version string and recommends solutions. It is used by other functions in the SemanticVersion module to get the appropriate error message when a Semantic Version string is invalid. .EXAMPLE An example .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param ( # The object to debug. Object will be converted to a string for evaluation. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [object[]] [Alias('Version')] $InputObject, # The name of the parameter that is being debugged/validated. If specified, the name will be added to the returned exception and error details objects. [string] $ParameterName = 'InputObject' ) begin { # Default values. [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory] $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument } process { foreach ($item in $InputObject) { [string] $version = $item -as [string] [bool] $isValid = $version -match ('^' + $SemanticVersionPattern + '$') [string] $messageId = '' [string] $message = '' [string] $recommendedAction = '' [hashtable] $outputHash = @{ Message = '' } if ($isValid) { $messageId = 'ValidSemanticVersion' $message = $messages[$messageId] -f $version $outputHash['Message'] = $message $outputHash['RecommendedAction'] = $recommendedAction } else { $messageId = 'InvalidSemanticVersion' $message = $messages[$messageId] -f $version $recommendedAction = $messages[$messageId + 'RecommendedAction'] [System.ArgumentException] $ex = New-Object -TypeName System.ArgumentException -ArgumentList @($message, $ParameterName) $outputHash['Exception'] = $ex $outputHash['Category'] = $errorCategory $outputHash['TargetObject'] = $item $outputHash['CategoryActivity'] = 'Debug-SemanticVersion' $outputHash['CategoryTargetName'] = $ParameterName $outputHash['CategoryTargetType'] = $item.GetType() $outputHash['CategoryReason'] = $messageId [string] $normalVersion = '' [string] $prereleaseLabel = '' [string] $buildLabel = '' # Try to split the string into the standard semver parts in order to find out why it is invalid. # normalVersion-preRelease+build $elementCountSplit = $version -split '\.' if ($elementCountSplit.Length -eq 3) { $normalVersion = $version $prereleaseLabel = '' $buildLabel = '' } elseif ($version.Contains('-') -and $version.Contains('+')) { $normalVersion = @($version -split '\-', 2)[0] $prereleaseLabel = @(@($version -split '\-', 2)[-1] -split '\+', 2)[0] $buildLabel = @(@($version -split '\-', 2)[-1] -split '\+', 2)[-1] } # normalVersion-preRelease elseif ($version.Contains('-') -and -not $version.Contains('+')) { $normalVersion = @($version -split '\-', 2)[0] $prereleaseLabel = @($version -split '\-', 2)[-1] $buildLabel = '' } # normalVersion+build elseif (-not $version.Contains('-') -and $version.Contains('+')) { $normalVersion = @($version -split '\+', 2)[0] $prereleaseLabel = '' $buildLabel = @($version -split '\+', 2)[-1] } # normalVersion else { $normalVersion = $version $prereleaseLabel = '' $buildLabel = '' } Write-Debug "`$normalVersion: $normalVersion" Write-Debug "`$prereleaseLabel: $prereleaseLabel" Write-Debug "`$buildLabel: $buildLabel" # Validate normal version. if ($normalVersion -notmatch ('^' + $NormalVersionPattern + '$')) { $messageId = 'InvalidNormalVersion' $message = $messages[$messageId] $recommendedAction = $messages[$messageId + 'RecommendedAction'] [string[]] $normalVersionElements = @($normalVersion -split '\.') if ($normalVersionElements.Length -ne 3) { $messageId = 'InvalidNormalVersionElementCount' $message = $messages[$messageId] -f $normalVersion, $normalVersionElements.Length $recommendedAction = $messages[$messageId + 'RecommendedAction'] } else { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $normalVersionElements.Length; $i++) { switch ($i) { 0 {$elementName = 'Major'} 1 {$elementName = 'Minor'} 2 {$elementName = 'Patch'} } if ($normalVersionElements[$i] -match ('^' + $NormalVersionElementPattern + '$')) { continue } elseif ($normalVersionElements[$i].Trim() -eq '') { $messageId = 'NormalVersionElementIsEmpty' $message = $messages[$messageId] -f $elementName $recommendedAction = $messages[$messageId + 'RecommendedAction'] -f $elementName break } #elseif ($normalVersionElements[$i] -as [int] -as [string] -ne $normalVersionElements[$i]) { else { #$message = '{0} version must not contain leading zeros.' -f $elementName $messageId = 'CannotConvertNormalVersionElementToInt' $message = $messages[$messageId] -f $elementName $recommendedAction = $messages[$messageId + 'RecommendedAction'] break } } } } # Validate pre-release. elseif ($prereleaseLabel.Length -ne 0 -and $prereleaseLabel -notmatch ('^' + $PreReleasePattern + '$')) { $messageId = 'InvalidMetadataLabel' $message = $messages[$messageId] -f $textInfo.ToTitleCase($messages['PreReleaseLabelName']) $recommendedAction = $messages[$messageId + 'RecommendedAction'] -f $messages['PreReleaseLabelName'] [string[]] $prereleaseIdentifers = @($prereleaseLabel -split '\.') for ($i = 0; $i -lt $prereleaseIdentifers.Length; $i++) { if ($prereleaseIdentifers[$i] -match ('^' + $PreReleaseIdentifierPattern + '$')) { continue } elseif ($prereleaseIdentifers[$i].Trim() -eq '') { $messageId = 'MetadataIdentifierIsEmpty' $message = $messages[$messageId] -f $textInfo.ToTitleCase($messages['PreReleaseLabelName']), $i $recommendedAction = $messages[$messageId + 'RecommendedAction'] -f $messages['PreReleaseLabelName'] } else { $messageId = 'InvalidPreReleaseIdentifier' $message = $messages[$messageId] -f $i $recommendedAction = $messages[$messageId + 'RecommendedAction'] } } } # Validate build. elseif ($buildLabel.Length -ne 0 -and $buildLabel -notmatch ('^' + $BuildPattern + '$')) { $messageId = 'InvalidMetadataLabel' $message = $messages[$messageId] -f $textInfo.ToTitleCase($messages['BuildLabelName']) $recommendedAction = $messages[$messageId + 'RecommendedAction'] -f $messages['BuildLabelName'] [string[]] $buildIdentifers = @($buildLabel -split '\.') for ($i = 0; $i -lt $buildIdentifers.Length; $i++) { if ($buildIdentifers[$i] -match ('^' + $BuildIdentifierPattern + '$')) { continue } elseif ($buildIdentifers[$i].Trim() -eq '') { $messageId = 'MetadataIdentifierIsEmpty' $message = $messages[$messageId] -f $textInfo.ToTitleCase($messages['BuildLabelName']), $i $recommendedAction = $messages[$messageId + 'RecommendedAction'] -f $messages['BuildLabelName'] } else { $messageId = 'InvalidBuildIdentifier' $message = $messages[$messageId] -f $i $recommendedAction = $messages[$messageId + 'RecommendedAction'] } } } $outputHash['CategoryReason'] = $messageId $outputHash['ErrorId'] = $messageId $outputHash['Message'] = $message $outputHash['RecommendedAction'] = $recommendedAction } $outputHash } } } function Split-SemanticVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Splits up a Semantic Version string into a hastable. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param ( # The string to split into Semantic Version components. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ if (Test-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_) { return $true } else { $erHash = Debug-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_ -ParameterName string $er = Write-Error @erHash 2>&1 throw ($er) } })] [string] [Alias('Version', 'String')] $InputObject ) [hashtable] $semVerHash = @{} if ($InputObject -match ('^' + $NamedSemanticVersionPattern + '$')) { $semVerHash['Major'] = $Matches['major'] $semVerHash['Minor'] = $Matches['minor'] $semVerHash['Patch'] = $Matches['patch'] if ($Matches.ContainsKey('prerelease')) { $semVerHash['PreRelease'] = [string[]] @($Matches['prerelease'] -split '\.') } else { $semVerHash['PreRelease'] = @() } if ($Matches.ContainsKey('build')) { $semVerHash['Build'] = [string[]] @($Matches['build'] -split '\.') } else { $semVerHash['Build'] = @() } } else { throw 'Unable to parse string.' } $semVerHash } #endregion Internal functions #region Exported functions [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]] $exportedFunctions = [Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]) $exportedFunctions.Add('New-SemanticVersion') function New-SemanticVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new semantic version. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new object representing a semantic version number. .EXAMPLE New-SemanticVersion -String '1.2.3-alpha.4+build.5' Major : 1 Minor : 2 Patch : 3 PreRelease : alpha.4 Build : build.5 This command converts a valid Semantic Version string into a Semantic Version object. The output of the command is a Semantic Version object with the elements of the version split into separate properties. .EXAMPLE New-SemanticVersion -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Patch 3 -PreRelease alpha.4 -Build build.5 Major : 1 Minor : 2 Patch : 3 PreRelease : alpha.4 Build : build.5 This command takes the Major, Minor, Patch, PreRelease, and Build parameters and produces the same output as the previous example. .EXAMPLE New-SemanticVersion -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Patch 3 -PreRelease alpha, 4 -Build build, 5 Major : 1 Minor : 2 Patch : 3 PreRelease : alpha.4 Build : build.5 This command uses arrays for the PreRelease and Build parameters, but produces the same output as the previous example. .EXAMPLE $semver = New-SemanticVersion -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Patch 3 -PreRelease alpha.4 -Build build.5 $semver.ToString() 1.2.3-alpha.4+build.5 This example shows that the object output from the previous command can be saved to a variable. Then by calling the object's ToString() method, a valid Semantic Version string is returned. .INPUTS System.Object All Objects piped to this function are converted into Semantic Version objects. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Elements')] [OutputType('PoshSemanticVersion')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] param ( # The major version must be incremented if any backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Elements')] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int] $Major = 0, # The minor version must be incremented if new, backwards compatible functionality is introduced to the public API. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Elements')] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int] $Minor = 0, # The patch version must be incremented if only backwards compatible bug fixes are introduced. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Elements')] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int] $Patch = 0, # A pre-release version indicates that the version is unstable and might not satisfy the intended compatibility # requirements as denoted by its associated normal version. # The value can be a string or an array of strings. If an array of strings is provided, the elements of the array # will be joined using dot separators. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Elements')] [AllowEmptyCollection()] $PreRelease = @(), # The build metadata. # The value can be a string or an array of strings. If an array of strings is provided, the elements of the array # will be joined using dot separators. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Elements')] [AllowEmptyCollection()] $Build = @(), # A valid semantic version string to be converted into a SemanticVersion object. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='String', ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateScript({ if (Test-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_) { return $true } else { $erHash = Debug-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_ -ParameterName InputObject $er = Write-Error @erHash 2>&1 throw ($er) } })] [Alias('Version', 'v', 'String')] $InputObject ) begin { [scriptblock] $semVerDynamicModuleScriptBlock = { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # An unsigned int. [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int] $Major = 0, # An unsigned int. [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int] $Minor = 0, # An unsigned int. [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int] $Patch = 0, # A string. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({$($_ -match '^(0|(\d*[A-Z-]+|[1-9A-Z-])[\dA-Z-]*)$')})] [string[]] $PreRelease = @(), # A string. [ValidateScript({$($_ -match '^[\dA-Z-]+$')})] [string[]] $Build = @() ) New-Variable -Option Constant -Name customObjectTypeName -Value PoshSemanticVersion New-Variable -Option Constant -Name PreReleaseIdRegEx -Value '^(0|(\d*[A-Z-]+|[1-9A-Z-])[\dA-Z-]*)$' New-Variable -Option Constant -Name PreReleaseRegEx -Value '^(|(0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]+[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*|[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*)(\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]+[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*|[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*))*)$' New-Variable -Option Constant -Name BuildIdRegEx -Value '^[\dA-Z-]+$' New-Variable -Option Constant -Name BuildRegEx -Value '^(|([0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))$' New-Variable -Option Constant -Name SemVerRegEx -Value $( '^(0|[1-9]\d*)' + '(\.(0|[1-9]\d*)){2}' + '(-(0|(\d*[A-Z-]+|[1-9A-Z-])[\dA-Z-]*)(\.(0|(\d*[A-Z-]+|[1-9A-Z-])[\dA-Z-]*))*)?' + '(\+[\dA-Z-]*(\.[\dA-Z-]*)?)?' + '(\+[0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*)?$' ) New-Variable -Option Constant -Name NamedSemVerRegEx -Value $( '^(?<major>(0|[1-9][0-9]*))' + '\.(?<minor>(0|[1-9][0-9]*))' + '\.(?<patch>(0|[1-9][0-9]*))' + '(-(?<prerelease>(0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]+[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*|[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*)(\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]+[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*|[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*))*))?' + '(\+(?<build>[0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?$' ) [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]] $exportedFunctions = [Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]) $exportedFunctions.Add('CompareTo') function CompareTo { <# .SYNOPSIS Compare this SemVerObj to another. .DESCRIPTION Returns 0 if both objects are equal Returns 1 if this object is a higher precedence than the other. Returns -1 if this object is a lower precedence than the other. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([int])] param ( # The number to be incremented. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ $(@($_.pstypenames) -contains $customObjectTypeName) })] [psobject] $Version ) [int] $returnValue = 0 if ($Major -gt $Version.Major) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($Major -lt $Version.Major) { $returnValue = -1 } if ($returnValue -eq 0) { if ($Minor -gt $Version.Minor) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($Minor -lt $Version.Minor) { $returnValue = -1 } } if ($returnValue -eq 0) { if ($Patch -gt $Version.Patch) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($Patch -lt $Version.Patch) { $returnValue = -1 } } if ($returnValue -eq 0 -and ($PreRelease.Length -ne 0 -or ($Version.GetPreRelease().Length -ne 0))) { if ($PreRelease.Length -eq 0 -and ($Version.GetPreRelease().Length -ne 0)) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($PreRelease.Length -ne 0 -and ($Version.GetPreRelease().Length -eq 0)) { $returnValue = -1 } } if ($returnValue -eq 0) { [string[]] $VersionPreRelease = $Version.GetPreRelease() [int] $shortestArray = $PreRelease.Length if ($shortestArray -gt $VersionPreRelease.Length) { $shortestArray = $VersionPreRelease.Length } for ([int] $i = 0; $i -lt $shortestArray; $i++) { if ($PreRelease[$i] -notmatch '^[0-9]+$' -and ($VersionPreRelease[$i] -match '^[0-9]+$')) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($PreRelease[$i] -match '^[0-9]+$' -and ($VersionPreRelease[$i] -notmatch '^[0-9]+$')) { $returnValue = -1 } elseif ($PreRelease[$i] -gt $VersionPreRelease[$i]) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($PreRelease[$i] -lt $VersionPreRelease[$i]) { $returnValue = -1 } if ($returnValue -ne 0) { break } } if ($returnValue -eq 0) { if ($PreRelease.Length -gt $VersionPreRelease.Length) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($PreRelease.Length -lt $VersionPreRelease.Length) { $returnValue = -1 } } } $returnValue } function CompareVersions { <# .SYNOPSIS Compare this version with a new string. .DESCRIPTION This is an internal implementation of CompareTo that does not require the Typename name to match. Returns 0 if both objects are equal Returns 1 if this object is a higher precedence than the other. Returns -1 if this object is a lower precedence than the other. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([int])] param ( # The version to compare against. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({$($_ -match $NamedSemVerRegEx)})] [string] $DifferenceVersion ) [int] $returnValue = 0 if ($DifferenceVersion -match $NamedSemVerRegEx) { [hashtable] $difHash = @{} $difHash['Major'] = [int] $Matches['major'] $difHash['Minor'] = [int] $Matches['minor'] $difHash['Patch'] = [int] $Matches['patch'] $difHash['PreRelease'] = [string[]] @() $difHash['Build'] = [string[]] @() if ($Matches.ContainsKey('preRelease')) { $difHash['PreRelease'] = [string[]] @($Matches['preRelease'] -split '\.') } if ($Matches.ContainsKey('build')) { $difHash['Bulid'] = [string[]] @($Matches['build'] -split '\.') } } else { throw (New-Object -TypeName System.ArgumentException -ArgumentList @('DifferenceVersion was invalid Semantic Version string.')) } if ($Major -gt $difHash.Major) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($Major -lt $difHash.Major) { $returnValue = -1 } if ($returnValue -eq 0) { if ($Minor -gt $difHash.Minor) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($Minor -lt $difHash.Minor) { $returnValue = -1 } } if ($returnValue -eq 0) { if ($Patch -gt $difHash.Patch) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($Patch -lt $difHash.Patch) { $returnValue = -1 } } if ($returnValue -eq 0 -and ($PreRelease.Length -ne 0 -or ($difHash.PreRelease.Length -ne 0))) { if ($PreRelease.Length -eq 0 -and ($difHash.PreRelease.Length -ne 0)) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($PreRelease.Length -ne 0 -and ($difHash.PreRelease.Length -eq 0)) { $returnValue = -1 } } if ($returnValue -eq 0) { [string[]] $VersionPreRelease = $difHash.PreRelease [int] $shortestArray = $PreRelease.Length if ($shortestArray -gt $VersionPreRelease.Length) { $shortestArray = $VersionPreRelease.Length } for ([int] $i = 0; $i -lt $shortestArray; $i++) { if ($PreRelease[$i] -notmatch '^[0-9]+$' -and ($VersionPreRelease[$i] -match '^[0-9]+$')) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($PreRelease[$i] -match '^[0-9]+$' -and ($VersionPreRelease[$i] -notmatch '^[0-9]+$')) { $returnValue = -1 } elseif ($PreRelease[$i] -gt $VersionPreRelease[$i]) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($PreRelease[$i] -lt $VersionPreRelease[$i]) { $returnValue = -1 } if ($returnValue -ne 0) { break } } if ($returnValue -eq 0) { if ($PreRelease.Length -gt $VersionPreRelease.Length) { $returnValue = 1 } elseif ($PreRelease.Length -lt $VersionPreRelease.Length) { $returnValue = -1 } } } $returnValue } $exportedFunctions.Add('CompatibleWith') function CompatibleWith { <# .SYNOPSIS Test if the current version is compatible with the parameter argument version. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param ( # The number to be incremented. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({$(@($_.pstypenames) -contains $customObjectTypeName)})] [psobject] $Version ) [bool] $isCompatible = $true if ((CompareTo -Version $Version) -eq 0) { $isCompatible = $true } elseif ($Major -eq 0) { $isCompatible = $false } elseif ($Major -ne $Version.Major) { $isCompatible = $false } elseif ($PreRelease.Length -ne 0 -and $Version.GetPreRelease().Length -ne 0) { if ([string]::Join('.', $PreRelease) -ne [string]::Join('.', $Version.GetPreRelease())) { $isCompatible = $false } else { if ($Major -ne $Version.Major) { $isCompatible = $false } if ($Minor -ne $Version.Minor) { $isCompatible = $false } if ($Patch -ne $Version.Patch) { $isCompatible = $false } } } elseif ($PreRelease.Length -ne 0 -or $Version.GetPreRelease().Length -ne 0) { $isCompatible = $false } $isCompatible } $exportedFunctions.Add('Equals') function Equals { <# .SYNOPSIS Determine if this semver object is equal in precedence to another semver object. #> [OutputType([bool])] param ( # The number to be incremented. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ if (@($_.pstypenames) -contains 'PoshSemanticVersion') { $true } else { throw 'Input object type must be of type "PoshSemanticVersion".' } })] $Version ) (CompareTo -Version $Version) -eq 0 } $exportedFunctions.Add('GetBuild') function GetBuild { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the build element as a string array. #> [OutputType([string[]])] param () $Build } $exportedFunctions.Add('GetMajor') function GetMajor { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the major element of the version. #> [OutputType([int])] param () $Major } $exportedFunctions.Add('GetMinor') function GetMinor { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the minor element of the version. #> [OutputType([int])] param () $Minor } $exportedFunctions.Add('GetPatch') function GetPatch { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the patch element of the version. #> [OutputType([int])] param () $Patch } $exportedFunctions.Add('GetPreRelease') function GetPreRelease { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the prerelease element as a string array. #> [OutputType([string[]])] param () $PreRelease } $exportedFunctions.Add('Increment') function Increment { <# .SYNOPSIS Increments the version by the specifield release level. #> [OutputType([void])] param ( # The type on increment level to perform. [ValidateSet('Build', 'PreRelease', 'PrePatch', 'PreMinor', 'PreMajor', 'Patch', 'Minor', 'Major')] [string] $Level = 'PreRelease', # An optional label that can be used with a Level value of "Build" or any of the "Pre*" Levels. [string] $Label ) [int] $numericValue = 0 if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Label')) { switch -Wildcard ($Level) { 'Build' { if ($Label -notmatch $BuildRegEx) { throw (New-Object -TypeName System.ArgumentException -ArgumentList @('Invalid Build label specified.')) } } 'Pre*' { if ($Label -notmatch $PreReleaseRegEx) { throw (New-Object -TypeName System.ArgumentException -ArgumentList @('Invalid PreRelease label specified.')) } } default { Write-Warning -Message 'The Label parameter is only used when combined with a Level parameter value of Build, PreRelease, PreMajor, PreMinor, or PrePatch. It will be ignored.' } } } switch ($Level) { 'Build' { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Label') -and $Label -match $BuildRegEx) { $Script:Build = @($Label -split '\.') } elseif ($Build.Length -eq 0) { $Script:Build = @('0') } else { if (-not ($Build[-1].Length -gt 1 -and $Build[-1] -like '0*') -and [int]::TryParse($Build[-1], [ref] $numericValue)) { $Script:Build[-1] = [string] ++$numericValue } else { $Script:Build += '0' } } } 'PreRelease' { if ($PreRelease.Length -eq 0) { $Script:Patch++ if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Label')) { $Script:PreRelease = @($Label -split '\.') } else { $Script:PreRelease = @('0') } } else { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Label')) { # If there is an existing prerelease label, the new label must be of a higher precedence. if ((CompareVersions -DifferenceVersion ('{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}' -f $Major, $Minor, $Patch, $Label)) -lt 0) { $Script:PreRelease = @($Label -split '\.') } else { throw (New-Object -TypeName System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException -ArgumentList @('Label', 'New prerelease label is must be of a higher precedence than existing prerelease label.')) } } elseif (-not ($PreRelease[-1].Length -gt 1 -and $PreRelease[-1] -like '0*') -and [int]::TryParse($PreRelease[-1], [ref] $numericValue)) { $Script:PreRelease[-1] = [string] ++$numericValue } else { $Script:PreRelease += '0' } } } 'PrePatch' { $Script:PreRelease = @() $Script:Patch++ if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Label')) { $Script:PreRelease = @($Label -split '\.') } else { $Script:PreRelease = @('0') } } 'PreMinor' { $Script:PreRelease = @() $Script:Patch = 0 $Script:Minor++ if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Label')) { $Script:PreRelease = @($Label -split '\.') } else { $Script:PreRelease = @('0') } } 'PreMajor' { $Script:PreRelease = @() $Script:Patch = 0 $Script:Minor = 0 $Script:Major++ if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Label')) { $Script:PreRelease = @($Label -split '\.') } else { $Script:PreRelease = @('0') } } 'Patch' { if ($PreRelease.Length -eq 0) { $Script:Patch++ } $Script:PreRelease = @() } 'Minor' { if ($Patch -ne 0 -or $PreRelease.Length -eq 0) { $Script:Minor++ } $Script:PreRelease = @(); $Script:Patch = 0 } 'Major' { if ($Patch -ne 0 -or $Minor -ne 0 -or $PreRelease.Length -eq 0) { $Script:Major++ } $Script:PreRelease = @() $Script:Minor = 0 $Script:Patch = 0 } default { throw ('Invalid release level: {0}' -f $Level) } } } $exportedFunctions.Add('SetBuild') function SetBuild { <# .SYNOPSIS Set the build version #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([void])] param ( # The new build label. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({$($_ -match $BuildRegEx)})] [string] $Build ) $Script:Build = $Build } $exportedFunctions.Add('ToString') function ToString { <# .SYNOPSIS Return a string representation of this object. #> [OutputType([string])] param () [string] "$Major.$Minor.$Patch$( if ($PreRelease.Length -ne 0) { '-' + [string]::Join('.', $PreRelease) } )$( if ($Build.Length -ne 0) { '+' + [string]::Join('.', $Build) } )" } Export-ModuleMember -Function $exportedFunctions Remove-Variable exportedFunctions } } process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Elements') { [string] $badParameterName = 'InputObject' # PSv2 does not initialize $PreRelease or $Build if they were not specifies or if they had empty arrays. # So they have to be reinitialized here if they were not specified. if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Build')) { [string] $testBuild = $Build -join '.' if ($testBuild -notmatch ('^' + $BuildPattern + '$')) { $badParameterName = 'Build' } [string[]] $Build = @($testBuild -split '\.') } else { [string[]] $Build = @() } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PreRelease')) { [string] $testPreRelease = $PreRelease -join '.' if ($testPreRelease -notmatch ('^' + $PreReleasePattern + '$')) { $badParameterName = 'PreRelease' } [string[]] $PreRelease = @($testPreRelease -split '\.') } else { [string[]] $PreRelease = @() } [string] $InputObject = "$Major.$Minor.$Patch$(if ($PreRelease.Length -gt 0) {'-' + $($PreRelease -join '.')})$(if ($Build.Length -gt 0) {'+' + $($Build -join '.')})" if (-not $(Test-SemanticVersion -InputObject $InputObject)) { $erHash = Debug-SemanticVersion -InputObject $InputObject -ParameterName $badParameterName $er = Write-Error @erHash 2>&1 $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($er) } } foreach ($item in $InputObject) { [hashtable] $semVerHash = Split-SemanticVersion $item.ToString() switch ($semVerHash.Keys) { 'Major' { [int] $Major = $semVerHash['Major'] } 'Minor' { [int] $Minor = $semVerHash['Minor'] } 'Patch' { [int] $Patch = $semVerHash['Patch'] } 'PreRelease' { [string[]] $PreRelease = @($semVerHash['PreRelease']) } 'Build' { [string[]] $Build = @($semVerHash['Build']) } } [psobject] $semVer = New-Module -Name ($customObjectTypeName + 'DynamicModule') -ArgumentList @($Major, $Minor, $Patch, $PreRelease, $Build) -AsCustomObject -ScriptBlock $semVerDynamicModuleScriptBlock $semVer.pstypenames.Insert(0, $customObjectTypeName) $semVer } } } $exportedFunctions.Add('Test-SemanticVersion') function Test-SemanticVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if a string is a valid Semantic Version. .DESCRIPTION The Test-SemanticVersion function verifies that a supplied string meets the Semantic Version 2.0 specification. If an invalid Semantic Version string is supplied to Test-SemanticVersion and the Verbose switch is used, the verbose output stream will include additional details that may help when troubleshooting an invalid version. .EXAMPLE Test-SemanticVersion '1.2.3-alpha.1+build.456' True This example shows the result if the provided string is a valid Semantic Version. .EXAMPLE Test-SemanticVersion '1.2.3-alpha.01+build.456' False This example shows the result if the provided string is not a valid Semantic Version. .INPUTS System.Object Any object you pipe to this function will be converted to a string and tested for validity. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='BoolOutput')] [OutputType([bool])] param ( # The Semantic Version string to validate. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)] [object[]] [Alias('Version', 'v')] $InputObject ) process { foreach ($item in $InputObject) { [string] $version = $item -as [string] $debugHash = Debug-SemanticVersion -InputObject $item -ParameterName InputObject Write-Verbose -Message ($debugHash.Message + ' ' + $debugHash.RecommendedAction) $version -match ('^' + $SemanticVersionPattern + '$') } } } $exportedFunctions.Add('Compare-SemanticVersion') function Compare-SemanticVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Compares two semantic version numbers. .DESCRIPTION The Test-SemanticVersion function compares two semantic version numbers and returns an object that contains the results of the comparison. .EXAMPLE Compare-SemanticVersion -ReferenceVersion '1.1.1' -DifferenceVersion '1.2.0' ReferenceVersion Precedence DifferenceVersion IsCompatible ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------ 1.1.1 < 1.2.0 True This command show sthe results of compare two semantic version numbers that are not equal in precedence but are compatible. .EXAMPLE Compare-SemanticVersion -ReferenceVersion '0.1.1' -DifferenceVersion '0.1.0' ReferenceVersion Precedence DifferenceVersion IsCompatible ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------ 0.1.1 > 0.1.0 False This command shows the results of comparing two semantic version numbers that are are not equal in precedence and are not compatible. .EXAMPLE Compare-SemanticVersion -ReferenceVersion '1.2.3' -DifferenceVersion '1.2.3-0' ReferenceVersion Precedence DifferenceVersion IsCompatible ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------ 1.2.3 > 1.2.3-0 False This command shows the results of comparing two semantic version numbers that are are not equal in precedence and are not compatible. .EXAMPLE Compare-SemanticVersion -ReferenceVersion '1.2.3-4+5' -DifferenceVersion '1.2.3-4+5' ReferenceVersion Precedence DifferenceVersion IsCompatible ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------ 1.2.3-4+5 = 1.2.3-4+5 True This command shows the results of comparing two semantic version numbers that are exactly equal in precedence. .EXAMPLE Compare-SemanticVersion -ReferenceVersion '1.2.3-4+5' -DifferenceVersion '1.2.3-4+6789' ReferenceVersion Precedence DifferenceVersion IsCompatible ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------ 1.2.3-4+5 = 1.2.3-4+6789 True This command shows the results of comparing two semantic version numbers that are exactly equal in precedence, even if they have different build numbers. .INPUTS System.Object Any objects you pipe into this function are converted into strings then are evaluated as Semantic Versions. .OUTPUTS psobject The output objects are custom psobject with detail of how the ReferenceVersion compares with the DifferenceVersion .NOTES To sort a collection of Semantic Version numbers based on the semver.org precedence rules Sort-Object -Property Major,Minor,Patch,@{e = {$_.PreRelease -eq ''}; Ascending = $true},PreRelease,Build #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([psobject])] param ( # Specifies the version used as a reference for comparison. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Parameter Set 1', Position=0)] [ValidateScript({ if (Test-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_) { return $true } else { $erHash = Debug-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_ -ParameterName ReferenceVersion $er = Write-Error @erHash 2>&1 throw $er } })] [Alias('r')] $ReferenceVersion, # Specifies the version that is compared to the reference version. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName='Parameter Set 1', Position=1)] [ValidateScript({ if (Test-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_) { return $true } else { $erHash = Debug-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_ -ParameterName DifferenceVersion $er = Write-Error @erHash 2>&1 throw ($er) } })] [Alias('d', 'InputObject')] $DifferenceVersion ) begin { $refVer = New-SemanticVersion -InputObject $ReferenceVersion.ToString() } process { foreach ($item in $DifferenceVersion) { $difVer = New-SemanticVersion -InputObject $item.ToString() [int] $precedence = $refVer.CompareTo($difVer) $result = [Activator]::CreateInstance([psobject]) $result.psobject.Members.Add([Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty], @( 'ReferenceVersion', $refVer.ToString() ))) $result.psobject.Members.Add([Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty], @( 'Precedence', $( if ($precedence -eq 0) { '=' } elseif ($precedence -gt 0) { '>' } else { '<' } ) ))) $result.psobject.Members.Add([Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty], @( 'DifferenceVersion', $difVer.ToString() ))) $result.psobject.Members.Add([Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty], @( 'IsCompatible', $refVer.CompatibleWith($difVer) ))) $result.psobject.Members.Add([Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Management.Automation.PSAliasProperty], @( #TODO: Deprecate: This should read "IsCompatible", not "AreCompatible". 'AreCompatible', 'IsCompatible' ))) $result.pstypenames.Insert(0, 'PoshSemanticVersionComparison') $result } } } $exportedFunctions.Add('Step-SemanticVersion') function Step-SemanticVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Increments a Semantic Version number. .DESCRIPTION The Step-SemanticVersion function increments the elements of a Semantic Version number in a way that is compliant with the Semantic Version 2.0 specification. - Incrementing the Major number will reset the Minor number and the Patch number to 0. A pre-release version will be incremented to the normal version number. - Incrementing the Minor number will reset the Patch number to 0. A pre-release version will be incremented to the normal version number. - Incrementing the Patch number does not change any other parts of the version number. A pre-release version will be incremented to the normal version number. - Incrementing the PreRelease number does not change any other parts of the version number. - Incrementing the Build number does not change any other parts of the version number. .EXAMPLE '1.1.1' | Step-SemanticVersion Major : 1 Minor : 1 Patch : 2 PreRelease : 0 Build : This command takes a semantic version string from the pipeline and increments the pre-release version. Because the element to increment was not specified, the default value of 'PreRelease was used'. .EXAMPLE Step-SemanticVersion -Version 1.1.1 -Level Minor Major : 1 Minor : 2 Patch : 0 PreRelease : Build : This command converts the string '1.1.1' to the semantic version object equivalent of '1.2.0'. .EXAMPLE Step-SemanticVersion -v 1.1.1 -i patch Major : 1 Minor : 1 Patch : 2 PreRelease : Build : This command converts the string '1.1.1' to the semantic version object equivalent of '1.1.2'. This example shows the use of the parameter aliases "v" and "i" for Version and Level (increment), respectively. .EXAMPLE Step-SemanticVersion 1.1.1 Major Major : 2 Minor : 0 Patch : 0 PreRelease : Build : This command converts the string '1.1.1' to the semantic version object equivalent of '2.0.0'. This example shows the use of positional parameters. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('PoshSemanticVersion')] param ( # The Semantic Version number to be incremented. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateScript({ if (Test-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_) { return $true } else { $erHash = Debug-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_ -ParameterName InputObject $er = Write-Error @erHash 2>&1 throw ($er) } })] [Alias('Version', 'v')] $InputObject, # The desired increment type. # Valid values are Build, PreRelease, PrePatch, PreMinor, PreMajor, Patch, Minor, or Major. # The default value is PreRelease. [Parameter(Position=1)] [string] [ValidateSet('Build', 'PreRelease', 'PrePatch', 'PreMinor', 'PreMajor', 'Patch', 'Minor', 'Major')] [Alias('Level', 'Increment', 'i')] $Type = 'PreRelease', # The metadata label to use with an incrament type of Build, PreRelease, PreMajor, PreMinor, or PrePatch. # If specified, the value replaces the existing label. If not specified, the existing label will be incremented. # This parameter is ignored for an increment type of Major, Minor, or Patch. [Parameter(Position=2)] [string] [Alias('preid', 'Identifier')] $Label ) $newSemVer = New-SemanticVersion -InputObject $InputObject if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Label')) { try { $newSemVer.Increment($Type, $Label) } catch [System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException],[System.ArgumentException] { $er = Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Category InvalidArgument -TargetObject $InputObject 2>&1 $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($er) } catch { $er = Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Message ('Error using label "{0}" when incrementing version "{1}".' -f $Label, $InputObject.ToString()) -TargetObject $InputObject 2>&1 $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($er) } } else { $newSemVer.Increment($Type) } $newSemVer } #endregion Exported functions #region Internal variables New-Variable -Option Constant -Name CustomObjectTypeName -Value PoshSemanticVersion $CustomObjectTypeName | Out-Null New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name NormalVersionElementPattern -Value $( '(0|[1-9]\d*)' ) New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name NormalVersionPattern -Value $( $NormalVersionElementPattern + '(\.' + $NormalVersionElementPattern + '){2}' ) New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name PreReleaseIdentifierPattern -Value $( '(0|(\d*[A-Z-]+|[1-9A-Z-])[\dA-Z-]*)' ) New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name PreReleasePattern -Value $( $PreReleaseIdentifierPattern + '(\.' + $PreReleaseIdentifierPattern + ')*' ) New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name BuildIdentifierPattern -Value $( '[\dA-Z-]+' ) New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name BuildPattern -Value $( $BuildIdentifierPattern + '(\.' + $BuildIdentifierPattern + ')*' ) New-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name SemanticVersionPattern -Value $( $NormalVersionPattern + '(\-' + $PreReleasePattern + ')?' + '(\+' + $BuildPattern + ')?' ) Write-Debug "`$SemanticVersionPattern: $SemanticVersionPattern" New-Variable -Option Constant -Name NamedSemanticVersionPattern -Value $( '(?<major>' + $NormalVersionElementPattern + ')' + '\.(?<minor>' + $NormalVersionElementPattern + ')' + '\.(?<patch>' + $NormalVersionElementPattern + ')' + '(-(?<prerelease>' + $PreReleasePattern + '))?' + '(\+(?<build>' + $BuildPattern + '))?' ) Write-Debug "`$NamedSemanticVersionPattern: $NamedSemanticVersionPattern" #New-Variable -Name SemVerRegEx -Value ( # '^(0|[1-9]\d*)' + # '(\.(0|[1-9]\d*)){2}' + # '(-(0|(\d*[A-Z-]+|[1-9A-Z-])[\dA-Z-]*)(\.(0|(\d*[A-Z-]+|[1-9A-Z-])[\dA-Z-]*))*)?' + # '(\+[\dA-Z-]*(\.[\dA-Z-]*)?)?' + # '(\+[0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*)?$' #) -Option Constant #New-Variable -Name NamedSemVerRegEx -Value ( # '^(?<major>(0|[1-9][0-9]*))' + # '\.(?<minor>(0|[1-9][0-9]*))' + # '\.(?<patch>(0|[1-9][0-9]*))' + # '(-(?<prerelease>(0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]+[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*|[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*)(\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]+[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*|[A-Za-z-]+[0-9A-Za-z-]*))*))?' + # '(\+(?<build>[0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?$' #) -Option Constant [hashtable] $messages = data { ConvertFrom-StringData @' ValidSemanticVersion="{0}" is a valid Semantic Version. InvalidSemanticVersion="{0}" is not a valid Semantic Version. InvalidSemanticVersionRecommendedAction=Verify the value meets the Semantic Version specification. InvalidNormalVersion=A normal version number MUST take the form X.Y.Z where X, Y, and Z are non-negative integers, and MUST NOT contain leading zeroes. X is the major version, Y is the minor version, and Z is the patch version. InvalidNormalVersionRecommendedAction=Verify the input string begins with three non-negative integers without leading zeros. InvalidNormalVersionElementCount=A normal version must have exactly 3 elements. The input normal version "{0}" has {1} element(s). InvalidNormalVersionElementCountRecommendedAction=Verify the input string has a normal version with 3 elements. NormalVersionElementIsEmpty={0} version element must not be empty. NormalVersionElementIsEmptyRecommendedAction=Verify the {0} version element is a non-negative integer value without leading zeros. CannotConvertNormalVersionElementToInt={0} version must be a non-negative integer and must not contain leading zeros. CannotConvertNormalVersionElementToIntRecommendedAction=Verify the {0} version element is a non-negative integer value without leading zeros. InvalidMetadataLabel={0} label is not valid. InvalidMetadataLabelRecommendedAction=Verify the {0} label is in the correct format. MetadataIdentifierIsEmpty={0} identifier at index {1} MUST not be empty. MetadataIdentifierIsEmptyRecommendedAction=Verify the {0} label has no empty identifiers. InvalidPreReleaseIdentifier=Pre-release indentifier at index {0} MUST comprise only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen [0-9A-Za-z-]. Identifiers MUST NOT be empty. Numeric identifiers MUST NOT include leading zeroes. InvalidPreReleaseIdentifierRecommendedAction=Verify the pre-release label comprises only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen and numeric indicators do not contain leading zeros. InvalidBuildIdentifier=Build indentifier at index {0} MUST comprise only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen [0-9A-Za-z-]. Identifiers MUST NOT be empty. InvalidBuildIdentifierRecommendedAction=Verify the build label comprises only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen. FileNotFoundError=The specified file was not found. PreReleaseLabelName=pre-release BuildLabelName=build ObjectNotOfType=Input object type must be of type "{0}". InvalidReleaseLevel=Invalid release level: "{0}". '@ } [hashtable] $localizedMessages = @{} #endregion Internal variables Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable localizedMessages -Filename messages -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue foreach ($key in $localizedMessages.Keys) { $messages[$key] = $localizedMessages[$key] } [System.Globalization.CultureInfo] $Script:cultureInfo = Get-Culture [System.Globalization.TextInfo] $Script:textInfo = $cultureInfo.TextInfo Export-ModuleMember -Function $exportedFunctions Remove-Variable exportedFunctions, localizedMessages, key |