
function Get-SqlCmdVariablesForPublishProfile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # track any missing variables so provide more helpful error messages
    $missingOctopusVariables = @()

    $keys = $($sqlCommandVariableValues.Keys)
    foreach ($var in $keys) {
        # Attempt to resolve SQLCmd variables via matching powershell variables explicitly defined in the current context
        if (Test-Path variable:$var) {
            $value = Get-Variable $var -ValueOnly
            Write-Verbose ('Setting SqlCmd variable: {0} = {1}' -f $var, $value)
            $sqlCommandVariableValues[$var] = $value
        else {
            $missingOctopusVariables += $var

    # To try and avoid 'bad' default values getting deployed, block a deployment if we have SqlCmd variables that aren't defined in Octopus
    if ($missingOctopusVariables.Count -gt 0) {
        throw ('The following SqlCmd variables are not defined in the Octopus project (but are defined in the publish profile): {0}' -f ($missingOctopusVariables -join " `n"))