function New-PercentBar { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Percentage Bar. .DESCRIPTION The New-PercentBar cmdlet creates a new Percentage Bar, a visual representation of an quanity out of 100. The percentage bar is returned as a string with a border. The borderer can be excluded if desired. .EXAMPLE New-PercentBar -Percent 0.5 This example generates a Percentage Bar that is 50% filled, with a default square bracket border: [xxxxx.....] .EXAMPLE New-PercentBar -Percent 0.3 -Border '||' This example generates a Percentage Bar that is 30% filled, with a border constructed out of pipe (|) characters: |xxx.......| .EXAMPLE 0.8 | New-PercentBar -NoBorder This example takes a decimal value from the pipeline and generates a Percentage Bar that is 80% filled and doesn't have a border: xxxxxxxx.. .EXAMPLE New-PercentBar -Percentage 0.8 -PercentCharacter '-' -RemainderCharacter ' ' This example uses customized characters: [-------- ] .EXAMPLE C:\> New-PercentBar -Percentage 0.2 -BarLength 20 This example is twice as long as the default percentage bar: [xxxx................] .INPUTS System.Decimal .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Border')] [OutputType('System.String')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Enter the percentage in the form of a decimal value between 0 and 1.')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [decimal] $Percentage, [char] $PercentCharacter = 'x', [char] $RemainderCharacter = '.', [char] $LeadingCharacter, [int] $BarLength = 10, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position = 3, ParameterSetName='Border')] [ValidateSet('[]', '{}', '()', '||', '/\', '--')] [string] $Border = '[]', [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='NoBorder')] [switch] $NoBorder ) process { try { $PercentBar = $PercentCharacter.ToString() * ($Percentage * $BarLength) if ($LeadingCharacter) { $PercentBar += $LeadingCharacter.ToString() $BarLength = $BarLength - 1 } $PercentBar += $RemainderCharacter.ToString() * ($BarLength - ($Percentage * $BarLength)) if (!$NoBorder) { $PercentBar = $Border[0] + $PercentBar + $Border[1] } $PercentBar } catch { Throw $_.Exception } } } |