
    Trevor Sullivan <>

    Publishes the PowerShell module to the PowerShell Gallery.

    This PowerShell script is invoked by AppVeyor after the "Deploy" phase has completed successfully.

function Patch-ModuleManifest {
    param (
        [string] $Path
      , [string] $BuildNumber

    if (!$Path) {
        $Path = Get-ChildItem -Path $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER -Include *.psd1;
        if (!$Path) { throw 'Could not find a module manifest file'; }

    $ManifestContent = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw;
    $ManifestContent = $ManifestContent -replace '(?<=ModuleVersion\s+=\s+'')(?<ModuleVersion>.*)(?='')', ('${{ModuleVersion}}.{0}' -f $BuildNumber);
    Set-Content -Path $Path -Value $ManifestContent;

    $ManifestContent -match '(?<=ModuleVersion\s+=\s+'')(?<ModuleVersion>.*)(?='')';
    Write-Verbose -Message ('Module Version patched: ' + $Matches.ModuleVersion);

function Main {
    param ()
    $VerbosePreference = 'continue';

    ### Skip the build if the Git tag does not match "release"
    Write-Output -InputObject "Git tag is: $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME";
    if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME -notmatch 'release') {
# throw 'The release tag was not found on this commit. Skipping deployment.';
# return;
    } else {
            Write-Verbose -Message ('The release tag ({0}) was found on this commit. Starting deployment.' -f $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME);

    'AppVeyor Build Folder: {0}' -f $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER;
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Calling Find-Package command to download nuget-anycpu.exe'
    Find-Package -ForceBootstrap -Name zzzzzz -ErrorAction Ignore;

    Patch-ModuleManifest -Path $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\PoshNuGet.psd1 -BuildNumber $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER;

    Write-Verbose -Message ('Publishing module {0} to Gallery!' -f $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER);
    Publish-Module -Path $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER -NuGetApiKey $env:psapikey;
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Finished publishing module!'

### Invoke Main function