
function FormatNmapOutput {
Takes the raw formatting from ConvertFrom-NmapXML and makes a useful Powershell Object out of the output. Meant to be called from ConvertFrom-NmapXml
The raw formatting is still available as the nmaprun property on the object, to maintain compatibility

    param (
        #Nmaprun output from ConvertFrom-NmapXml. Should basically be XML -> Json -> PSObject output
        #Return a summary of the scan rather than individual hosts

    if (-not $inputNmapObject.nmaprun) {throwUser "This is not a valid Object output from Convert-NmapXML"}
    $nmaprun = $inputNmapObject.nmaprun

    #Only return a summary if that was requested
    if ($summary) {return (FormatNmapOutputSummary $nmapRun)}

    #Generate nicer host entries
    $itotal = $ | measure | % count
    foreach ($hostnode in $ {
        write-progress -Activity "Parsing NMAP Result" -Status "Processing Scan Entries" -CurrentOperation "Processing $i of $itotal" -PercentComplete (($i/$itotal)*100)
        FormatPoshNmapHost $hostnode