Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName "Invoke-Nmap" -ParameterName "Preset" -ScriptBlock {(Get-NmapPresetArguments).keys} function Invoke-Nmap { <# .SYNOPSIS Runs the NMAP command and then formats the output. .INPUTS [String[]]$ComputerName .OUTPUTS Depends on -OutFormat parameter .EXAMPLE Invoke-Nmap Runs an NMAP scan with the Quick scan preset and provides the result as a formatted Powershell Object .EXAMPLE Invoke-Nmap "-t4 -p 80,443" This is similar to running nmap "bare" but enjoy the format processing of invoke-nmap #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="preset")] param ( #A list of nmap host specifications. Defaults to localhost [Parameter( Position=0, ValueFromPipeline )] [String[]] $computerName = "localhost", #Specify raw argument parameters to nmap [String[]] [Parameter( ParameterSetName="custom", Mandatory, Position=1 )] $ArgumentList, [String] [Parameter( ParameterSetName="preset", ValueFromPipeline )] [String]$Preset = "Quick", #Choose which format for the output (XML, JSON, HashTable, PSObject, or Raw). Default is PSObject [ValidateSet('Raw','PSObject','XML','JSON','Hashtable')] [String]$OutFormat = 'PSObject', #A list of SNMP communities to scan. Defaults to public and private [String[]] [Parameter()] $snmpCommunityList = @("private","public") ) if ($Preset) { $nmapPresetArgumentNames = (Get-NmapPresetArguments).keys if ($Preset -notin $nmapPresetArgumentNames) { throwUser New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Invoke-Nmap: Value $Preset is not a valid choice. Please choose one of: $($nmapPresetArgumentNames -join ', ')","Preset" } else { $ArgumentList = Get-NmapPresetArguments $Preset } } if ($snmpCommunityList) { $snmpCommunityFile = [io.path]::GetTempFileName() $snmpCommunityList > $snmpCommunityFile $argumentList += '--script','snmp-brute','--script-args',"snmpbrute.communitiesdb=$snmpCommunityFile" } $nmapexe = 'nmap.exe' if ($OutFormat -eq 'Raw') { Invoke-NmapExe $nmapExe $argumentList $computerName exit $LASTEXITCODE } $ArgumentList += "-oX","-" try { [String]$nmapresult = Invoke-NmapExe $nmapExe $argumentList $computerName } finally { if (Test-Path $snmpCommunityFile) {Remove-Item $snmpCommunityFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} } if (-not $nmapResult) {throwUser "NMAP did not produce any output. Please review any errors that are present above this warning."} switch ($OutFormat) { 'XML' { $nmapResult } 'JSON' { $nmapResult | ConvertFrom-NmapXML } 'PSObject' { $nmapResult | ConvertFrom-NmapXML -OutFormat PSObject } 'HashTable' { $nmapResult | ConvertFrom-NmapXML -OutFormat HashTable } } } |