#requires -Module Pester #requires -Module PoshMacros [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases", "", Justification="This tests aliases")] param() describe 'PoshMacros' { context 'Add-Macro' { it 'Can make a macro to a -Path' { Add-Macro -Name PSHome -Path $PSHOME (_PSHome) | should be $PSHOME } it 'Defines small functions that start with _' { Add-Macro -Name TwoPlusTwo -ScriptBlock { 2 + 2 } _TwoPlusTwo | should be 4 } it 'Is easier to type _+ than Add-Macro' { _+ -Name OnePlusOne -ScriptBlock {1+1} _OnePlusOne | should be 2 } it 'Can make an -Alias' { _+ -Name now -Alias Get-Date _now | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Date | should be ([DateTime]::Now.Date) } it 'Can make a Proxy -Command' { _+ -Name CurrentProcess -Command Get-Process -RemoveParameter * -DefaultParameter @{id='$pid'} _CurrentProcess | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | should be $pid } it 'Can make a -uri macro' { _+ -Name AzureDevOpsProject -Uri 'https://[server]/{Organization}/_apis/Projects/:Project?api-version=$apiVersion' -DefaultParameter @{ Server = 'dev.azure.com' apiVersion = '5.1' } _AzureDevOpsProject -Organization StartAutomating -Project PoshMacros | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | should be PoshMacros } } context 'Export-Macro' { it 'Can export macros' { _+ -Name now -Alias Get-Date Export-Macro -Name _n* | should belike '*Set-Alias*Get-Date*' } it 'Can export macros inline' { _+ -Name now -Alias Get-Date _+ -Name yesterday -ScriptBlock {[DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-1).Date} $exportedInline = Export-Macro -Inline -Name _now, _yesterday $exportedInline[0] | should belike '*Set-Alias*Get-Date*' $exportedInline[1] | should belike '*yesterday*{*DateTime*Now*-1*Date}*' } } context 'Get-Macro' { it 'Gets macros' { Get-Macro } it 'Can get a Macro by -Name' { _+ -Name now -Alias Get-Date Get-Macro -Name _now | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | should be _now } it 'Can get a Macro by wildcard' { _+ -Name now -Alias Get-Date Get-Macro -Name _n* | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | should belike _n* } } context 'Import-Macro' { it 'Can import macros' { Get-Module PoshMacros | Import-Macro (_PoshMacrosManifest).RootModule | should be PoshMacros.psm1 } } context 'Remove-Macro' { it 'Removes Macros' { _+ -Name now -Alias Get-Date Remove-Macro -Name _now {_now} | should throw } } } |