.Synopsis The Macro for -Path based functions .Description The process{} block for any macro that uses -Path. .Notes Macros must be included inline, in order to get the correct invocation name. #> $callStack = @(Get-PSCallStack) $isBeingAssigned = -not "$($callstack[-1].Position.Text)".Trim().StartsWith($MyInvocation.InvocationName) $isBeingPiped = $MyInvocation.PipelinePosition -lt $MyInvocation.PipelineLength $pathItem = Get-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path $path $fileData = switch ($pathItem.Extension) { .json { [IO.File]::ReadAllText($pathItem.FullName) | ConvertFrom-Json } .psd1 { Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $pathItem.Directory.FullName -FileName $pathItem.Name } {'.clixml', '.clix' -contains $_} { Import-Clixml -LiteralPath $pathItem.FullName } {$_ -like '*.xml' -or $_ -eq '.svg'} { [xml][IO.File]::ReadAllText($pathItem.FullName) } {'.csv', '.tsv' -contains $_} { if ($pathItem.Extension -eq '.tsv') { Import-Csv -LiteralPath $pathItem.FullName -Delimiter "`t" } else { Import-Csv -LiteralPath $pathItem.FullName } } {'.md', '.txt','.html','.htm' -contains $_} { [IO.File]::ReadAllText($pathItem.FullName) } } <#if ($pathItem.Extension -eq '.json') { } elseif ('.clixml', '.clix' -contains $pathItem.Extension) { } elseif { } elseif ($pathItem.Extension -eq '.psd1') { } elseif () { } elseif ('.md', '.txt','.html','.htm' -contains $pathItem.Extension) { }#> if ($isBeingAssigned -or $isBeingPiped) { if ($pathItem) { if ($fileData) { $fileData } else { $pathItem } } else { $path } } else { if ($pathItem.PSIsContainer) { if ("$(Resolve-Path $path)" -eq "$(Resolve-Path $pwd)") { $path } else { Push-Location $path } } elseif ($pathItem) { if ($fileData) { $fileData } else { . $path @args } } else { $path } } |