#Sunny Chakraborty (@sunnyc7)( #License: MIT-3 > Use as you please + Don't Sue Me. #FileMon tricks Function Get-ProcessLaunches([string[]]$computer) { BEGIN { Function Write-Log([string]$info){ if($loginitialized -eq $false){ $FileHeader > $logfile $script:loginitialized = $True } $info >> $logfile } # End of Function Write-Log #Logfile Path $script:logfile = "c:\scripts\procmonlog.txt" } PROCESS { #WQL on InstanceCreationEvent $query = "Select * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 2 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process'" #Delete Previously Loaded Jobs Get-Job -Name RemoteProcMon | Remove-Job | Out-Null #WMI Event Monitor Register-WmiEvent <#-ComputerName $computer#> -Query $query -SourceIdentifier RemoteProcMon -Action{ $Global:RemoteProcMon=$event Write-Host "$((get-date).ToLongTimeString()), $($Event.SourceEventArgs.NewEvent.TargetInstance.Name) started on $($Event.SourceEventArgs.NewEvent.TargetInstance.PSComputerName) with PID=$($Event.SourceEventArgs.NewEvent.TargetInstance.ProcessID) and ParentPID=$($Event.SourceEventArgs.NewEvent.TargetInstance.ParentProcessId)" # You can change Write-Host to Write-Log, and edit the log-path above to have the events logged to a file. } } # End Process } # End of Function. <# COMMENTS / Annotations. 02.11.2013 -Sunny: I was going with a logging to a file, instead of building up Objects in memory to be processed by something in pipeline. IMHO File / Database Logging is more appropriate in this situation. I kept it at Write-host so that you can see the magic. You can use -Computername parameter in Register-WMI to run this against multiple computers and have all of them log to one common path like c:\log\something ** Logging and other functions can be vastly improved. This is really really rough draft. ** Running this program wont in production wont harm your computer with Write-Host intact. If you use logging funtionality, it will log stuff. ** #> |