.Synopsis Gets the DLLs loaded by processes on the system. .DESCRIPTION Gets the DLLs loaded by processes on the system. .EXAMPLE Get-Dll -ProcessName Notepad .EXAMPLE Get-Dll -ModuleName mydll.dll #> function Get-Dll { [CmdletBinding()] param( # The process to get the DLLs of [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="Process")] [System.Diagnostics.Process]$Process, # The process name to get the DLLs of [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="ProcessName")] [String]$ProcessName = "", # The process ID to get the DLLs of [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="ProcessId")] [Int]$ProcessId = 0, # The module name to search for [Parameter()] [String]$ModuleName, # Whether to returned only unsigned modules [Parameter()] [Switch]$Unsigned ) Begin{ $script:Modules = @() $script:Processes = @() } Process { if ($Process -ne $null) { $Modules += $Process.Modules } elseif (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProcessName)) { $Modules += Get-Process -Name $ProcessName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Modules } elseif ($ProcessId -ne 0) { $Modules += Get-Process -Id $ProcessId | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Modules } elseif(-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ModuleName)) { $Processes = Get-Process | Where-Object { ($_.Modules).ModuleName -Contains $ModuleName } } else { $Modules += Get-Process | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Modules } } End { if ($Processes.Length -gt 0) { $Processes return } if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ModuleName)) { $Modules = $Modules | Where-Object { $_.ModuleName -eq $ModuleName } } if ($Unsigned) { $Modules = $Modules | Where { -not [PoshInternals.AuthenticodeTools]::IsTrusted($_.FileName) } } $Modules } } |