# inspired by function Set-EOLTerminator { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts to EOL character(s) considered "normal" for various operating systems. For Unix it is "LF", for Mac it is "CR", and for Windows it is "CRLF" .DESCRIPTION Converts to EOL character(s) considered "normal" for various operating systems. For Unix it is "LF", for Mac it is "CR", and for Windows it is "CRLF" .PARAMETER LineEnding EOL format to be used. Validate set 'Mac', 'Unix', 'Win'. Defaults to 'Win' .PARAMETER Path The path to the file(s) .PARAMETER Quiet If specified there will be no output produced by the function .EXAMPLE Get-FileEncoding -Path c:\temp\tempfile.txt EncodingType Path ------------ ---- ASCII C:\temp\tempfile.txt .NOTES Inspired by Converted it into a function. Added comment based help, begin/process/end code blocks, changing parameter $file to $Path to be more inline with other PowerShell commands. $Path can be an array of strings. Relative paths are accepted. Test for existence of $Path and that it is not a directory Provides output by default, can be disabled with -Quiet parameter. Function as originally written was doing the file write 2 or 3 times (depending on code branching), and rereading the file which is not necessary as it stores the contents of the file in memory. #> [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'High')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] Param( [ValidateSet('Mac', 'Unix', 'Win')] [string] $LineEnding = 'Win', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $Path, [switch] $Quiet ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]" Write-Verbose -Message "LineEnding specified as [$LineEnding]" $CR = "`r" $LF = "`n" $CRLF = "$CR$LF" switch ($LineEnding) { 'Mac' { $EOL = $CR } 'Unix' { $EOL = $LF } 'Win' { $EOL = $CRLF } } } process { foreach ($CurPath in $Path) { if (Test-Path -Path $CurPath) { $ResolveFile = Resolve-Path -Path $CurPath foreach ($CurrentResolve in $ResolveFile) { if (-not (Get-Item -Path $CurrentResolve.Path).PSIsContainer) { if (-not $Quiet) { New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered] @{ LineEnding = $LineEnding Path = $CurrentResolve.Path }) } $text = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($CurrentResolve.Path) # Replace CR+LF with LF $Text = $Text -replace $CRLF, $LF # Replace CR with LF $Text = $Text -replace $CR, $LF # At this point all line-endings should be LF. # Replace LF with intended EOL char if ($EOL -ne $LF) { $Text = $Text -replace $LF, $EOL } [IO.File]::WriteAllText($CurrentResolve.Path, $Text) } else { Write-Error -Message "ERROR: File [$CurrentResolve] is a directory. Skipping..." } } } else { Write-Error -Message "ERROR: Path [$CurPath] does not exist" } } } end { Write-Verbose -Message "Ending [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]" } } |