
function Get-CeasarCipher {
    Shifts letters in string by a certain number of positions. Default shift is 13 characters or the classic ROT13.
    Shifts letters in string by a certain number of positions. Default shift is 13 characters or the classic ROT13.
    A string array of plaintext that you want to run through the cipher. Aliased to 'String' to provide backward compatibility.
    The number of positions you want to switch. Defaults to '13', valid range '1' through '25'
    Switch used if you want to decode cipher text by a certain number of characters.
.PARAMETER IncludeInput
    Switch that will include the input in the output
    Get-CeasarCipher -Text Zoo, human -IncludeInput -Verbose
    VERBOSE: Starting [Get-CeasarCipher]
    VERBOSE: -Key [13] -Decode [False] -IncludeInput [True]
    VERBOSE: Processing [Zoo]
    VERBOSE: Processing [human]
    VERBOSE: Ending [Get-CeasarCipher]
    PlainText Key CipherText
    --------- --- ----------
    Zoo 13 Mbb
    human 13 uhzna
    Get-CeasarCipher -Text Zoo -Key 10
    Get-CeasarCipher -Text Jyy -Key 10 -Decode
    Inspired by:


        [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Please enter text to pass through cipher', ValueFromPipeline)]
        [string[]] $Text,

        [ValidateRange(-25, 25)]
        [int] $Key = 13,

        [switch] $Decode,

        [switch] $IncludeInput

    begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting [$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)]"
        Write-Verbose -Message "-Key [$Key] -Decode [$Decode] -IncludeInput [$IncludeInput]"
        $LowerAlpha = ([char] 'a')..([char] 'z')
        $UpperAlpha = ([char] 'A')..([char] 'Z')

    process {
        foreach ($Line in $Text) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Processing [$Line]"
            $Chars = $Line.ToCharArray()
            $LineOutput = ''
            foreach ($Char in $Chars) {
                if ($Char -cmatch '[A-Z]') {
                    $Position = $UpperAlpha.IndexOf(([int] $char))
                    if (-not $Decode) {
                        $LineOutput += [char] $UpperAlpha[(($Position + $Key) % $UpperAlpha.Count)]
                    } else {
                        $LineOutput += [char] $UpperAlpha[(($Position - $Key + $UpperAlpha.Count) % $UpperAlpha.Count)]
                } elseif ($Char -cmatch '[a-z]') {
                    $Position = $LowerAlpha.IndexOf(([int] $char))
                    if (-not $Decode) {
                        $LineOutput += [char] $LowerAlpha[(($Position + $Key) % $LowerAlpha.Count)]
                    } else {
                        $LineOutput += [char] $LowerAlpha[(($Position - $Key + $LowerAlpha.Count) % $LowerAlpha.Count)]
                } else {
                    $LineOutput += $char
            if (-not $IncludeInput) {
                Write-Output -InputObject $LineOutput
            } else {
                New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered] @{
                    PlainText = $Line
                    Key = $Key
                    CipherText = $LineOutput

    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending [$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)]"