function Get-SpecialFolder { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets special folder name location .DESCRIPTION Gets special folder name location .PARAMETER Name The name of the special folder .PARAMETER IncludeInput Switch to include the input in the output .EXAMPLE Get-SpecialFolder -Name CommonDocuments -IncludeInput Would return SpecialFolder Path ------------- ---- CommonDocuments C:\Users\Public\Documents .EXAMPLE Get-SpecialFolder -Name MyDocuments -IncludeInput Would return the following if logged in as 'SampleUser' SpecialFolder Path ------------- ---- MyDocuments C:\Users\SampleUser\Documents #> [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None')] Param ( [ValidateSet( 'AdminTools', 'ApplicationData', 'CDBurning', 'CommonAdminTools', 'CommonApplicationData', 'CommonDesktopDirectory', 'CommonDocuments', 'CommonMusic', 'CommonOemLinks', 'CommonPictures', 'CommonProgramFiles', 'CommonProgramFilesX86', 'CommonPrograms', 'CommonStartMenu', 'CommonStartup', 'CommonTemplates', 'CommonVideos', 'Cookies', 'Desktop', 'DesktopDirectory', 'Favorites', 'Fonts', 'History', 'InternetCache', 'LocalApplicationData', 'LocalizedResources', 'MyComputer', 'MyDocuments', 'MyMusic', 'MyPictures', 'MyVideos', 'NetworkShortcuts', 'Personal', 'PrinterShortcuts', 'ProgramFiles', 'ProgramFilesX86', 'Programs', 'Recent', 'Resources', 'SendTo', 'StartMenu', 'Startup', 'System', 'SystemX86', 'Templates', 'UserProfile', 'Windows' )] [string] $Name, [switch] $IncludeInput ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]" } process { if ($Name) { $SpecialFolders = [System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Environment+SpecialFolder]) | Where-Object {$_ -eq $Name} } else { $SpecialFolders = [System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Environment+SpecialFolder]) | Sort-Object } foreach ($curSpecial in $SpecialFolders) { if (-not $IncludeInput) { Write-Output -InputObject ([Environment]::GetFolderPath($curSpecial)) } else { New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered] @{ SpecialFolder = $curSpecial Path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath($curSpecial) }) } } } end { Write-Verbose -Message "Ending [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]" } } Set-Alias -Name 'Show-SpecialFolder' -Value 'Get-SpecialFolder' -Description 'Alias for Get-SpecialFolder for backward compatibility' |