
function Get-Enum {
    To get the static values of enum datatypes
    To get the static values of enum datatypes
    A typename or array of typenames that you wish to enumerate the enum values.
    Can accept input from the pipeline.
    A switch that will also display the value in binary form.
    A switch that will also display the value in hexadecimal form.
.PARAMETER IncludeInput
    A switch determining if you want the TypeName to appear in the output. Aliased to 'IncludeType'
    Get-Enum -TypeName 'System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult'
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    None 0
    OK 1
    Cancel 2
    Abort 3
    Retry 4
    Ignore 5
    Yes 6
    No 7
    Get-Enum -TypeName 'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons' -Hex -IncludeInput
    TypeName Name Value Hex
    -------- ---- ----- ---
    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons OK 0 0x0
    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons OKCancel 1 0x1
    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons AbortRetryIgnore 2 0x2
    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons YesNoCancel 3 0x3
    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons YesNo 4 0x4
    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons RetryCancel 5 0x5
    Get-Enum -TypeName 'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons' -Binary
    Name Value Binary
    ---- ----- ------
    OK 0 0
    OKCancel 1 1
    AbortRetryIgnore 2 10
    YesNoCancel 3 11
    YesNo 4 100
    RetryCancel 5 101

    param (
        [type[]] $TypeName,

        [switch] $Binary,

        [switch] $Hex,

        [switch] $IncludeInput

    begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]"
        if ($Binary) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Binary included in output.'
        if ($Hex) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Hex included in output.'
        if ($IncludeInput) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'TypeName included in output.'

    process {
        foreach ($currentType in $TypeName) {
            write-verbose "currentType [$currentType]"
            if ($currentType.BaseType.FullName -ne 'System.Enum')
                Write-Error -message "Type '$curExpandType' is not an enum"
            if ($IncludeInput) {
                $props = @(
                    @{ Name = 'TypeName' ; Expression = { Invoke-Expression  "write-output $($currenttype)" }}
                    @{ Name = 'Name'     ; Expression = { [string] $_ } }
                    @{ Name = 'Value'    ; Expression = {  [int32](Invoke-Expression -Command "[$($currentType.FullName)]'$_'") }}
            } else {
                $props = @(
                    @{ Name = 'Name'     ; Expression = { [string] $_ } }
                    @{ Name = 'Value'    ; Expression = { [int32](Invoke-Expression -Command "[$($currentType.FullName)]'$_'") }}
            if ($Binary) {
                $props += @{ Name = 'Binary'; Expression={[Convert]::ToString([int32](Invoke-Expression -Command "[$($currentType.FullName)]'$_'"), 2)}}
            if ($Hex) {
                $props += @{ Name = 'Hex'; Expression={'0x{0}' -f ([Convert]::ToString([int32](Invoke-Expression -Command "[$($currentType.FullName)]'$_'"), 16))}}
            [enum]::GetNames($currentType) | Select-Object -Property $props

    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]"