Filter sed { <# .SYNOPSIS A simple text filter to replace strings .DESCRIPTION A simple text filter to replace strings .PARAMETER Before The string searching for .PARAMETER After The string to replace it with .EXAMPLE 'Hello There' | sed 'Hello' 'Goodbye' Would return Goodbye There .OUTPUTS [string] .LINK about_Functions #> #region Parameter [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='None')] [OutputType('string')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Enter a string to search for', Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $False)] [string] $Before, [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Enter a string to replace it with', Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $False)] [string] $After ) #endregion Parameter foreach-object { $_ -replace $before,$after } } |