function Set-PrivateProfileComment { <# .SYNOPSIS To place comment(s) in an .ini file. Comments are lines that begin with a semicolon ';'. .DESCRIPTION To set data in an .ini file. .ini files are plain text that is categorized in section names. Within a section there are key, value pairs. An example .ini file content is as follows: [Section1] Key1=Data1 .PARAMETER File The path to the .ini file. Can be a relative path. .PARAMETER Section The name of the section within the .ini file. Section names within the file are enveloped in square brackets. '[]' If Section is blank '' then the comments are for the file and will be placed above all sections. .PARAMETER Comment A string or array of strings that will be placed as comments into the .ini file. Comments are lines that begin with a semicolon ';' and then the comment. .PARAMETER CreateFile A switch that will create the File if it does not automatically exist. If this switch is set the CreateSection will be set as $true as well. .PARAMETER CreateSection A switch that will create the Section if it does not exist. .EXAMPLE Set-PrivateProfileComment -File Test2.ini -Section '' -Comment 'This is a file comment' True Would add the following line at the top of the file ; This is a file comment .EXAMPLE Set-PrivateProfileComment -File Test2.ini -Section 'Section5' -Comment 'This is a section comment' -CreateSection True Assuming that 'Section5' didn't exist in the .ini file it would add the following lines at the end of the file [Section5] ; This is a section comment .NOTES I wanted to have an ability to write comments into an .ini file. .OUTPUTS [bool] indicating success or failure of writing the comment. Error trapping on specific conditions. #> #region parameter [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='Low')] param( [string] $File, [string] $Section, [string[]] $Comment, [switch] $CreateFile, [switch] $CreateSection, [switch] $ReplaceComment ) #endregion parameter begin { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" Write-Verbose -Message 'Trimming parameters.' $Section = $Section.Trim() foreach ($CurrentComment in $Comment) { $CurrentComment = $CurrentComment.Trim() } if ($Section -eq '') { $InSection = $true } if ($CreateFile) { $CreateSection = $true } } Process { if (-not (Test-Path -Path $File) -and $CreateFile) { Write-Verbose -Message "File [$File] does not exist, creating it." try { $null = New-Item -Path $File -ItemType File } catch { Write-Error -Message "Could not create file [$File], probably permissions not valid." } } if (Test-Path -Path $File) { $ResolveFile = Resolve-Path -Path $File if ($ResolveFile.count -gt 1) { Write-Error -Message "ERROR: File specification [$File] resolves to more than 1 file." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Using file [$ResolveFile] in section [$Section], using comments [$($Comment -join ', ')]" $IniContent = Get-Content -Path $ResolveFile $NewIniContent = @() $Inserted = $false if ($Section -eq '') { $InSection = $true foreach ($CurrentComment in $Comment) { if ($CurrentComment -ne '') { $NewIniContent += "; $CurrentComment" } } $Inserted = $true } $IniContent | ForEach-Object -Process { if ($InSection) { if ($_ -match '^(\s*\[\s*)([\S\s+\S|\S]+)(\s*\]).*$') { Write-Verbose -Message "Match section regex ($_)" $InSection = $false $NewIniContent += $_ } elseif ($ReplaceComment -and $_ -match '^\s*;.*$') { Write-Verbose -Message "Replace comment true and matches comment ($_)" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Match key/value pair ($_)" $NewIniContent += $_ } } else { if ($_ -match '^(\s*\[\s*)([\S\s+\S|\S]+)(\s*\]).*$') { $MatchSection = $matches[2].Trim() if ($MatchSection -eq $Section) { $InSection = $true $NewIniContent += $_ foreach ($CurrentComment in $Comment) { if ($CurrentComment -ne '') { $NewIniContent += "; $CurrentComment" } } $Inserted = $true } else { $NewIniContent += $_ } } else { $NewIniContent += $_ } } } if (-not $Inserted -and $CreateSection) { $NewIniContent += "[$Section]" foreach ($CurrentComment in $Comment) { $CurrentComment = $CurrentComment.Trim() $NewIniContent += "; $CurrentComment" } $Inserted = $true } $Inserted if ($Inserted) { $NewIniContent | Set-Content -Path $ResolveFile } } } else { Write-Error -Message "ERROR: File [$File] does not exist" } } end { Write-Verbose -Message "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } } #EndFunction Set-PrivateProfileComment |