function Read-HostWithDefault { <# .SYNOPSIS A wrapper for Read-Host that includes a default value. Optionally can provide a prompt. .DESCRIPTION A wrapper for Read-Host that includes a default value. Optionally can provide a prompt. .PARAMETER Default A required parameter indicating what the default return value will be if the user just hits [Enter] .PARAMETER Prompt A string template for the prompt string. Defaults to 'Enter a password value or accept default of'. Resulting prompt with this template would be "Enter a password value or accept default of [$Default]" .EXAMPLE $password = Read-HostWithDefault -Default 'SuperSecretPassword' Would prompt the user with: 'Enter a password value or accept default of [SuperSecretPassword]:' and store the result in $password .EXAMPLE $username = Read-HostWithDefault -Default 'sa' -Prompt 'Enter a SQL user login or accept default of' Would prompt the user with: 'Enter a SQL user login or accept default of [sa]:' and store the result in $username .OUTPUTS [string] .LINK Read-Host #> [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='Low')] [OutputType('string')] param( [parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Add help message for user')] [string] $Default, [parameter()] [string] $Prompt = 'Enter a password value or accept default of' ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } Process { $Response = read-host -Prompt ($Prompt + " [$Default]") if ('' -eq $response) { $Default } else { $Response } } End { Write-Verbose -Message "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } } #EndFunction Read-HostWithDefault |