
function New-PopUp {

    New-Popup will display a popup message
    The New-Popup command uses the Wscript.Shell PopUp method to display a graphical message
    box. You can customize its appearance of icons and buttons. By default the user
    must click a button to dismiss but you can set a timeout value in seconds to
    automatically dismiss the popup.
    The command will write the return value of the clicked button to the pipeline:
    OK = 1
    Cancel = 2
    Abort = 3
    Retry = 4
    Ignore = 5
    Yes = 6
    No = 7
    If no button is clicked, the return value is -1.
    new-popup -message "The update script has completed" -title "Finished" -time 5
    This will display a popup message using the default OK button and default
    Information icon. The popup will automatically dismiss after 5 seconds.
    $answer = new-popup -Message "Please pick" -Title "form" -buttons "OKCancel" -icon "information"
    If the user clicks "OK" the $answer variable will be equal to 1. If the user clicks "Cancel" the
    $answer variable will be equal to 2.
    Last Updated: 6/17/2018
    The message you want displayed
    The text to appear in title bar of dialog box
    The time to display the message. Defaults to 0 (zero) which will keep dialog open until a button is clicked
    Valid values for -Buttons include:
    Valid values for -Icon include:
    Switch which will force the popup window to appear on top of all other windows.
    Will return a human readable representation of which button was pressed as opposed to an integer value.
    An integer with the following value depending upon the button pushed.
    Timeout = -1 # Value when timer finishes countdown.
    OK = 1
    Cancel = 2
    Abort = 3
    Retry = 4
    Ignore = 5
    Yes = 6
    No = 7

    #region Parameters
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory,HelpMessage='Enter a message for the popup')]
        [string] $Message,

        [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory,HelpMessage='Enter a title for the popup')]
        [string] $Title,

        [ValidateScript({$_ -ge 0})]
        [int] $Time=0,

        [string] $Buttons='OK',

        [ValidateSet('Stop','Question','Exclamation','Information','None' )]
        [string] $Icon='None',

        [switch] $ShowOnTop,

        [switch] $AsString

    #endregion Parameters

    Begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"

    process {
        # set $ShowOnTopValue based on switch
        if ($ShowOnTop) {
            $ShowOnTopValue = 4096
        } else {
            $ShowOnTopValue = 0

        #lookup key to convert buttons to their integer equivalents
        $ButtonsKey = @{
            'OK'               = 0
            'OKCancel'         = 1
            'AbortRetryIgnore' = 2
            'YesNo'            = 4
            'YesNoCancel'      = 3
            'RetryCancel'      = 5

        #lookup key to convert icon to their integer equivalents
        $IconKey = @{
            'Stop'        = 16
            'Question'    = 32
            'Exclamation' = 48
            'Information' = 64
            'None'        =  0

        #lookup key to convert return value to human readable button press
        $ReturnKey =   @{
            -1 = 'Timeout'
             1 = 'OK'
             2 = 'Cancel'
             3 = 'Abort'
             4 = 'Retry'
             5 = 'Ignore'
             6 = 'Yes'
             7 = 'No'

        #create the COM Object
        Try {
            $wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell -ErrorAction Stop
            #Button and icon type values are added together to create an integer value
            $return = $wshell.Popup($Message,$Time,$Title,$ButtonsKey[$Buttons] + $Iconkey[$Icon] + $ShowOnTopValue)
            if ($return -eq -1) {
                write-verbose -Message "User timedout [$($returnkey[$return])] after [$time] seconds"
            } else {
                write-verbose -Message "User pressed [$($returnkey[$return])]"
            if ($AsString) {
            else {
        Catch {
            #You should never really run into an exception in normal usage
            Write-Warning -Message 'Failed to create Wscript.Shell COM object'
            Write-Warning -Message ($_.exception.message)

    End {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"

} # EndFunction New-PopUp