Function Get-Md5Sum { <# .SYNOPSIS To calculate an Md5Sum for a file .DESCRIPTION To calculate an Md5Sum for a file .PARAMETER File The path to the file you wish to calculate the Md5Sum. Can be a single string or an array of strings. Can also accept pipeline input. .EXAMPLE Assume you have a file that has 4 lines of text in it as follows unicorn unicorn unicorn unicorn cat cat cat dog dog fish .EXAMPLE Get-Md5Sum -File .\sample.txt 351a0b1fd339ec74e3ddd2ddde694d82 .EXAMPLE Get-Md5Sum -File .\sample.txt -IncludeFile File Md5Sum ---- ------ .\sample.txt 351a0b1fd339ec74e3ddd2ddde694d82 #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('string')] Param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeLine,ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName)] [Alias('FileName','Path')] [string[]] $File, [switch] $IncludeFile ) begin { } process { foreach ($currentFile in $File) { Try { if (Test-Path -path $currentFile) { write-verbose -message "File exists: $currentFile" $md5 = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider write-verbose -message "MD5object: $md5" $hash = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($(resolve-path -path $currentFile)))) write-verbose -message "Hash: $hash" $hash = $($hash -replace '-', '').ToLower() write-verbose -message "Calculating MD5Sum for file: '$currentFile'" } else { write-verbose -message "The file specified does not exist: '$currentFile'" $hash = 'ERROR' } if ($IncludeFile) { New-object -TypeName 'psobject' -Property ([ordered] @{ File = $currentFile Md5Sum = $hash }) } else { write-output -inputobject $hash } } Catch { write-verbose -message "Get-Md5Sum encountered an error for file [$currentFile]" } } } end { } } #EndFunction Get-Md5Sum Set-Alias -Name 'Md5Sum' -Value 'Get-Md5Sum' |