function Get-DiceRoll { <# .SYNOPSIS Simulates rolling gaming dice .DESCRIPTION Simulates rolling gaming dice. You can specify the number and type of a particular die. .PARAMETER Dice A [string] array that you use to specify the type of and number of that type of dice that you want to roll. Takes the form of [#]D[Type] where # is blank or 1-9, and Type is 4, 6, 8, 10, %, 12, 20 TYPE DESCRIPTION 4 4 sided die with face values of 1-4 6 6 sided die with face values of 1-6 8 8 sided die with face values of 1-8 10 10 sided die with face values of 0-9 % 10 sided die with face values of 0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90 12 12 sided die with face values of 1-12 20 20 sided die with face values of 1-20 .PARAMETER ShowRoll A switch to show the results of each individual dice roll .EXAMPLE # Rolling 3 standard six sided dice and showing the result of each die. The total would be between 3 and 18 Get-DiceRoll -Dice 3d6 -ShowRoll Example return DiceType Roll -------- ---- D6 6, 3, 3 TOTAL 12 .EXAMPLE Get-DiceRoll -Dice 3d4 Would return a value between 3 and 12 .EXAMPLE Get-DiceRoll -Dice d%,d10 -ShowRoll Sample return DiceType Roll -------- ---- D10 5 D% 30 TOTAL 35 .EXAMPLE 'd12','d4' | Get-DiceRoll -ShowRoll Sample return DiceType Roll -------- ---- D12 3 D4 1 TOTAL 4 .NOTES If you need to specify 10 or more of a particular type of dice use several entries of that dice type that add up to the value you want. You want to know results of rolling ten 6-sided dice Get-DiceRoll -Dice 2d6,8d6 .OUTPUTS 'int' or 'psobject' #> [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] [OutputType('int')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0, ValueFromPipeLine)] [string[]] $Dice, [switch] $ShowRoll ) #endregion parameter begin { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]" $Total = 0 $ValidDice = $true $Roll = @{} $ReturnVal = @() $DiceCharacteristics = ([ordered] @{ '4' = @{ Side = 4; Face = 1..4} '6' = @{ Side = 6; Face = 1..6} '8' = @{ Side = 8; Face = 1..8} '10' = @{ Side = 10; Face = 0..9} '%' = @{ Side = 10; Face = (0..9 | Foreach-Object { $_ * 10 }) } '12' = @{ Side = 12; Face = 1..12} '20' = @{ Side = 20; Face = 1..20} }) } process { foreach ($Die in $Dice) { if ($Die -match '^([1-9]?)d(4|6|8|10|%|12|20)$') { $DieType = $matches[2] $NumDie = $matches[1] if (Test-IsNull $NumDie -Verbose:$false) { $NumDie = 1 } for ($i = 1; $i -le $NumDie; $i++) { if (-not ($Roll.ContainsKey($DieType))) { $Roll.$DieType = @() } $Roll.$DieType += Get-Random $DiceCharacteristics.$DieType.Face } } else { $ValidDice = $false } } } end { if (-not $ValidDice) { Write-Error "Invalid dice specified" } else { foreach ($R in $Roll.GetEnumerator()) { write-verbose "`$R.Value is [$($R.Value -join ', ')]" $Total += ($R.Value | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum [string] $CurrentRoll = ($R.Value | Sort-Object -Descending) -join ', ' $ReturnVal += New-Object PSObject -Property ([ordered] @{DiceType = ('D' + $R.Name); Roll = $CurrentRoll }) } if ($ShowRoll) { $ReturnVal += New-Object PSObject -Property ([ordered] @{DiceType = 'TOTAL'; Roll = $Total }) $ReturnVal } else { $Total } } Write-Verbose -Message "Ending [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]" } } |