
function Format-RandomCase {
    Formats a string character by character randomly into upper or lower case.
    Formats a string character by character randomly into upper or lower case.
    A [string[]] that you want formatted randomly into upper or lower case
    Format-RandomCase -String 'HELLO WORLD IT IS ME!'
    Example return
    HelLo worlD It is me!
    If you need to specify 10 or more of a particular type of dice use several entries of that dice type that add up to the value you want.
    You want to know results of rolling ten 6-sided dice
    Get-DiceRoll -Dice 2d6,8d6

    param (
        [string[]] $String

    begin {


    process {
        foreach ($CurrentString in $String) {
            $tmp = [char[]] $CurrentString
            $tmp | ForEach-Object -Begin { $returnVal = '' } -Process {
                $random = 0,1 | Get-Random
                if ($random -eq 0) {
                    $returnVal += ([string] $_).ToLower()
                } else {
                    $returnVal += ([string] $_).ToUpper()
            Write-Output $returnVal


    end {
