function Export-CSVSortedColumn { <# .SYNOPSIS Sorts the column names alphabetically and exports to csv .DESCRIPTION Sorts the column names alphabetically and exports to csv .PARAMETER InputObject The object that will be exported .PARAMETER Descending Switch if you want the columns to be in reverse alphabetical order. .PARAMETER Append Optional parameter matches parameter in Export-CSV .PARAMETER Confirm Optional parameter matches parameter in Export-CSV .PARAMETER Delimiter Optional parameter matches parameter in Export-CSV .PARAMETER Encoding Optional parameter matches parameter in Export-CSV .PARAMETER Force Optional parameter matches parameter in Export-CSV .PARAMETER LiteralPath Optional parameter matches parameter in Export-CSV .PARAMETER NoClobber Optional parameter matches parameter in Export-CSV .PARAMETER NoTypeInformation Optional parameter matches parameter in Export-CSV .PARAMETER Path Optional parameter matches parameter in Export-CSV .PARAMETER UseCulture Optional parameter matches parameter in Export-CSV .NOTES Inspired by Made following changes * added all parameters from Export-CSV .LINK Export-CSV #> param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Object[]] $InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch] $Descending, [Switch] $Append, [Switch] $Confirm, [char] $Delimiter = ',', [string] $Encoding, [Switch] $Force, [string] $LiteralPath, [switch] $NoClobber, [switch] $NoTypeInformation, [string] $Path, [switch] $UseCulture ) begin { $Result = ( [System.Collections.ArrayList] @() ) } process { $properties = $InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType Properties if ($Descending) { $properties = $properties | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending } $CsvParams = @{} if ($LiteralPath) { $CsvParams.LiteralPath = $LiteralPath } elseif ($Path) { $CsvParams.Path = $Path } else { Write-Error -Message "ERROR Path or LiteralPath not specified." } if ($UseCulture) { $CsvParams.Delimiter = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ListSeparator } else { $CsvParams.Delimiter = $Delimiter } if ($NoTypeInformation) { $CsvParams.NoTypeInformation = $true } else { $CsvParams.NoTypeInformation = $false } if ($Append) { $CsvParams.Append = $true } else { $CsvParams.Append = $false } if ($Confirm) { $CsvParams.Confirm = $true } else { $CsvParams.Confirm = $false } if ($NoClobber) { $CsvParams.NoClobber = $true } else { $CsvParams.NoClobber = $false } if ($Encoding) { $CsvParams.Encoding = $Encoding } foreach ($CurrentInputObject in $InputObject) { [void] $Result.Add($CurrentInputObject) } # $properties | ForEach-Object { # Write-Host ("{0,$longestName} : {1,$longestValue}" -f $_.Name, $InputObject."$($_.Name)".ToString()) # } } end { $Result | select $ | export-csv @CsvParams } } |