# Inspired by: # Added [switch] parameter $PassThru to pass items through the pipeline # Added [switch] parameter $SecondsRemaining # Added [int] parameter $Id to enable multiple progress bars function Show-Progress { <# .SYNOPSIS Show progress as items pass through a section of the pipline .DESCRIPTION This function allows you to show progress from the pipeline. It's intentionally written for efficiency/speed so some compromises on readability were made .PARAMETER InputObject The items on the pipeline being processed. Can also accept this input from the pipeline, which is how this parameter is normally used. .PARAMETER Activity A decription of the activity being measured. .PARAMETER UpdatePercentage The percentage of time to update the progress bar. Write-Progress is a slow cmdlet so this is used for performance reasons with larger data sets. Defaults to 1. .PARAMETER PassThru Controls whether data is passed along the pipeline. Normally this switch should be used. .PARAMETER Id Allows you to have multiple progress bars running simultaneously. Defaults to 1. .PARAMETER SecondsRemaining Switch that will control the display of estimated number of seconds remaining based upon current progress. .EXAMPLE # This runs through the numbers 1 through 1000 and displays a progress bar based on how many have gone through the pipeline 1..1000 | Show-Progress .EXAMPLE # Showing progress with a specific activity message and only updating at 10%, 20% etc 1..10000 | Show-Progress -Activity "doin stuff" -UpdatePercentage 10 .EXAMPLE # Showing progress displaying estimated seconds remaining. 1..50 | show-progress -PassThru -SecondsRemaining | foreach { start-sleep -Milliseconds (get-random -min 100 -max 1000) } .EXAMPLE 1..1000 | show-progress -SecondsRemaining -PassThru -Activity 'Performing activity' | foreach { start-sleep -mil (get-random -min 100 -max 1000)} Will display a progress bar at the top that will look similar to: Performing activity Working - 2% [ooo ] 00:09:20 remaining. #> [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='None')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Add help message for user', Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject[]] $InputObject, [string] $Activity = 'Processing items', [ValidateRange(1, 100)] [int] $UpdatePercentage = 1, [Alias('PassThrough')] [switch] $PassThru, [int] $Id = 1, [switch] $SecondsRemaining ) $count = 0 [int] $totalItems = $Input.count write-verbose -Message "TotalItems in the pipeline: $TotalItems" $progressWritten = @() $StartTime = get-date # use a dot sourced scriptblock to loop despite its lower redability as its extremely fast $Input | . { process { # pass thru the input if ($PassThru) { $_ } $count++ [int] $percentComplete = ($Count / $totalItems * 100) $writeProgressSplat = @{ Activity = $Activity PercentComplete = $percentComplete Status = "Working - $percentComplete%" Id = $Id } if ($SecondsRemaining) { $SecondsElapsed = (get-date) - $StartTime $SecondsTogo = ($SecondsElapsed.TotalSeconds / $count) * ($totalItems - $count) $writeProgressSplat.SecondsRemaining = $SecondsTogo } if ($percentComplete -notin $progressWritten -and ($UpdatePercentage -eq 0 -or $percentComplete % $UpdatePercentage -eq 0)) { $progressWritten += $percentComplete Write-Progress @writeProgressSplat } } } # cleanup - if for some reason the function doesn't arrive at 100% percent completed. This will make the progress # bar disappear. $writeProgressSplat = @{ Activity = $Activity PercentComplete = 100 Status = 'Completed' Id = $Id Completed = $true } Write-Progress @writeProgressSplat } # EndFunction Show-Progress |