# Source Filter Set-Type { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the data type of a property given the property name and the data type. .DESCRIPTION Sets the data type of a property given the property name and the data type. This is needed as cmdlets such as Import-CSV pulls everything in as a string datatype so you can't sort numerically or date wise. .PARAMETER TypeHash A hashtable of property names and their associated datatype .NOTES Only works properly if there are no separate begin, process, and end blocks .EXAMPLE $csv = Import-CSV -Path .\test.csv | Set-Type -TypeHash @{ 'LastWriteTime' = 'DateTime'} .LINK about_Properties #> param( [hashtable] $TypeHash ) foreach ($key in $($TypeHash.keys)) { $_.$key = $($_.$key -as $TypeHash[$key]) } $_ } |