Function Get-WordCount { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets summary statistics of all the words and how many of each there are .DESCRIPTION Gets summary statistics of all the words and how many of each there are .PARAMETER Path The path of the file .PARAMETER Exclude A string or array of strings that should be excluded. .EXAMPLE For all the examples assume you have a file called Sample.txt that contains the following: unicorn unicorn unicorn unicorn cat cat cat dog dog fish Assume further you have another file called Exclude.txt that contains the following: unicorn .EXAMPLE Get-WordCount -Path .\Sample.txt Name Value ---- ----- unicorn 4 cat 3 dog 2 fish 1 .EXAMPLE Get-WordCount -Path .\sample.txt -Exclude .\Exclude.txt Name Value ---- ----- cat 3 dog 2 fish 1 #> [CmdletBinding()] param ([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Please enter a filename so we can count the words',ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $Path, [string[]] $Exclude ) begin { } process { write-verbose -message "PATH = [$($Path)]" $textString = $(get-content -path $Path) -join ' ' $textString = $textString -replace "`n", ' ' $textString = $textString -replace '[^a-z| ]' $textWords = $textString -split '\s+' $statistic = $textWords | foreach-object -Begin {$hash=@{}} -Process {$hash.$_ ++} -End {$hash} if ( $exclude ) { write-verbose -message "EXCLUDE = $Exclude" $excludeString = $(get-content -path $exclude) -join ' ' $excludeString = $excludeString -replace "`n", ' ' $excludeString = $excludeString -replace '[^a-z| ]' $excludeWords = $excludeString -split '\s+' $excludeWords | foreach-object { if ($statistic.ContainsKey($_)) { $statistic.Remove($_) } } } write-verbose -message 'Word frequency in descending order' $statistic.GetEnumerator() | sort-object -Property value -Descending } end { } } #EndFunction Get-WordCount |