function Get-PrintableAscii { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets an array of objects that show printable Ascii characters. .DESCRIPTION Gets an array of objects that show printable Ascii characters. It shows the character code in decimal, in hex, the character itself, and the 'class' of character. U - Uppercase letters L - Lowercase letters N - Numbers S - Symbols (not U, L, or N) Will also mark characters that are similar to one another at first glance which you may want to avoid when generating a password. .EXAMPLE Get-PrintableAscii | Select-Object -First 10 Would return: Ascii Hex Char Class Similar ----- --- ---- ----- ------- 33 21 ! S False 34 22 " S False 35 23 # S False 36 24 $ S False 37 25 % S False 38 26 & S False 39 27 ' S False 40 28 ( S False 41 29 ) S False 42 2a * S False 43 2b + S True 44 2c , S False 45 2d - S False 46 2e . S False 47 2f / S False 48 30 0 N True 49 31 1 N True 50 32 2 N False 51 33 3 N False 52 34 4 N False #> [CmdletBinding()] param () $PrintableAscii = 33..126 | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject] @{ Ascii = $_; Hex = ('{0:x2}' -f $_) ; Char = ( [char] [byte] $_) ; Class = 'S' Similar = $false } } foreach ($char in $PrintableAscii) { switch -regex -casesensitive ($char.Char) { '[0-9]' { $char.Class = 'N' } '[A-Z]' { $char.Class = 'U' } '[a-z]' { $char.Class = 'L' } '[0|O|o|1|l|I|\|+|t|-|_]' { $char.Similar = $true } } } Write-Output $PrintableAscii } |