
function Get-BashPath {
    To take a normal Windows path and convert it to a bash path for things like git bash.
    To take a normal Windows path and convert it to a bash path for things like git bash.
    A path to a file or files. Can include wildcards and the wildcards will be resolved to underlying
    files. Can be a single path, an array of paths, or from the pipeline.
.PARAMETER IncludeOriginal
    Describe parameter -IncludeOriginal.
    Get-BashPath -Path 'c:\temp\*.csv'
    /C/temp/Encoding\ Time.csv
    Get-BashPath -Path 'c:\temp\*.csv' -IncludeOriginal
    Posh bash
    ---- ----
    C:\temp\Encoding Time.csv /C/temp/Encoding\ Time.csv
    The file(s) must exist for this function to work

    #region Parameter
        [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Enter a path to resolve. * and ? are acceptable wildcards',
            Position = 0,  ValueFromPipeline)]
            [string[]] $Path,

            [switch] $IncludeOriginal
    #endregion Parameter

    begin {


    process {
        foreach ($currentPath in $Path) {
            $resolve = [array] (resolve-path -Path $currentPath).Path
            if (-not $resolve) {
                # nothing returned
                return $null
            # .replace(' ','\ ')
            foreach ($r in $resolve) {
                $bash = ('/' + $r.replace('\','/').replace(':','').replace(' ','\ '))
                if ($IncludeOriginal) {
                    new-object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ Posh = $r; bash = $bash}
                else {

    end {
