Function ConvertTo-Bool { <# .SYNOPSIS Parse a string and convert it to a Boolean .DESCRIPTION Parse a string and convert it to a Boolean .PARAMETER InputVal The string or array of strings to be evaluated. Accepts from the pipeline .PARAMETER TrueString The string or array of strings that are considered as $true values. Defaults to 'true', 'yes', 'on', 'enabled', 't', 'y' .PARAMETER IncludeOriginal Determines if you wish to see the original in the output .NOTES ConvertTo-Bool will .Trim() the InputVal before trying to parse it. .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-Bool 'true' True .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-Bool 't' True .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-Bool 'on' True .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-Bool 0 False .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-Bool 1 Any NON-zero numeric would return True .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-Bool 'nonsense' False .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-Bool 'radical' -TrueString 'radical', 'cool' True .EXAMPLE '0',1,2,'t','enabled','darn','on' | ConvertTo-Bool -IncludeOriginal Original Bool TrueString -------- ---- ---------- 0 False true, yes, on, enabled, t, y 1 True true, yes, on, enabled, t, y 2 True true, yes, on, enabled, t, y t True true, yes, on, enabled, t, y enabled True true, yes, on, enabled, t, y darn False true, yes, on, enabled, t, y on True true, yes, on, enabled, t, y .OUTPUTS [bool] .LINK about_Properties #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('bool')] param( [Parameter(Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]] $InputVal, [string[]] $TrueString = @('true', 'yes', 'on', 'enabled', 't', 'y'), [switch] $IncludeOriginal ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" $TrueRegex = '^(' + ($TrueString -join '|') + ')$' $TrueVerbose = $TrueString -join ', ' Write-Verbose -Message "TrueString is [$TrueVerbose]" } process { foreach ($currentInput in $InputVal) { $currentInput = $currentInput.Trim() if (($currentInput -eq '') -or ($null -eq $currentInput)) { $ReturnVal = $false } else { if (test-isNumeric -NumString $currentInput) { if ($currentInput -eq 0) { $ReturnVal = $false } else { $ReturnVal = $true } } else { switch -regex ($currentInput) { $TrueRegex { $ReturnVal = $true } # '^(true|yes|on|enabled|t|y)$' { $true } default { $ReturnVal = $false } } } } if ($IncludeOriginal) { New-Object -TypeName 'psobject' -Property ([ordered] @{ Original = $currentInput Bool = $ReturnVal TrueString = $TrueString -join ', ' }) } else { $ReturnVal } } } end { Write-Verbose -Message "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } } # endfunction ConvertTo-Bool Set-Alias -Name Parse-Bool -Value ConvertTo-Bool |