function Pad { param([System.String] $value, [System.Int32] $length) return $value.PadRight($length) } function New-ColorVTSequence { param([System.String] $value) $color = [System.Drawing.ColorTranslator]::FromHtml($value) $r = $color.R; $g = $color.G; $b = $color.B; return "$r;$g;$b"; } function New-ForegroundVTSequence { param([System.String] $hexColor) $rgbSequence = New-ColorVTSequence -value $hexColor return "38;2;$rgbSequence" } function New-BackgroundVTSequence { param([System.String] $hexColor) $rgbSequence = New-ColorVTSequence -value $hexColor return "48;2;$rgbSequence" } function New-TextColorVTSequence{ param([System.String] $foregroundHexColor, [System.String] $backgroundHexColor) $result = New-ColorVTSequence -value $foregroundHexColor if ($backgroundHexColor) { $backgroundSequence = New-ColorVTSequence -value $backgroundHexColor $result = "$result;$backgroundSequence"; } return "$result" + "m" } function Convert-ToRGB { param([System.String]$color) $colorValue = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromName($color) # if the passed in color name is not a known name, just use white if (!$colorValue.IsKnownColor) { $colorValue = [System.Drawing.Color]::White } $hexValue = "#" + $colorValue.R.ToString() + $colorValue.G.ToString() + $colorValue.B.ToString() return $hexValue } function Write-HostColor { param ([Parameter(Position=0)] [System.String] $text, [Parameter(Position=1)][System.String] $foreground, [System.String] $background, [switch] $noNewLine = $false) if ($global:PoshColor.UseConsoleColors) { if ($background) { if ($noNewLine) { Write-Host $text -ForegroundColor $foreground -BackgroundColor $background -NoNewline } else { Write-Host $text -ForegroundColor $foreground -BackgroundColor $background } } else { if ($noNewLine) { Write-Host $text -ForegroundColor $foreground -NoNewline } else { Write-Host $text -ForegroundColor $foreground } } } else { ## Try and parse colours as named colors if (!$foreground.StartsWith("#")) { $foreground = (Convert-ToRGB $foreground) } $foregroundSequence = New-ForegroundVTSequence -hexColor $foreground if ($background) { if (!$background.StartsWith("#")) { $background = (Convert-ToRGB $background) } $backgroundSequence = New-BackgroundVTSequence -hexColor $background } $vtSequence = "$foregroundSequence" if ($backgroundSequence) { $vtSequence = "$vtSequence;$backgroundSequence"; } $vtSequence = "`e[$vtSequence" + "m" if ($noNewLine) { Write-Host "$vtSequence$text" -NoNewLine } else { Write-Host "$vtSequence$text" } } } function Trim { param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=1)][string] $text, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=2)][int] $length) if ($text.Length -gt $length) { $text = $text.Substring(0, $length - 3) + "..." } return $text; } |