$scoobyDooUri = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/poshbotio/PoshBot/master/Media/scooby_doo.jpg' function Invoke-Ping { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests a connection to a host. .PARAMETER Name IPAddress or DNS name to ping. .PARAMETER Count The number of pings to send. .PARAMETER IPv6 Use IPv6 .EXAMPLE !ping (<www.google.com> | -name <www.google.com>) [-count 2] [-ipv6] #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( CommandName = 'ping', Permissions = 'test-network' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string]$Name, [parameter(Position = 1)] [int]$Count = 5, [parameter(position = 2)] [switch]$IPv6 ) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IPv6')) { $r = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { ping.exe $Name -n $Count -6 -a } } else { $r = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { ping.exe $Name -n $Count -4 -a } } New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text ($r -Join "`n") } function Invoke-Dig { <# .SYNOPSIS Perform DNS resolution on a host. .PARAMETER Name The DNS name to resolve. .PARAMETER Type THe DNS record type to resolve. .PARAMETER Server The DNS server to use. .EXAMPLE !dig (<www.google.com> | -name <www.google.com>) [-type <A>] [-server <>] #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( CommandName = 'dig', Permissions = 'test-network' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Name, [ValidateSet('A', 'A_AAAA', 'AAAA', 'NS', 'MX', 'MD', 'MF', 'CNAME', 'SOA', 'MB', 'MG', 'MR', 'NULL', 'WKS', 'PTR', 'HINFO', 'MINFO', 'TXT', 'RP', 'AFSDB', 'X25', 'ISDN', 'RT', 'SRV', 'DNAME', 'OPT', 'DS', 'RRSIG', 'NSEC', 'DNSKEY', 'DHCID', 'NSEC3', 'NSEC3PARAM', 'ANY', 'ALL')] [string]$Type = 'A_AAAA', [string]$Server ) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Server')) { $r = Resolve-DnsName -Name $Name -Type $Type -Server $Server | Format-Table -Autosize | Out-String } else { $r = Resolve-DnsName -Name $Name -Type $Type -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Format-Table -Autosize | Out-String } if ($r) { New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text $r } else { New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Warning -Text "Unable to resolve [$Name] :(" -Title 'Rut row' -ThumbnailUrl $scoobyDooUri } } function Invoke-TestPort { <# .SYNOPSIS Perform port testing on a host. .PARAMETER ComputerName The computure name or IP address to test. .PARAMETER Port The TCP port to test. .EXAMPLE !testport (srv.domain.local | --ComputerName src.domain.local) [--Port 443] #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( CommandName = 'testport', Permissions = 'test-network' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('Name')] [string]$ComputerName, [parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Port ) if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) { $r = Test-Connection -TargetName $ComputerName -TCPPort $Port -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object @{Name = 'ComputerName'; Expression = {$ComputerName}}, @{Name = 'Port'; Expression = {$Port}}, @{Name = 'Result'; Expression = {$_}} | Format-Table -Autosize | Out-String } else { $r = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Port $Port -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Format-Table -Autosize | Out-String } if ($r) { New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text $r } else { New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Warning -Text "Unable to resolve [$ComputerName] :(" -Title 'Rut row' -ThumbnailUrl $scoobyDooUri } } function Get-WebServerInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Check HTTP header for serverinfo. .PARAMETER Uri Uri to retrieve HTTP server information for. .EXAMPLE !webserverinfo http://uri #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( CommandName = 'webserverinfo', Permissions = 'test-network' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('WebServer')] [string]$Uri ) try { $httpResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $Uri if ($httpResponse.Headers.server.count -gt 0) { $response = $httpResponse.Headers.server -join ' ' } else { $errorMessage = 'No Server Info' } } catch [System.Net.WebException] { switch ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode) { 'BadRequest' { $errorMessage = 'Server Error' } 'InternalServerError' { $errorMessage = 'Server Error 500' } default { $errorMessage = "Server Error: $($_.Exception)" } } } catch { Write-Debug $_.Exception $errorMessage = "Received a general error: $($_.Exception)" } finally { if ($errorMessage) { New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Warning -Text "$errorMessage :(" -Title 'Rut row' -ThumbnailUrl $scoobyDooUri } if ($response) { New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text $response } } } function Get-GeoLocIp { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Geo location for an IP or a CIDR network from the RIPE database .PARAMETER IPAddress IP address to retrieve geo location information for. .EXAMPLE !geolocip !geolocip #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( CommandName = 'geolocip', Permissions = 'test-network' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('IP')] [string]$IPAddress ) try { $httpResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "https://stat.ripe.net/data/geoloc/data.json?resource=$($IPAddress)" if ($httpResponse) { $jsonResponse = $httpResponse | ConvertFrom-Json if ($jsonResponse.data.locations.count -gt 0) { $response = '' foreach ($location in $jsonResponse.data.locations) { $response += "$($location.City) $($location.country) `n" } } else { $errorMessage = 'Not Found' } } } catch [System.Net.WebException] { switch ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode) { 'BadRequest' { $errorMessage = 'Server Error' } 'InternalServerError' { $errorMessage = 'Server Error 500' } default { $errorMessage = "Server Error: $($_.Exception)" } } } catch { Write-debug $_.Exception $errorMessage = "Receive a general error: $($_.Exception)" } finally { if ($errorMessage) { New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Warning -Text "$errorMessage :(" -Title 'Rut row' -ThumbnailUrl $scoobyDooUri } if ($response) { New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text $response } } } function Get-NetASInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Check HTTP header for server information. .PARAMETER IPAddress IP address to retrieve network AS information for. .EXAMPLE !netasinfo IPAddress #> [PoshBot.BotCommand( CommandName = 'netasinfo', Permissions = 'test-network' )] [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('IP')] [string]$IPAddress ) try { $httpResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "https://stat.ripe.net/data/searchcomplete/data.json?resource=$($IPAddress)" if ($httpResponse) { $jsonResponse = $httpResponse | ConvertFrom-Json if ($null -ne $jsonResponse.data.categories) { if ($jsonResponse.data.categories.suggestions.count -gt 0) { foreach ($row in $jsonResponse.data.categories.suggestions) { if ($row.value -like 'AS*') { $asCode = $row.value } } } else { $asCode = $jsonResponse.data.categories.suggestions.value } if ($asCode) { $asInfoResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "https://stat.ripe.net/data/as-overview/data.json?resource=$($asCode)" $jsonAsInfo = $asInfoResponse | ConvertFrom-Json $response = "$asCode $($jsonAsInfo.data.holder)" } else { $errorMessage = 'Not Data Found' } } else { $errorMessage = 'Not Data Found' } } } catch [System.Net.WebException] { switch ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode) { 'BadRequest' { $errorMessage = 'Server Error' } 'InternalServerError' { $errorMessage = 'Server Error 500' } default { $errorMessage = "Server Error: $($_.Exception)" } } } catch { Write-debug $_.Exception $errorMessage = "Receive a general error: $($_.Exception)" } finally { if ($errorMessage) { New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Warning -Text "$errorMessage :(" -Title 'Rut row' -ThumbnailUrl $scoobyDooUri } if ($response) { New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text $response } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-Ping', 'Invoke-Dig', 'Invoke-TestPort', 'Get-WebServerInfo', 'Get-GeoLocIp', 'Get-NetASInfo' |