Import-Module LithnetRMA # Slack text width with the formatting we use maxes out ~80 characters... $Width = 80 $CommandsToExport = @() function Find-Person { <# .SYNOPSIS Find MIM Resource (Person) .PARAMETER Identity <AccountName>|<DisplayName> MIM Service AccountName or DisplayName .USAGE !Find <AccountName>|<DisplayName> .EXAMPLE !Find 'Darren Robinson' .EXAMPLE !Search 'Darren Robinson' .Example !Find drobinson .Example !Search drobinson .DESCRIPTION !Find Search the MIM Service for Person objects using AccountName or DisplayName .LINK https://blog.darrenjrobinson.com #> [cmdletbinding()] [PoshBot.BotCommand( CommandName = 'Find', Aliases = ('Search', 'Search-Resources'), Permissions = 'read' )] param( # !Find <AccountName>|<DisplayName> [parameter(position = 1, parametersetname = 'id', mandatory)] [string]$Identity, [PoshBot.FromConfig('MIMServiceCreds')] [parameter(mandatory)] [PSCredential]$MIMServiceCreds, [PoshBot.FromConfig('MIMServiceAddress')] [parameter(mandatory)] [string]$MIMServiceAddress ) # Person Output Attributes $MIMPersonTemplate = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ AccountName = $null DisplayName = $null JobTitle = $null City = $null } # Connect to MIM Service using LithnetRMA PSModule using configuration info from the PoshBot Config Set-ResourceManagementClient -BaseAddress $MIMServiceAddress -Credentials $MIMServiceCreds # Try to find the user using DisplayName $result = Search-Resources -Xpath "/Person[starts-with(DisplayName, `'$Identity`')]" -AttributesToGet @("AccountName", "DisplayName", "JobTitle", "City", "EmployeeType", "Email") if (!$result.AccountName) { # Failed finding user by DisplayName, try to find the user using AccountName $result = Search-Resources -Xpath "/Person[starts-with(AccountName, `'$Identity`')]" -AttributesToGet @("AccountName", "DisplayName", "JobTitle", "City", "EmployeeType", "Email") } if ($result.AccountName) { $resultList = @() foreach ($person in $result) { $o = $MIMPersonTemplate.PsObject.Copy() $o.AccountName = $person.AccountName $o.DisplayName = $person.DisplayName $o.City = $person.City $o.JobTitle = $person.JobTitle $resultList += $o } $o = $resultList | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $Width } else { $o = "User `'$($Identity)`' not found!" } New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text $o } $CommandsToExport += 'Find-Person' function Get-Person { <# .SYNOPSIS Get MIM Resource .PARAMETER Identity <AccountName>|<DisplayName> MIM Service AccountName or DisplayName .USAGE !Person <AccountName>|<DisplayName> .EXAMPLE !Person 'Darren Robinson' .EXAMPLE !User 'Darren Robinson' .Example !Person drobinson .DESCRIPTION !Person Get a Person Object from the MIM Service using AccountName or DisplayName .LINK https://blog.darrenjrobinson.com #> [cmdletbinding()] [PoshBot.BotCommand( CommandName = 'Person', Aliases = ('User', 'Get-Resource','GetUser', 'GetPerson'), Permissions = 'read' )] param( # !Person <AccountName>|<DisplayName> [parameter(position = 1, parametersetname = 'id')] [string]$Identity, [PoshBot.FromConfig('MIMServiceCreds')] [parameter(mandatory)] [PSCredential]$MIMServiceCreds, [PoshBot.FromConfig('MIMServiceAddress')] [parameter(mandatory)] [string]$MIMServiceAddress ) # Person Output Attributes $MIMPersonTemplate = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ AccountName = $null DisplayName = $null EmployeeType = $null JobTitle = $null City = $null Email = $null } # Connect to MIM Service using LithnetRMA PSModule using configuration info form the PoshBot Config Set-ResourceManagementClient -BaseAddress $MIMServiceAddress -Credentials $MIMServiceCreds try { # Try to find the user using DisplayName $result = Get-Resource -AttributeName DisplayName -AttributeValue "$($Identity)" -ObjectType Person } catch { $result = Get-Resource -AttributeName AccountName -AttributeValue "$($Identity)" -ObjectType Person } if ($result.AccountName) { $o = $MIMPersonTemplate.PsObject.Copy() $o.AccountName = $result.AccountName $o.DisplayName = $result.DisplayName $o.City = $result.City $o.JobTitle = $result.JobTitle $o.EmployeeType = $result.EmployeeType $o.Email = $result.Email $o = $o | Format-List | Out-String -width $Width } else { $o = "`'$($Identity)`' not found. Try Searching for the user using !Find <accountname>|<fullname>" } New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Normal -Text $o } $CommandsToExport += 'Get-Person' Export-ModuleMember -Function $CommandsToExport |