function Get-365MsolGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Export Office 365 MsolGroups .DESCRIPTION Export Office 365 MsolGroups .PARAMETER SpecificMsolGroups Provide specific MsolGroups to report on. Otherwise, all MsolGroups will be reported. Please review the examples provided. .PARAMETER DetailedReport Provides a full report of all attributes. Otherwise, only a refined report will be given. .EXAMPLE Get-365MsolGroup | Export-Csv c:\scripts\All365MsolGroups.csv -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 .EXAMPLE Get-MsolGroup -All | Where-Object {$_.proxyaddresses -like "*"} | Select -ExpandProperty ObjectId | Get-365MsolGroup | Export-Csv c:\scripts\365MsolGroups.csv -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 .EXAMPLE Get-Content "c:\scripts\ObjectIDs.txt" | Get-365MsolGroup | Export-Csv c:\scripts\365MsolGroupExport.csv -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Example of ObjectIDs.txt ##################### f1b6c9bc-53b2-4cf7-89fe-ce89944e2d75 fdd2c37e-df09-44f9-8611-5b8cdedf698e 24f5185a-eca4-4314-a7d7-024c2b7ebca6 ##################### #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $DetailedReport, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $SpecificGroups ) Begin { if ($DetailedReport) { $Selectproperties = @( 'CommonName', 'Description', 'DisplayName', 'EmailAddress', 'ManagedBy', 'LastDirSyncTime' ) $CalculatedProps = @( @{n = "DirSyncProvisioningErrors" ; e = { [string]::join("|", [String[]]$_.DirSyncProvisioningErrors -ne '') } }, @{n = "Errors" ; e = { [string]::join("|", [String[]]$_.Errors -ne '') } }, @{n = "GroupType" ; e = { [string]::join("|", [String[]]$_.GroupType -ne '') } }, @{n = "IsSystem" ; e = { [string]::join("|", [String[]]$_.IsSystem -ne '') } }, @{n = "Licenses" ; e = { [string]::join("|", [String[]]$_.Licenses -ne '') } }, @{n = "ObjectId" ; e = { [string]::join("|", [String[]]$_.ObjectId -ne '') } }, @{n = "proxyAddresses" ; e = { [string]::join("|", [String[]]$_.proxyAddresses -ne '') } }, @{n = "ValidationStatus" ; e = { [string]::join("|", [String[]]$_.ValidationStatus -ne '') } } ) } else { $Selectproperties = @( 'CommonName', 'Description', 'DisplayName', 'EmailAddress', 'ManagedBy', 'LastDirSyncTime' ) $CalculatedProps = @( @{n = "GroupType" ; e = { [string]::join("|", [String[]]$_.GroupType -ne '') } }, @{n = "proxyAddresses" ; e = { [string]::join("|", [String[]]$_.proxyAddresses -ne '') } } ) } } Process { if ($SpecificGroups) { foreach ($CurObjectID in $SpecificGroups) { Get-MsolGroup -ObjectId $CurObjectID | Select-Object ($Selectproperties + $CalculatedProps) } } else { Get-MsolGroup -All | Select-Object ($Selectproperties + $CalculatedProps) } } End { } } |