function Invoke-AddMailboxMovePermission { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $PermissionList ) process { foreach ($Permission in $PermissionList) { switch ($Permission.Location) { { $_ -in @('Calendar', 'Inbox', 'SentItems', 'Contacts') } { $StatSplat = @{ Identity = $Mailbox.PrimarySMTPAddress ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' FolderScope = $Permission.Location } $Location = (($Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress) + ':\' + (Get-MailboxFolderStatistics @StatSplat | Select-Object -First 1).Name) $FolderPermSplat = @{ Identity = $Location User = $Permission.GrantedSMTP AccessRights = ($Permission.Permission -split ',') ErrorAction = 'Stop' WarningAction = 'Stop' } try { $null = Add-MailboxFolderPermission @FolderPermSplat [PSCustomObject]@{ Mailbox = $Permission.Object PrimarySMTPAddress = $Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress Permission = $Permission.Permission Granted = $Permission.Granted GrantedSMTP = $Permission.GrantedSMTP Type = $Permission.Type Action = 'ADD' Result = 'SUCCESS' Message = 'SUCCESS' } } catch { [PSCustomObject]@{ Mailbox = $Permission.Object PrimarySMTPAddress = $Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress Permission = $Permission.Permission Granted = $Permission.Granted GrantedSMTP = $Permission.GrantedSMTP Type = $Permission.Type Action = 'ADD' Result = 'FAILED' Message = ($_.Exception.Message -replace 'The running command stopped because the preference variable "WarningPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: ', '') } } } 'Mailbox' { switch ($Permission.Permission) { 'FullAccess' { $FullAccessSplat = @{ Identity = $Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress User = $Permission.GrantedSMTP AccessRights = 'FullAccess' ErrorAction = 'Stop' WarningAction = 'Stop' } try { $null = Add-MailboxPermission @FullAccessSplat [PSCustomObject]@{ Mailbox = $Permission.Object PrimarySMTPAddress = $Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress Permission = $Permission.Permission Granted = $Permission.Granted GrantedSMTP = $Permission.GrantedSMTP Type = $Permission.Type Action = 'ADD' Result = 'SUCCESS' Message = 'SUCCESS' } } catch { [PSCustomObject]@{ Mailbox = $Permission.Object PrimarySMTPAddress = $Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress Permission = $Permission.Permission Granted = $Permission.Granted GrantedSMTP = $Permission.GrantedSMTP Type = $Permission.Type Action = 'ADD' Result = 'FAILED' Message = ($_.Exception.Message -replace 'The running command stopped because the preference variable "WarningPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: ', '') } } } 'SendAs' { $SendAsSplat = @{ Identity = $Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress Trustee = $Permission.GrantedSMTP AccessRights = 'SendAs' Confirm = $false ErrorAction = 'Stop' WarningAction = 'Stop' } try { $null = Add-RecipientPermission @SendAsSplat [PSCustomObject]@{ Mailbox = $Permission.Object PrimarySMTPAddress = $Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress Permission = $Permission.Permission Granted = $Permission.Granted GrantedSMTP = $Permission.GrantedSMTP Type = $Permission.Type Action = 'ADD' Result = 'SUCCESS' Message = 'SUCCESS' } } catch { [PSCustomObject]@{ Mailbox = $Permission.Object PrimarySMTPAddress = $Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress Permission = $Permission.Permission Granted = $Permission.Granted GrantedSMTP = $Permission.GrantedSMTP Type = $Permission.Type Action = 'ADD' Result = 'FAILED' Message = ($_.Exception.Message -replace 'The running command stopped because the preference variable "WarningPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: ', '') } } } 'SendOnBehalf' { $SOBSplat = @{ Identity = $Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress GrantSendOnBehalfTo = ($Permission.GrantedSMTP).split('|') ErrorAction = 'Stop' WarningAction = 'Stop' } try { $null = Set-Mailbox @SOBSplat [PSCustomObject]@{ Mailbox = $Permission.Object PrimarySMTPAddress = $Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress Permission = $Permission.Permission Granted = $Permission.Granted GrantedSMTP = $Permission.GrantedSMTP Type = $Permission.Type Action = 'REPLACE' Result = 'SUCCESS' Message = 'SUCCESS' } } catch { [PSCustomObject]@{ Mailbox = $Permission.Object PrimarySMTPAddress = $Permission.PrimarySMTPAddress Permission = $Permission.Permission Granted = $Permission.Granted GrantedSMTP = $Permission.GrantedSMTP Type = $Permission.Type Action = 'REPLACE' Result = 'FAILED' Message = ($_.Exception.Message -replace 'The running command stopped because the preference variable "WarningPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: ', '') } } } } } } } } end { } } |