function Sync-Mailbox { <# .SYNOPSIS Sync Mailboxes from On-Premises Exchange to Exchange Online .DESCRIPTION Sync Mailboxes from On-Premises Exchange to Exchange Online .PARAMETER MailboxCSV Path to csv of mailboxes. Minimum headers required are: Batch, UserPrincipalName .PARAMETER RemoteHost This is the endpoint where the source mailboxes reside ex. .PARAMETER TargetDomain This is the tenant domain ex. if tenant is use contoso .PARAMETER GroupsToAddUserTo Provide one or more groups to add each user chosen to. -GroupsToAddUserTo "Human Resources", "Accounting" Requires AD Module .PARAMETER DeleteSavedCredential Erases credentials that are saved and encrypted on your computer .EXAMPLE Sync-Mailbox -RemoteHost -TargetDomain contoso -MailboxCSV c:\scripts\batches.csv -GroupsToAddUserTo "Office 365 E3" .NOTES General notes #> param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $MailboxCSV, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $RemoteHost, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $TargetDomain, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $GroupsToAddUserTo, [Parameter()] [switch] $DeleteSavedCredential ) end { if ($DeleteSavedCredential) { $DelSaved = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost TargetDomain = $TargetDomain DeleteSavedCredential = $true } Start-MailboxSync @DelSaved break } if ($TargetDomain -notmatch '') { $TargetDomain = "$" } Connect-Cloud -Tenant $TargetDomain -ExchangeOnline $UserChoice = Get-UserDecision -MailboxCSV $MailboxCSV if ($UserChoice) { $Sync = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost TargetDomain = $TargetDomain } $UserChoice | Start-MailboxSync @Sync foreach ($Group in $GroupsToAddUserTo) { $GuidList = $UserChoice | Get-ADUserGuid $GuidList | Add-UserToADGroup -Group $Group } } } } |