function Update-GroupManagementRole { <# .SYNOPSIS This script will create or manage a management role. .DESCRIPTION It is designed to allow users to modify Exchange Distribution Groups that they already own However, it limits their ability to create or remove Distribution Groups. .PARAMETER Name Name of the Management role you want to create or modify Defaults to: "MyDistributionGroupsManagement" .PARAMETER Policy Name of the Role Policy you want to assign the role to Defaults to: "Default Role Assignment Policy" .PARAMETER PreventAbilityToCreateGroups Removes the ability of the Role to Create DLs .PARAMETER PreventAbilityToDeleteGroups Removes the ability of the Role to Remove DLs .EXAMPLE Update-GroupManagementRole -PreventAbilityToCreateGroups -PreventAbilityToDeleteGroups This creates a Management Role named: MyDistributionGroupsManagement If it already exists it attempts to modify it by removing or adding the ability to create and/or remove groups .NOTES General notes #> Param( [Parameter()] [string] $Name = "MyDistributionGroupsManagement", [Parameter()] [string] $Policy = "Default Role Assignment Policy", [Parameter()] [string] $Parent = "MyDistributionGroups", [Parameter()] [switch] $PreventAbilityToCreateGroups, [Parameter()] [switch] $PreventAbilityToDeleteGroups ) If (Get-ManagementRole $Name -erroraction silentlycontinue) { Write-Warning "Found a Role with Name: $Name" Write-Warning "Trying to Modify Existing Role" } Else { Write-Host "Creating Management Role $Name" New-ManagementRole -Name $Name -Parent $Parent } $AbilityToCreateExists = Get-ManagementRoleEntry $Name\New-DistributionGroup -erroraction silentlycontinue $AbilityToDeleteExists = Get-ManagementRoleEntry $Name\Remove-DistributionGroup -erroraction silentlycontinue If ($PreventAbilityToCreateGroups) { If ($AbilityToCreateExists) { Update-RoleEntry $Name\New-DistributionGroup Remove Write-Host "Removing ability to create Distribution Groups from $Name" } } else { Update-RoleEntry $name\New-DistributionGroup Add Write-Host "Adding ability to create Distribution Groups to $name" } If ($PreventAbilityToDeleteGroups) { If ($AbilityToDeleteExists) { Update-RoleEntry $name\Remove-DistributionGroup Remove Write-Host "Removing ability to delete Distribution Groups from $name" } } else { Update-RoleEntry $name\Remove-DistributionGroup Add Write-Host "Adding ability to delete Distribution Groups to $name" } If (Get-ManagementRoleAssignment $Name-$Policy -erroraction silentlycontinue) { Write-Warning "Found Existing Role Assignment: $Name-$Policy" Write-Warning "Making no modifications to Role Assignments" } Else { Write-Host "Creating Management Role Assignment $Name-$Policy" New-ManagementRoleAssignment -name ($Name + "-" + $Policy) -Role $Name -Policy $Policy } } |