function Get-EXOMailbox { <# .SYNOPSIS Export Office 365 Mailboxes .DESCRIPTION Export Office 365 Mailboxes .PARAMETER SpecificMailboxes Provide specific mailboxes to report on. Otherwise, all mailboxes will be reported. Please review the examples provided. .PARAMETER DetailedReport Provides a full report of all attributes. Otherwise, only a refined report will be given. .EXAMPLE Get-EXOMailbox | Export-Csv c:\scripts\All365Mailboxes.csv -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 .EXAMPLE Get-EXOMailbox -ArchivesOnly | Export-Csv c:\scripts\All365Mailboxes.csv -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 .EXAMPLE '{emailaddresses -like "*"}' | Get-EXOMailbox | Export-Csv c:\scripts\365Mailboxes.csv -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 .EXAMPLE '{emailaddresses -like "*"}' | Get-EXOMailbox -ArchivesOnly | Export-Csv c:\scripts\365Mailboxes.csv -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 .EXAMPLE '{emailaddresses -like "*"}' | Get-EXOMailbox -DetailedReport | Export-Csv c:\scripts\365Mailboxes_Detailed.csv -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [switch] $DetailedReport, [Parameter()] [switch] $ArchivesOnly, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]] $MailboxFilter ) begin { if ($DetailedReport) { $CasHash = @{ } $CasList = Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited foreach ($Cas in $CasList) { $CasHash[$Cas.PrimarySmtpAddress] = @{ ActiveSyncEnabled = $Cas.ActiveSyncEnabled OWAEnabled = $Cas.OWAEnabled ECPEnabled = $Cas.ECPEnabled PopEnabled = $Cas.PopEnabled ImapEnabled = $Cas.ImapEnabled MAPIEnabled = $Cas.MAPIEnabled EwsEnabled = $Cas.EwsEnabled } } $Selectproperties = @( 'Name', 'RecipientTypeDetails', 'DisplayName', 'UserPrincipalName', 'Identity', 'PrimarySmtpAddress' 'AddressBookPolicy', 'ArbitrationMailbox', 'ArchiveDatabase', 'ArchiveDomain', 'DataEncryptionPolicy', 'DefaultPublicFolderMailbox' 'DisabledArchiveDatabase', 'EffectivePublicFolderMailbox', 'EndDateForRetentionHold', 'ForwardingAddress', 'ForwardingSmtpAddress', 'InactiveMailboxRetireTime' 'LastExchangeChangedTime', 'LitigationHoldDate', 'MailboxContainerGuid', 'MailboxMoveSourceMDB', 'MailboxMoveTargetMDB', 'MailboxProvisioningConstraint' 'MailboxRegion', 'MailboxRegionLastUpdateTime', 'MailTip', 'ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy', 'MaxBlockedSenders', 'MaxSafeSenders', 'OfflineAddressBook' 'OrphanSoftDeleteTrackingTime', 'QueryBaseDN', 'ReconciliationId', 'RemoteAccountPolicy', 'ResourceCapacity', 'ResourceType', 'RoomMailboxAccountEnabled' 'SCLDeleteEnabled', 'SCLDeleteThreshold', 'SCLJunkEnabled', 'SCLJunkThreshold', 'SCLQuarantineEnabled', 'SCLQuarantineThreshold', 'SCLRejectEnabled' 'SCLRejectThreshold', 'SiloName', 'StartDateForRetentionHold', 'ThrottlingPolicy', 'UnifiedMailbox', 'WhenSoftDeleted', 'AccountDisabled', 'AntispamBypassEnabled' 'AuditEnabled', 'AutoExpandingArchiveEnabled', 'CalendarRepairDisabled', 'CalendarVersionStoreDisabled', 'ComplianceTagHoldApplied', 'DelayHoldApplied' 'DeliverToMailboxAndForward', 'DisabledMailboxLocations', 'DowngradeHighPriorityMessagesEnabled', 'ElcProcessingDisabled', 'EmailAddressPolicyEnabled' 'HasPicture', 'HasSnackyAppData', 'HasSpokenName', 'HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled', 'ImListMigrationCompleted', 'IncludeInGarbageCollection', 'IsDirSynced' 'IsExcludedFromServingHierarchy', 'IsHierarchyReady', 'IsHierarchySyncEnabled', 'IsInactiveMailbox', 'IsLinked', 'IsMachineToPersonTextMessagingEnabled' 'IsMailboxEnabled', 'IsMonitoringMailbox', 'IsPersonToPersonTextMessagingEnabled', 'IsResource', 'IsRootPublicFolderMailbox', 'IsShared', 'IsSoftDeletedByDisable' 'IsSoftDeletedByRemove', 'IsValid', 'LitigationHoldEnabled', 'MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled', 'MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled', 'MessageTrackingReadStatusEnabled' 'ModerationEnabled', 'QueryBaseDNRestrictionEnabled', 'RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled', 'ResetPasswordOnNextLogon', 'RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup' 'RetentionHoldEnabled', 'SingleItemRecoveryEnabled', 'SKUAssigned', 'UMEnabled', 'UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults', 'UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults', 'WasInactiveMailbox' 'StsRefreshTokensValidFrom', 'WhenChanged', 'WhenChangedUTC', 'WhenCreated', 'WhenCreatedUTC', 'WhenMailboxCreated', 'ArchiveGuid', 'DisabledArchiveGuid', 'ExchangeGuid' 'Guid', 'AdminDisplayVersion', 'Alias', 'ArchiveQuota', 'ArchiveRelease', 'ArchiveState', 'ArchiveStatus', 'ArchiveWarningQuota', 'AuditLogAgeLimit', 'CalendarLoggingQuota' 'CustomAttribute1', 'CustomAttribute10', 'CustomAttribute11', 'CustomAttribute12', 'CustomAttribute13', 'CustomAttribute14', 'CustomAttribute15', 'CustomAttribute2' 'CustomAttribute3', 'CustomAttribute4', 'CustomAttribute5', 'CustomAttribute6', 'CustomAttribute7', 'CustomAttribute8', 'CustomAttribute9', 'Database' 'DistinguishedName', 'ExchangeSecurityDescriptor', 'ExchangeUserAccountControl', 'ExchangeVersion', 'ExternalDirectoryObjectId', 'ExternalOofOptions', 'Id' 'ImmutableId', 'IssueWarningQuota', 'JournalArchiveAddress', 'LegacyExchangeDN', 'LinkedMasterAccount', 'LitigationHoldDuration', 'LitigationHoldOwner' 'MailboxMoveBatchName', 'MailboxMoveFlags', 'MailboxMoveRemoteHostName', 'MailboxMoveStatus', 'MailboxPlan', 'MailboxRelease', 'MaxReceiveSize', 'MaxSendSize' 'MicrosoftOnlineServicesID', 'NetID', 'ObjectCategory', 'ObjectState', 'Office', 'OrganizationalUnit', 'OrganizationId', 'OriginatingServer' 'ProhibitSendQuota', 'ProhibitSendReceiveQuota', 'RecipientLimits', 'RecipientType', 'RecoverableItemsQuota', 'RecoverableItemsWarningQuota' 'RemoteRecipientType', 'RetainDeletedItemsFor', 'RetentionComment', 'RetentionPolicy', 'RetentionUrl', 'RoleAssignmentPolicy', 'RulesQuota', 'SamAccountName' 'SendModerationNotifications', 'ServerLegacyDN', 'ServerName', 'SharingPolicy', 'SimpleDisplayName', 'SourceAnchor', 'UsageLocation' 'WindowsEmailAddress', 'WindowsLiveID' ) $CalculatedProps = @( @{n = "MailboxGB" ; e = { $StatsHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).MailboxGB } } @{n = "ArchiveGB" ; e = { $StatsHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).ArchiveGB } } @{n = "DeletedGB" ; e = { $StatsHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).DeletedGB } } @{n = "TotalGB" ; e = { $StatsHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).TotalGB } } @{n = "LastLogonTime" ; e = { $StatsHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).LastLogonTime } } @{n = "ItemCount" ; e = { $StatsHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).ItemCount } } @{n = "ActiveSyncEnabled" ; e = { $CasHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).ActiveSyncEnabled } } @{n = "OWAEnabled" ; e = { $CasHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).OWAEnabled } } @{n = "ECPEnabled" ; e = { $CasHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).ECPEnabled } } @{n = "PopEnabled" ; e = { $CasHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).PopEnabled } } @{n = "ImapEnabled" ; e = { $CasHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).ImapEnabled } } @{n = "MAPIEnabled" ; e = { $CasHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).MAPIEnabled } } @{n = "EwsEnabled" ; e = { $CasHash.($_.PrimarySmtpAddress).EwsEnabled } } @{n = "AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom" ; e = { @($_.AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers" ; e = { @($_.AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers" ; e = { @($_.AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "AddressListMembership" ; e = { @($_.AddressListMembership) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "AdministrativeUnits" ; e = { @($_.AdministrativeUnits) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers" ; e = { @($_.BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "GeneratedOfflineAddressBooks" ; e = { @($_.GeneratedOfflineAddressBooks) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "GrantSendOnBehalfTo" ; e = { @($_.GrantSendOnBehalfTo) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "ModeratedBy" ; e = { @($_.ModeratedBy) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "RejectMessagesFrom" ; e = { @($_.RejectMessagesFrom) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "RejectMessagesFromDLMembers" ; e = { @($_.RejectMessagesFromDLMembers) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers" ; e = { @($_.RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "PersistedCapabilities" ; e = { @($_.PersistedCapabilities) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "AuditAdmin" ; e = { @($_.AuditAdmin) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "AuditDelegate" ; e = { @($_.AuditDelegate) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "AuditOwner" ; e = { @($_.AuditOwner) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "MailboxProvisioningPreferences" ; e = { @($_.MailboxProvisioningPreferences) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "UserCertificate" ; e = { @($_.UserCertificate) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "UserSMimeCertificate" ; e = { @($_.UserSMimeCertificate) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "Languages" ; e = { @($_.Languages) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "AggregatedMailboxGuids" ; e = { @($_.AggregatedMailboxGuids) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "ArchiveName" ; e = { @($_.ArchiveName) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "ExtensionCustomAttribute1" ; e = { @($_.ExtensionCustomAttribute1) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "ExtensionCustomAttribute2" ; e = { @($_.ExtensionCustomAttribute2) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "ExtensionCustomAttribute3" ; e = { @($_.ExtensionCustomAttribute3) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "ExtensionCustomAttribute4" ; e = { @($_.ExtensionCustomAttribute4) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "ExtensionCustomAttribute5" ; e = { @($_.ExtensionCustomAttribute5) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "Extensions" ; e = { @($_.Extensions) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "InPlaceHolds" ; e = { @($_.InPlaceHolds) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "MailTipTranslations" ; e = { @($_.MailTipTranslations) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "ObjectClass" ; e = { @($_.ObjectClass) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "PoliciesExcluded" ; e = { @($_.PoliciesExcluded) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "PoliciesIncluded" ; e = { @($_.PoliciesIncluded) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "ProtocolSettings" ; e = { @($_.ProtocolSettings) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "ResourceCustom" ; e = { @($_.ResourceCustom) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "UMDtmfMap" ; e = { @($_.UMDtmfMap) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "EmailAddresses" ; e = { @($_.EmailAddresses) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "x500" ; e = { "x500:" + $_.LegacyExchangeDN } }, @{n = "MailboxLocations" ; e = { @($_.MailboxLocations) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "ExchangeObjectId" ; e = { ($_.ExchangeObjectId).Guid } } ) } else { $Selectproperties = @( 'Name', 'RecipientTypeDetails', 'DisplayName', 'UserPrincipalName', 'Identity', 'PrimarySmtpAddress', 'Alias' 'ForwardingAddress', 'ForwardingSmtpAddress', 'LitigationHoldDate', 'AccountDisabled', 'DeliverToMailboxAndForward' 'HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled', 'IsDirSynced', 'LitigationHoldEnabled', 'LitigationHoldDuration' 'LitigationHoldOwner', 'Office', 'RetentionPolicy', 'WindowsEmailAddress' ) $CalculatedProps = @( @{n = "ArchiveName" ; e = { ($_.ArchiveName | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null }) -join ";" } }, @{n = "AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom" ; e = { @($_.AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers" ; e = { @($_.AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers" ; e = { @($_.AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "RejectMessagesFrom" ; e = { @($_.RejectMessagesFrom) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "RejectMessagesFromDLMembers" ; e = { @($_.RejectMessagesFromDLMembers) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers" ; e = { @($_.RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "PersistedCapabilities" ; e = { @($_.PersistedCapabilities) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "InPlaceHolds" ; e = { @($_.InPlaceHolds) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "EmailAddresses" ; e = { @($_.EmailAddresses) -ne '' -join '|' } }, @{n = "x500" ; e = { "x500:" + $_.LegacyExchangeDN } } ) } } process { if ($MailboxFilter) { foreach ($CurMailboxFilter in $MailboxFilter) { if (-not $ArchivesOnly) { Get-Mailbox -Filter $CurMailboxFilter -ResultSize unlimited | Select-Object ($Selectproperties + $CalculatedProps) } else { Get-Mailbox -Archive -Filter $CurMailboxFilter -ResultSize unlimited | Select-Object ($Selectproperties + $CalculatedProps) } } } else { if (-not $ArchivesOnly) { Write-Verbose "Gathering Mailbox Report" $MailboxList = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited Write-Host "`nTotal Mailboxes Found: $($MailboxList.count)" -ForegroundColor Green $ConfirmCount = Read-Host "Do you want to split the count?:(y/n)" if ($ConfirmCount -eq 'y') { Write-Host "You need the 'StartNumber' and 'EndNumber' to split the accounts" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "################## FOR EXAMPLE ##############################" Write-Host "If you want to run for first 1000 users" Write-Host "Enter 'StartNumber' as '0' and 'EndNumber' as '999'`n" Write-Host "If you want to run for second 1000 users" Write-Host "Enter 'StartNumber' as '1000' and 'EndNumber' as '1999' and so on...`n" Write-Host "#############################################################`n" $StartNumber = Read-Host "Enter StartNumber" $EndNumber = Read-Host "Enter EndNumber" Write-Host "`n" $MailboxList = $MailboxList[$StartNumber..$EndNumber] } if ($ConfirmCount -eq 'n' -or $ConfirmCount -eq 'y') { $StatsHash = @{ } foreach ($Mailbox in $MailboxList) { $Stat = $Mailbox | Get-ExchangeMailboxStatistics if ($Stat) { $StatsHash.Add(($Stat.PrimarySmtpAddress), @{ DisplayName = $Stat.DisplayName UserPrincipalName = $Stat.UserPrincipalName MailboxGB = $Stat.MailboxGB ArchiveGB = $Stat.ArchiveGB DeletedGB = $Stat.DeletedGB TotalGB = $Stat.TotalGB LastLogonTime = $Stat.LastLogonTime ItemCount = $Stat.ItemCount }) } } } $MailboxList | Select-Object ($Selectproperties + $CalculatedProps) } else { Get-Mailbox -Archive -ResultSize unlimited | Select-Object ($Selectproperties + $CalculatedProps) } } } end { } } |