
function Remove-PSGGroupCalendarOwnersAndHide {
    If owner of a Group Calendar (those ending in @*
    1. Remove as Owner from Calendar, if not chosen by client in PrimaryOwnerFilePath
    2. Add as Editor to Calendar
    3. Hide Calendar if #1 and #2 does not work
    If owner of a Group Calendar (those ending in @*
    1. Remove as Owner from Calendar, if not chosen by client in PrimaryOwnerFilePath
    2. Add as Editor to Calendar
    3. Hide Calendar if #1 and #2 does not work
    .PARAMETER PrimaryOwnerFilePath
    List of the client decisions of Calendar Owners
    Requires the following headers in the PrimaryOwnerACL.csv file:
    .PARAMETER AllCalendarACLFilePath
    All Calendar Permissions
    Requires the following headers in the AllCalendarACL.csv file:
    Get-PSGCalendar | Export-Csv .\AllCalendarPerms.csv -notypeinformation
    Remove-PSGGroupCalendarOwnersAndHide -PrimaryOwnerFilePath .\ClientFile.csv -AllCalendarACLFilePath .\AllCalendarPerms.csv | Export-Csv .\CalPermLog.csv -append -NoTypeInformation

    Param (
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })]

        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })]


    $PrimaryHash = @{ }

    $PrimaryList = Import-Csv $PrimaryOwnerFilePath

    $PermissionList = Import-Csv $AllCalendarACLFilePath

    if ($PermissionList -and $PrimaryList) {

        foreach ($Primary in $PrimaryList) {

            if ($Primary.PrimaryOwnerEmail -like "*@*") {

                $PrimaryHash[$Primary.CalendarEmail] = $Primary.PrimaryOwnerEmail

        foreach ($Permission in $PermissionList) {

            Write-Host "$($Permission.CalendarEmail) ROLE: $($Permission.AccessRole)" -foregroundcolor Cyan

            if ($Permission.CalendarEmail -like "*@*" -and $Permission.AccessRole -eq 'Owner') {

                Write-Host "OneOwner: $($PrimaryHash[$Permission.CalendarEmail])" -foregroundcolor Cyan
                Write-Host "AssignedUser: $($Permission.AssignedUser)" -foregroundcolor Cyan

                if ($PrimaryHash[$Permission.CalendarEmail] -and ($PrimaryHash[$Permission.CalendarEmail] -ne $Permission.AssignedUser)) {

                    try {

                        $ACL = $null
                        $ACL = Get-GSCalendarAcl -CalendarId $Permission.CalendarEmail | Where-Object {
                            ($_.ID).split(':')[1] -eq $Permission.AssignedUser

                        $null = $ACL | Remove-GSCalendarAcl -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Confirm:$false

                        Write-Host "Removed $($Permission.AssignedUser) as owner from Calendar $($Permission.CalendarEmail)" -ForegroundColor Green

                            CalendarEmail = $Permission.CalendarEmail
                            CalendarName  = $Permission.CalendarName
                            RemovedUser   = $Permission.AssignedUser
                            AccessRole    = $Permission.AccessRole
                            Step          = 'REMOVEASOWNER'
                            Result        = 'SUCCESS'
                            Log           = 'SUCCESS'

                        try {

                            $NewSplat = @{
                                CalendarId  = $Permission.CalendarEmail
                                Role        = 'writer'
                                Value       = $Permission.AssignedUser
                                Type        = 'user'
                                ErrorAction = 'Stop'

                            $null = New-GSCalendarAcl @NewSplat

                            Write-Host "Added $($Permission.AssignedUser) as Editor to Calendar $($Permission.CalendarEmail)" -ForegroundColor Green

                                CalendarEmail = $Permission.CalendarEmail
                                CalendarName  = $Permission.CalendarName
                                RemovedUser   = $Permission.AssignedUser
                                AccessRole    = $Permission.AccessRole
                                Step          = 'ADDASEDITOR'
                                Result        = 'SUCCESS'
                                Log           = 'SUCCESS'


                            try {

                                $UpSplat = @{
                                    User        = $Permission.AssignedUser
                                    CalendarId  = $Permission.CalendarEmail
                                    Hidden      = $true
                                    ErrorAction = 'Stop'

                                $null = Update-GSCalendarSubscription @UpSplat

                                Write-Host "Hidden from user $($Permission.AssignedUser) the Calendar $($Permission.CalendarEmail)" -ForegroundColor Green

                                    CalendarEmail = $Permission.CalendarEmail
                                    CalendarName  = $Permission.CalendarName
                                    RemovedUser   = $Permission.AssignedUser
                                    AccessRole    = $Permission.AccessRole
                                    Step          = 'HIDEFROMUSER'
                                    Result        = 'SUCCESS'
                                    Log           = 'SUCCESS'

                            catch {

                                Write-Host "Failed to hide from user $($Permission.AssignedUser) the Calendar $($Permission.CalendarEmail)" -ForegroundColor Red

                                    CalendarEmail = $Permission.CalendarEmail
                                    CalendarName  = $Permission.CalendarName
                                    RemovedUser   = $Permission.AssignedUser
                                    AccessRole    = $Permission.AccessRole
                                    Step          = 'HIDEFROMUSER'
                                    Result        = 'FAILED'
                                    Log           = $_.Exception.Message

                        catch {

                            Write-Host "Failed to add $($Permission.AssignedUser) as Editor to Calendar $($Permission.CalendarEmail)" -ForegroundColor Red

                                CalendarEmail = $Permission.CalendarEmail
                                CalendarName  = $Permission.CalendarName
                                RemovedUser   = $Permission.AssignedUser
                                AccessRole    = $Permission.AccessRole
                                Step          = 'ADDASEDITOR'
                                Result        = 'FAILED'
                                Log           = $_.Exception.Message


                    catch {

                        Write-Host "Failed to remove $($Permission.AssignedUser) as owner from Calendar $($Permission.CalendarEmail)" -ForegroundColor Red

                            CalendarEmail = $Permission.CalendarEmail
                            CalendarName  = $Permission.CalendarName
                            RemovedUser   = $Permission.AssignedUser
                            AccessRole    = $Permission.AccessRole
                            Step          = 'REMOVEASOWNER'
                            Result        = 'FAILED'
                            Log           = $_.Exception.Message

    else {
        Write-Host "Missing an import file" -ForegroundColor Red