
Function Get-MailboxMoveReport {
    Provides each user found in Get-MoveRequest in an Out-GridView.
    The user can select one or more users for the report provided by Get-MoveRequestStatistics -Includereport
    Provides each user found in Get-MoveRequest in an Out-GridView.
    The user can select one or more users for the report provided by Get-MoveRequestStatistics -Includereport.
    Each report will open in a seperate Out-GridView
    The title bar contains important bits of information as well as the report beneath it.
    Uses Out-GridView automatically
    .PARAMETER ExportToExcel
    Groups all users selected in a single excel file and exports to Posh365 on Desktop
    Get-MailboxMoveReport -ExportToExcel

    param (

    $MoveRequest = Get-MoveRequest -ResultSize Unlimited
    $MoveRequestDetails = foreach ($Move in $MoveRequest) {
            Identity                   = $Move.Identity
            Status                     = $Move.Status
            DisplayName                = $Move.DisplayName
            Alias                      = $Move.Alias
            BatchName                  = $Move.BatchName
            Suspend                    = $Move.Suspend
            SuspendWhenReadyToComplete = $Move.SuspendWhenReadyToComplete
            RecipientType              = $Move.RecipientType
            RecipientTypeDetails       = $Move.RecipientTypeDetails
            RemoteHostName             = $Move.RemoteHostName
            RequestStyle               = $Move.RequestStyle
            TargetDatabase             = $Move.TargetDatabase
            ExchangeGuid               = $Move.ExchangeGuid
            Guid                       = $Move.Guid
            Name                       = $Move.Name
    $StatSplat = @{
        Title      = "Move Requests - Choose one or more and click OK for details"
        OutputMode = 'Multiple'
    $WantsDetailOnTheseMoveRequests = $MoveRequestDetails | Out-GridView @StatSplat
    if ($WantsDetailOnTheseMoveRequests -and -not $ExportToExcel) {
        Foreach ($Wants in $WantsDetailOnTheseMoveRequests) {
            $Stats = Get-MoveRequestStatistics -Identity $Wants.Guid -IncludeReport
            $Size = [regex]::Matches("$($Stats.TotalMailboxSize)", "^[^(]*").value
            $FilterString = '{0} {1}% {2} {3} {4} of {5} {6}' -f $Wants.DisplayName, $Stats.PercentComplete, $Size, $Stats.StatusDetail.value, $Stats.ItemsTransferred, $Stats.TotalMailboxItemCount, $Stats.Message
            $Stats.Report.Entries | Select-Object CreationTime, @{n = 'Move Request Statistics Report'; e = { $_.message } } | Sort-Object CreationTime -Descending |
            Out-GridView -Title $FilterString
    elseif ($ExportToExcel) {
        $PoshPath = Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")) -ChildPath 'Posh365'
        $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $PoshPath  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $Report = Join-Path $PoshPath ('MailboxMove-Report_{0}.xlsx' -f [DateTime]::Now.ToString('yyyy MM dd hhmm'))
        Get-MailboxMoveReportData -WantsDetailOnTheseMoveRequests $WantsDetailOnTheseMoveRequests | Export-PoshExcel $Report
        Write-Host "Report complete: $Report" -ForegroundColor Green
    else {
        Write-Verbose "No Results found."