function Find-MemMobileDevice { <# .SYNOPSIS Loop till a mobile device is found and compliant .DESCRIPTION Loop till a mobile device is found and compliant .PARAMETER imei Phone's imei number .EXAMPLE Find-MemMobileDevice -imei '673281231034555' .NOTES General notes #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $imei ) do { $Device = $null try { $Device = Get-MemMobileDevice -imei $imei -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Host 'Device not found ERROR!!!!' -ForegroundColor Red $_ | Select-Object * Start-Sleep 1 continue } Start-Sleep 1 if (-not $Device) { Write-Host 'Device not found' -ForegroundColor Red } elseif ($Device.complianceState -eq 'Compliant') { $Device | Select-Object *ID*, *NAME* Write-Host 'Device Found COMPLIANT!' -ForegroundColor Green } else { $Device | Select-Object *ID*,*NAME* Write-Host 'Device Found ' -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host 'NonCompliant' -ForegroundColor Red } } until ($Device.complianceState -eq 'Compliant') } |