function Get-VirtualDirectoryInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Orginal script created by Michael Van Horenbeeck. Modified to all for Exchange PSRemoting This script will create an HTML-report which will gather the URL-information from different virtual directories over different Exchange Servers (currently only Exchange 2010/Exchange 2013) .DESCRIPTION This script will create an HTML-report which will gather the URL-information from different virtual directories over different Exchange Servers (currently only Exchange 2010/Exchange 2013) Connect to Exchange remotely prior to beginning .EXAMPLE Connect-Exchange EXServer01 Get-VirtualDirectoryInfo -filepath c:\reports This command will create the report in the following directory: C:\Reports #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([int])] Param ( #Specify the report file path [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [Alias("ReportPath")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Filepath, #query AD instead of the IIS metabase [Parameter(Position = 1)] [Alias("ADPropertiesOnly")] [Switch] $ADProperties, #specify the computername to connect to. Defaults to the local host. [Parameter(Position = 2)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Filter = "*" ) try { $CurrentServer = ((Get-PSSession | Where-Object { $_.State -eq 'Opened' })[0]).ComputerName $CurrentServerVersion = (Get-ExchangeServer $currentServer).AdminDisplayVersion.toString() [decimal]$Major = [regex]::matches($CurrentServerVersion, '(?<=Version )[^.< ]*').value [decimal]$Minor = [regex]::matches($CurrentServerVersion, '(?<=Version \d{2}.)[^< ]*').value [decimal]$AdminBuild = $CurrentServerVersion -replace '.+Build\s*|\)' if (($Major -eq 15) -and ($Minor -eq 1) -and ($AdminBuild -ge 466.34)) { $ExServerList = Get-ExchangeServer $ServerList = foreach ($ExServer in $ExServerList) { [decimal]$Major = [regex]::matches($ExServer.AdminDisplayVersion.toString(), '(?<=Version )[^.< ]*').value [decimal]$Minor = [regex]::matches($ExServer.AdminDisplayVersion.toString(), '(?<=Version \d{2}.)[^< ]*').value [decimal]$AdminBuild = $ExServer.AdminDisplayVersion.toString() -replace '.+Build\s*|\)' if ($ExServer.isClientAccessServer -and $Major -match '14|15' -and $ExServer.Name -like $Filter) { $ExServer | Select-Object @( 'Name' 'AdminDisplayVersion' 'ServerRole' 'Edition' @{ Name = 'Major' Expression = { [decimal][regex]::matches($_.AdminDisplayVersion.toString(), '(?<=Version )[^.< ]*').value } } @{ Name = 'Minor' Expression = { [decimal][regex]::matches($_.AdminDisplayVersion.toString(), '(?<=Version \d{2}.)[^< ]*').value } } @{ Name = 'AdminBuild' Expression = { [decimal]($_.AdminDisplayVersion.toString() -replace '.+Build\s*|\)') } } ) } } $runVersion = '2016CU2+' } elseif (($Major -eq 14) -or ($Major -eq 15)) { $ExServerList = Get-ExchangeServer -ErrorAction Stop $ServerList = foreach ($ExServer in $ExServerList) { $AdminDisplay = $ExServer.AdminDisplayVersion.ToString() [decimal]$Major = [regex]::matches($AdminDisplay, '(?<=Version )[^.< ]*').value [decimal]$Minor = [regex]::matches($AdminDisplay, '(?<=Version \d{2}.)[^< ]*').value [decimal]$AdminBuild = $AdminDisplay -replace '.+Build\s*|\)' if ($ExServer.isClientAccessServer -and $Major -match '14|15' -and $ExServer.Name -like $Filter) { $ExServer | Select-Object @( 'Name' 'AdminDisplayVersion' 'ServerRole' 'Edition' @{ Name = 'Major' Expression = { [decimal][regex]::matches($_.AdminDisplayVersion.toString(), '(?<=Version )[^.< ]*').value } } @{ Name = 'Minor' Expression = { [decimal][regex]::matches($_.AdminDisplayVersion.toString(), '(?<=Version \d{2}.)[^< ]*').value } } @{ Name = 'AdminBuild' Expression = { [decimal]($_.AdminDisplayVersion.toString() -replace '.+Build\s*|\)') } } ) } } $runVersion = $null } } catch { Write-Host "`r`nHave you connected to an Exchange Server yet or is the PSSession broken?" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host 'Connect with the following: ' -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host "Connect-Exchange -Server ExServerName `r`n" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Error Message: $($_)" break } $Hash = @{ '14.0.639.21' = 'Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 RTM' '14.0.682.1' = 'Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010' '14.0.689.0' = 'Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010' '14.0.694.0' = 'Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2010' '14.0.702.1' = 'Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010' '' = 'Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '' = 'Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '' = 'Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '' = 'Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '' = 'Update Rollup 3-v3 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '14.1.323.1' = 'Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '14.1.323.6' = 'Update Rollup 4-v2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '14.1.339.1' = 'Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '14.1.355.2' = 'Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '14.1.421.0' = 'Update Rollup 7 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '14.1.421.2' = 'Update Rollup 7-v2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '14.1.421.3' = 'Update Rollup 7-v3 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '14.1.438.0' = 'Update Rollup 8 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1' '' = 'Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP2' '' = 'Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2' '' = 'Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2' '14.2.309.2' = 'Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2' '14.2.318.2' = 'Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2' '14.2.318.4' = 'Update Rollup 4-v2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2' '14.2.328.5' = 'Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2' '14.2.328.10' = 'Update Rollup 5-v2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2' '14.2.342.3' = 'Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2' '14.2.375.0' = 'Update Rollup 7 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2' '14.2.390.3' = 'Update Rollup 8 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2' '' = 'Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP3' '' = 'Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3' '' = 'Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3' '' = 'Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3' '' = 'Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3' '' = 'Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3' '' = 'Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3' '15.0.1497.2' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU23' '15.0.1473.3' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU22' '15.0.1395.4' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU21' '15.0.1367.3' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU20' '15.0.1365.1' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU19' '15.0.1347.2' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU18' '15.0.1320.4' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU17' '15.0.1293.2' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU16' '15.0.1263.5' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU15' '15.0.1236.3' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU14' '15.0.1210.3' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU13' '15.0.1178.4' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU12' '15.0.1156.6' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU11' '15.0.1130.7' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU10' '15.0.1104.5' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU9' '15.0.1076.9' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU8' '15.0.1044.25' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU7' '15.0.995.29' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU6' '15.0.913.22' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU5' '15.0.847.32' = 'Exchange Server 2013 SP1' '15.0.775.38' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU3' '15.0.712.24' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU2' '15.0.620.29' = 'Exchange Server 2013 CU1' '15.0.516.32' = 'Exchange Server 2013 RTM' '15.1.2044.4' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU17' '15.1.1979.3' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU16' '15.1.1913.5' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU15' '15.1.1847.3' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU14' '15.1.1779.2' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU13' '15.1.1713.5' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU12' '15.1.1591.10' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU11' '15.1.1531.3' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU10' '15.1.1466.3' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU9' '15.1.1415.2' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU8' '15.1.1261.35' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU7' '15.1.1034.26' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU6' '15.1.845.34' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU5' '15.1.669.32' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU4' '15.1.544.27' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU3' '15.1.466.34' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU2' '15.1.396.30' = 'Exchange Server 2016 CU1' '' = 'Exchange Server 2016 RTM' '' = 'Exchange Server 2016 Preview' '15.2.659.4' = 'Exchange Server 2019 CU6' '15.2.595.3' = 'Exchange Server 2019 CU5' '15.2.529.5' = 'Exchange Server 2019 CU4' '15.2.464.5' = 'Exchange Server 2019 CU3' '15.2.397.3' = 'Exchange Server 2019 CU2' '15.2.330.5' = 'Exchange Server 2019 CU1' '' = 'Exchange Server 2019 RTM' '' = 'Exchange Server 2019 Preview' } #HTML headers $html += "<html>" $html += "<head>" $html += "<style type='text/css'>" $html += "body {font-family:verdana;font-size:10pt}" $html += "H1 {font-family:verdana;font-size:12pt}" $html += "table {border:1px solid #000000;font-family:verdana; font-size:10pt;cellspacing:1;cellpadding:0}" $html += "tr.color {background-color:#00A2E8;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold}" $html += "</style>" $html += "</head>" $html += "<body>" #Report Legend $html += "Get-VirtualDirectoryInfo.ps1<br/>" $html += "<b>Report generated on: </b>" + (Get-Date).DateTime #Add warning that the script pulled only the ADProperties if ($ADProperties) { $html += "<br/><b><font color='red'>Warning: The script was run using the -ADPropertiesOnly switch and might not show all information</font></b>" } $html += "<br/><br/>" #General Server Info $html += "<h1>General Client Access Server Information</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Exchange Version</td><td>Roles</td><td>Edition</td>" $html += "</tr>" foreach ($Server in $ServerList) { $build = '{0}.{1}.{2}' -f $Server.Major, $Server.Minor, $Server.AdminBuild if ($hash[$build]) { $Version = $hash[$build] } else { $version = $bui } $html += "<tr>" $html += "<td>" + $ + "</td>" $html += "<td>" + $version + "</td>" $html += "<td>" + $Server.ServerRole + "</td>" $html += "<td>" + $Server.Edition + "</td>" $html += "</tr>" } $html += "</table>" #Autodiscover $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Autodiscover</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Internal Uri</td><td>InternalURL</td><td>ExternalUrl</td><td>Auth. (Int.)</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>Site Scope</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" foreach ($Server in $ServerList) { Write-Host "Getting Autodiscover URL information for server: " -NoNewLine Write-Host "$($" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($runVersion -eq "2016CU2+") { $autodresult = Get-ClientAccessService -Identity $ | Select-Object Name, AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri, AutoDiscoverSiteScope } else { $autodresult = Get-ClientAccessServer -Identity $ | Select-Object Name, AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri, AutoDiscoverSiteScope } if ($ADProperties) { $autodvirdirresult = Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select-Object InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, InternalAuthenticationMethods, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } else { $autodvirdirresult = Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Server $ | Select-Object InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, InternalAuthenticationMethods, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } $autodhtml += "<tr>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodresult.Name + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodresult.AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodvirdirresult.InternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodvirdirresult.ExternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodvirdirresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodvirdirresult.ExternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodresult.AutoDiscoverSiteScope + "</td>" $autodhtml += "<td>" + $autodvirdirresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $autodhtml += "</tr>" $autodresult, $autodvirdirresult = $null } $html += $autodhtml $html += "</table>" #Outlook Web App (OWA) $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Outlook Web App (OWA):</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Name</td><td>InternalURL</td><td>ExternalUrl</td><td>Int. Auth.</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" foreach ($Server in $ServerList) { Write-Host "Getting OWA virtual directory information for server: " -NoNewLine Write-Host "$($" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($ADProperties) { $owaresult = Get-OWAVirtualDirectory -server $ -AdPropertiesOnly | Select-Object Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, WhenChanged, InternalAuthenticationMethods } else { $owaresult = Get-OWAVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select-Object Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, WhenChanged, InternalAuthenticationMethods } $owahtml += "<tr>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.Server + "</td>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.Name + "</td>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.InternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.ExternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $owahtml += "<td>" + $owaresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $owahtml += "</tr>" $owaresult = $null } $html += $owahtml $html += "</table>" #Exchange Control Panel (ECP) $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Exchange Control Panel (ECP):</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Name</td><td>InternalURL</td><td>ExternalUrl</td><td>Int. Auth.</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" foreach ($Server in $ServerList) { Write-Host "Getting ECP virtual directory information for server: " -NoNewline Write-Host "$($" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($ADProperties) { $ecpresult = Get-ECPVirtualDirectory -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select-Object Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, WhenChanged, InternalAuthenticationMethods } else { $ecpresult = Get-ECPVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select-Object Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, WhenChanged, InternalAuthenticationMethods } $ecphtml += "<tr.color>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.Server + "</td>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.Name + "</td>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.InternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.ExternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $ecphtml += "<td>" + $ecpresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $ecphtml += "</tr>" $ecpresult = $null } $html += $ecphtml $html += "</table>" #Outlook Anywhere $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Outlook Anywhere:</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Internal Hostname</td><td>External Hostname</td><td>Auth.(Int.)</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>Auth. IIS</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" foreach ($Server in $ServerList) { Write-Host "Getting Outlook Anywhere information for server: " -NoNewLine Write-Host "$($" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($ADProperties) { $oaresult = Get-OutlookAnywhere -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select-Object Name, Server, InternalHostname, ExternalHostname, ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod, InternalClientAuthenticationMethod, IISAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } else { $oaresult = Get-OutlookAnywhere -server $ | Select-Object Name, Server, InternalHostname, ExternalHostname, ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod, InternalClientAuthenticationMethod, IISAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } if ($null -eq $oaresult) { $oahtml += "<tr.color>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $ + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td colspan='6'>" $oahtml += "Outlook Anywhere isn't enabled." $oahtml += "</td>" $oahtml += "</tr>" } else { $oahtml += "<tr.color>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.Server + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.InternalHostname + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.ExternalHostname + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.InternalClientAuthenticationMethod + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.IISAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $oahtml += "<td>" + $oaresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $oahtml += "</tr>" } $oaresult = $null } $html += $oahtml $html += "</table>" #MAPI/HTTP $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>MAPI/HTTP:</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Internal URL</td><td>External URL</td><td>Auth.(Int.)</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>Auth. IIS</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" foreach ($Server in $ServerList) { if (($Server.Major -eq 15 -and $Server.AdminBuild -ge 847) -or ($Server.Major -eq 15 -and $Server.Minor -eq 1)) { Write-Host "Getting MAPI/HTTP Information for server: " -NoNewLine Write-Host "$($" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($ADProperties) { $mapiresult = Get-MapiVirtualDirectory -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select-Object Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, IISAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } else { $mapiresult = Get-MapiVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select-Object Name, Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, IISAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } $mapihtml += "<tr.color>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.Server + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.InternalUrl + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.ExternalUrl + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.ExternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.IISAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $mapiresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $mapihtml += "</tr>" } else { $mapihtml += "<tr.color>" $mapihtml += "<td>" + $ + "</td>" $mapihtml += "<td colspan='6'>" $mapihtml += "Server isn't running Exchange 2013 SP1 or later." $mapihtml += "</td>" $mapihtml += "</tr>" } $oaresult = $null } $html += $mapihtml $html += "</table>" #Offline Address Book (OAB) $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Offline Address Book (OAB):</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>OABs</td><td>Internal URL</td><td>External Url</td><td>Auth.(Int.)</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" foreach ($Server in $ServerList) { Write-Host "Getting Offline Address Book information for server: " -NoNewLine Write-Host "$($" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($ADProperties) { $oabresult = Get-OABVirtualDirectory -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select-Object Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, OfflineAddressBooks, WhenChanged } else { $oabresult = Get-OABVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select-Object Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, OfflineAddressBooks, WhenChanged } $oabhtml += "<tr.color>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.Server + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.OfflineAddressBooks + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.InternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.ExternalURL.absoluteURI + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.ExternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $oabhtml += "<td>" + $oabresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $oabhtml += "</tr>" $oabresult = $null } $html += $oabhtml $html += "</table>" #ActiveSync (EAS) $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>ActiveSync (EAS):</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Internal URL</td><td>External Url</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" foreach ($Server in $ServerList) { Write-Host "Getting ActiveSync information for server: " -NoNewLine Write-Host "$($" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($ADProperties) { $easresult = Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select-Object Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } else { $easresult = Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select-Object Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, WhenChanged } $eashtml += "<tr.color>" $eashtml += "<td>" + $easresult.Server + "</td>" $eashtml += "<td>" + $easresult.InternalURL.absoluteUri + "</td>" $eashtml += "<td>" + $easresult.ExternalURL.absoluteUri + "</td>" $eashtml += "<td>" + $easresult.ExternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $eashtml += "<td>" + $easresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $eashtml += "</tr>" $easresult = $null } $html += $eashtml $html += "</table>" #Exchange Web Services (EWS) $html += "<br/><br/>" $html += "<h1>Exchange Web Services(EWS):</h1>" $html += "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr class='color'>" $html += "<td>Server</td><td>Internal URL</td><td>External Url</td><td>Auth. (Int.)</td><td>Auth. (Ext.)</td><td>MRS Proxy Enabled</td><td>Last modified on:</td>" $html += "</tr>" foreach ($Server in $ServerList) { Write-Host "Getting Web Services information for server: " -NoNewLine Write-Host "$($" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($ADProperties) { $ewsresult = Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -server $ -ADPropertiesOnly | Select-Object Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, MRSProxyEnabled, WhenChanged } else { $ewsresult = Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -server $ | Select-Object Server, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, ExternalAuthenticationMethods, InternalAuthenticationMethods, MRSProxyEnabled, WhenChanged } $ewshtml += "<tr.color>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.Server + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.InternalURL.absoluteUri + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.ExternalURL.absoluteUri + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.InternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.ExternalAuthenticationMethods + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.MRSProxyEnabled + "</td>" $ewshtml += "<td>" + $ewsresult.WhenChanged + "</td>" $ewshtml += "</tr>" $easresult = $null } $html += $ewshtml $html += "</table>" try { $html | Out-File $filepath"\virdirinfo_"$(Get-Date -Format d-MM-yyyy_HH\hmm\mss\s)".html" Write-Host "Successfully created"$filepath"\virdirinfo_"$(Get-Date -Format d-MM-yyyy_HH\hmm\mss\s)".html" -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Warning "Couldn't save "$filepath"\virdirinfo_"$(Get-Date -Format d-MM-yyyy_HH\hmm\mss\s)".html" } $Owahtml, $Owaresult, $html, $ServerList = $null } |