function MessageSearch { <# .SYNOPSIS Search for content with Microsoft's compliance search and optionally delete found content. A maximum of 10 mail messages per mailbox (per search) .DESCRIPTION Search for content with Microsoft's compliance search and optionally delete said content Currently supports the Exchange workflow .PARAMETER _ExchangeServer Add the FQDN to the on-premises Exchange Server. Skip this step if using Exchange Online .PARAMETER _ExchangeServerBasicAuth Check this checkbox if connecting to Exchange when Basic Authentication required. Skip this step if using Exchange Online .PARAMETER _ExchangeOnline Check this checkbox to connect to the Office 365 Security and Compliance Center (SCC). You will be prompted to connect if you are not already If You have connected to Exchange on-premises or have more than one Session, each session will be removed, and a new connection will be initiated You will have to type your credentials each new session. .PARAMETER RequiredSearchName A unique search name for your organization and specific for your search. Example: Search and Delete all messages with the words pear and apple in the subject .PARAMETER __HardDelete Allows for Hard Deletion of messages. In other words, they will be unrecoverable Otherwise deletions will be soft deleted. That is, unless Single Item Recovery is not enabled Use with caution. NOTE: Microsoft’s compliance searches will delete a maximum of 10 messages (per mailbox) per search Use additional searches to remove more than 10 messages. .PARAMETER _From Accepts a single email address .PARAMETER _To Accepts one or more email addresses separated by commas Examples: 1. - The search will find email with just Jane 2., - The search will not find email with just Jane - The search will find email with Jane and Joe .PARAMETER _SubjectContains The search will only find email with this subject Use the checkbox "SubjectContainsIsCommaSeparated" to specify a list of words (comma separated), all of which must be found in the email's subject Example: 1. Apple 2. Apple, Pear, Kiwi If not using SubjectContainsIsCommaSeparated checkbox, the search will look for the entire string If using SubjectContainsIsCommaSeparated checkbox, the search will look for each word in the comma-separated list of words. Not together as a phrase. .PARAMETER _SubjectContainsIsCommaSeparated Check this checkbox to look for more than one word in the subject Example: 1. You check this checkbox. 2. In the "Subject" field you type: Apple, Pear, Orange - The search will find this subject: The Apple, Pear and Orange - The search will not find: The Apple, Pear and Banana .PARAMETER _SubjectDoesNotContain This removes from search results, any emails with the word or phrase specified Commas are literal, not treated as CSVs In this example, you would not find results with the entire phrase, “Apple, Pear” with the space shown. Note: you would NOT find results as this is SubjectDoesNotContain. Example: 1. Apple 2. Apple, Pear .PARAMETER _DateStart A date (and optionally a time) in the past from when you wish to start the search Use the format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss A few examples: 2020-06-25 2020-06-25T14:00 2020-06-25T14:00:12 .PARAMETER _DateEnd A date (and optionally a time) in the past from when you wish to end the search NOTE: Must be more recent that DateStart Use the format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss A few examples: 2020-06-25 2020-06-25T15:00 2020-06-25T15:00:12 .PARAMETER AttachmentName Find any emails with the AttachmentName specified Note: Only one attachment name can be specified per search Examples: 1. Attachment Test.txt 2. AttachmentTest.txt .PARAMETER MailboxesToSearch The MailboxesToSearch parameter specifies the mailboxes to include Valid values are: A regular user mailbox. Including other types of mailboxes (for example, inactive mailboxes or Microsoft 365 guest users) is controlled by the AllowNotFoundExchangeLocationsEnabled parameter. A distribution group or mail-enabled security group (all mailboxes that are currently members of the group). NOTE: To specify a mailbox or distribution group, use the email address You can specify multiple values separated by commas. Leave blank for the default value. The default value is All, for all mailboxes. .PARAMETER ExceptionList A list of exceptions to ALL, the default value of MailboxesToSearch (when MailboxesToSearch is left blank, ALL is used) This parameter specifies the mailboxes to exclude when you use the value All for the MailboxesToSearch parameter. Valid values are: - A mailbox(es) - A distribution group(s) or mail-enabled security group (all mailboxes that are currently members of the group) You can specify multiple values separated by commas. .PARAMETER ExceptionFilePath Specify a file path to a text file. Example: c:\scripts\mailboxes.txt 1. The file should be a text file 2. The file should contain a list of emailaddresses separated by commas .EXAMPLE Use PowerShell 5.1 Simply type the command in an elevated PowerShell prompt: New-MessageSearch .NOTES Regarding Purging SoftDelete: Purged items are recoverable by users until the deleted item retention period expires HardDelete (cloud only): Purged items are marked for permanent removal from the mailbox and will be permanently removed the next time the mailbox is processed by the Managed Folder Assistant If single item recovery is enabled on the mailbox, purged items will be permanently removed after the deleted item retention period expires. Special characters Some special characters are not included in the search index and therefore are not searchable This also includes the special characters that represent search operators in the search query. Here's a list of special characters that are either replaced by a blank space in the actual search query or cause a search error. + - = : ! @ # % ^ & ; _ / ? ( ) [ ] { } .LINK Compliance searches can be found here: the new beta version can be found here: This site allows for you to: 1. Previewing Results 2. Exporting Results 3. Creating report on results IMPORTANT: PRIOR TO DELETING, have a look here to determine what you are about to delete #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [string] $_ExchangeServer, [Parameter()] [switch] $_ExchangeServerBasicAuth, [Parameter()] [switch] $_ExchangeOnline, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $RequiredSearchName, [Parameter()] [switch] $__HardDelete, [Parameter()] [mailaddress] $_From, [Parameter()] [string[]] $_Content, [Parameter()] [mailaddress[]] $_To, [Parameter()] [mailaddress[]] $_CC, [Parameter()] [switch] $_SubjectContainsIsCommaSeparated, [Parameter()] [string] $_SubjectContains, [Parameter()] [string] $_SubjectDoesNotContain, [Parameter()] [datetime] $_DateStart, [Parameter()] [datetime] $_DateEnd = ([datetime]::Now), [Parameter()] [string] $AttachmentName, [Parameter()] [string] $CaseName, [Parameter()] [mailaddress[]] $MailboxesToSearch, [Parameter()] [mailaddress[]] $ExceptionList, [Parameter()] [string] [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })] $ExceptionFilePath ) $Script:HardOrSoft = $null if ($__HardDelete -and $_ExchangeOnline) { $Script:HardOrSoft = 'HardDelete' } else { $Script:HardOrSoft = 'SoftDelete' } $Splat = @{ } $Splat['Name'] = $RequiredSearchName $Query = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::New() $ORQuery = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::New() if ( $_From ) { $Query.Add('From:{0}' -f $_From) } if ( $_Content ) { (@($_Content) -ne '').split(',').trim() | ForEach-Object { $ORQuery.Add('"{0}"' -f $_) } } if ( $_CC ) { (@($_CC) -ne '') | ForEach-Object { $Query.Add('CC:{0}' -f $_) } } if ( $_To ) { (@($_To) -ne '') | ForEach-Object { $Query.Add('To:{0}' -f $_) } } if ( $_SubjectContains ) { if ( $_SubjectContainsIsCommaSeparated ) { (@($_SubjectContains) -ne '').split(',').trim() | ForEach-Object { $Query.Add('Subject:"{0}"' -f $_) } } else { $Query.Add(('Subject:"{0}"' -f $_SubjectContains)) } } if ( $_SubjectDoesNotContain ) { (@($_SubjectDoesNotContain) -ne '') | ForEach-Object { $Query.Add('-Subject:"{0}"' -f $_) } } if ( $_DateStart ) { $Query.Add(('Received:{0}..{1}' -f $_DateStart.ToUniversalTime().ToString("O") , $_DateEnd.ToUniversalTime().ToString("O"))) } if ( $AttachmentName ) { $Query.Add('Attachment:"{0}"' -f $AttachmentName) } if ( $Query ) { $KQL = '({0})' -f (@($Query) -join ') AND (') } if ($ORQuery) { if ($KQL) { $KQL = '{0} AND ({1})' -f $KQL, ('({0})' -f (@($ORQuery) -join ') OR (')) } else { $KQL = '({0})' -f (@($ORQuery) -join ') OR (') } } $Splat['ContentMatchQuery'] = $KQL if (-not $MailboxesToSearch) { $Splat['ExchangeLocation'] = 'ALL' } if (-not $MailboxesToSearch -and ($ExceptionList -or $ExceptionFilePath)) { if ($ExceptionFilePath -or ($ExceptionList -and $ExceptionFilePath)) { $Exceptions = (Get-Content $ExceptionFilePath).split(',') } else { $Exceptions = $ExceptionList } $Splat['ExchangeLocationExclusion'] = $Exceptions } elseif ($MailboxesToSearch) { $Splat['ExchangeLocation'] = $MailboxesToSearch } $Session = Get-PSSession if ($_ExchangeServer -and ($Session.State -match 'Broken|Disconnected|Closed' -or (-not (Get-Command Get-ComplianceSearch -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) -or $Session.Count -gt 1 -or $Session.ComputerName -match '' -and (Get-PSSession -Name $_ExchangeServer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).State -ne 'Opened')) { Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession Connect-OnPremExchange -Server $_ExchangeServer -Basic:$_ExchangeServerBasicAuth } elseif ($_ExchangeOnline -and ($Session.State -match 'Broken|Disconnected|Closed' -or (-not (Get-Command 'Get-ComplianceSearch' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or $Session.Count -gt 1 -or $Session.ComputerName -notmatch ''))) { Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession Connect-ExchangeOnline -ConnectionUri '' -ShowBanner:$false Write-Host "You have successfully connected to Security & Compliance Center" -foregroundcolor "magenta" -backgroundcolor "white" } if (-not $_ExchangeServer -and -not $_ExchangeOnline) { return } if ($CaseName) { if (-not ($null = Get-ComplianceCase -Identity $CaseName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )) { $NewCase = New-ComplianceCase -Name $CaseName Write-Host "New e-discovery case created: $($NewCase.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan } $Splat['Case'] = $CaseName } $Splat } |